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Replies: 373
Official SW birthday thread: Please put all birthday posts in this thread.
Replies: 7
Merry Christmas: Merry Christmas to all witch friends.
Replies: 58
Secret Santa/Christmas 2022: Hi, There was a Secret Santa card exchange last year and I thought we could do another one this year. Without further ado, here is the form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sQjD5cJbE39vEyREmcUwlCl30bseDUKrnBLMgt-bM-g/edit?usp=sharing Be sure to select > File > Make a Copy > Fill out > Send to me! Send completed forms to this email: [email protected] More details and a FAQ will be down below.
Replies: 14
New project!https://mangadex.org/chapter/723488I'll upload the pages here later.
Replies: 2
Hitler rants about Brave Witch: Normally I'm not the type to advertise something I've made in this fashion, but this time I'll make an exception! Almost 10 years ago I created a video called "Hitler rants about Strike Witches" that a decent amount of witches fans have seen and enjoyed, which I greatly appreciate! Now I present to you the long awaited sequel!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_naGQk9URU
Replies: 8
Eilanya music box https://twitter.com/charaani/status/1509496981831528451
Replies: 253
Luminous Witches: Idol witches officially take off in July! Less than one week to go. Are you excited? What are your expectations? http://w-witch.jp/luminous/
Replies: 15
Strike Witches: The Witches of Andorra: >>Miyafuji: "i should post it to helma.xyz" >>Ike: "yes" The first chapter has been retranslated and is now up on cubari: https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/dMEVmkF/1/1/ Enjoy~
Replies: 3
Strike Witches Song References: There are tons of historical references in Strike Witches. Some of the character songs are even based on real songs. I just wanted to make a thread towards collecting said songs. I'm probably missing some so please add to this thread if needed. >Moonlight Serenade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG55QGx8cpE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonlight_Serenade >Aviator's March https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umLDVb9h4PA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_March >The U.S. Air Force https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp6CkD1TpIk https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_U.S._Air_Force_(song) >Under the Roofs of Paris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2a66_jdpWI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Under_the_Roofs_of_Paris >Lili Marleen https://files.catbox.moe/x1gfjo.mp3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lili_Marleen >Die Wacht am Rhein https://files.catbox.moe/4j9g2a.mp3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Wacht_am_Rhein >Songbie https://files.catbox.moe/vykqg2.mp3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songbie >Dark Eyes https://files.catbox.moe/nfdif7.mp3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Eyes_(Russian_song) >Erika https://files.catbox.moe/hbrrfy.mp3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erika_(song) >Die Gedanken sind frei https://files.catbox.moe/dykccq.mp3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Gedanken_sind_frei >Amazing Grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlxIeo7bvQE >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazing_Grace I think this is based on a song? Can't quite put my finger on what though. Any help would be appreciated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdgplU-q-iE That's all I have for now. You can find more music here: https://nyaa.si/view/1471421 And here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVGPkrvRwvqsozDgRQJopQ/videos Special thanks to those who are collecting and saving Strike Witches music for us to listen to.
Replies: 1172
Replies: 102
Secret Santa/Christmas 2021: Hello everyone! There seemed to be interest in a Secret Santa Card exchange... so here it is! Without further ado, here is the form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sQjD5cJbE39vEyREmcUwlCl30bseDUKrnBLMgt-bM-g/edit?usp=sharing Be sure to select > File > Make a Copy > Fill out > Send to me! Send completed forms to this email: [email protected] More details and a FAQ will be down below.
Replies: 14
Sometimes fans go to far. So, turns out male witches are possible. Imagine that. =
Replies: 5
Lets talk about witchbutts.
Replies: 3
I picked these up at an event very recently and I really enjoyed both of them. Very nice surprise as an anime-only to see the familiars play a role in volume 1, and the second volume focusing on the One-Winged Witches was very enjoyable. Is there any recommended reading for Wilma and the rest of the one-wings?
Replies: 6
Silent Witches: Suomus Misfits: Enjoy some Misfits shenanigans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df0RQfNlqms
Replies: 175
General Improvement for Helma?: Dear admin,I couldn't find a way to contact you properly, so here goes. I've been here for some time, and I find the site, while functional, lacks a lot of features. For example, auto updatingIf possible, I'd like to help improve the site generally. I believe there are some other Anons that have the necessary skills too, so I hope we can somehow work this out together.Regards.
Replies: 3
Kidou Kishi Warviour: Started a World Witches fanfic since last year called Kidou Kishi Warviour. For anyone interested, here are the links: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/1/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/2/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/3/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/4/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/5/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/6/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/7/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/8/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/9/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/10/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/11/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/12/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/13/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13489496/14/Kidou-Kishi-Warviour For those who can't access Fanfiction.net, here's an alternate link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Gespenst5/works
Replies: 1525
Sanya V. Lityvak: Let's have a thread for the only witch actually based on a girl.
Replies: 1
News: Good evening everyone Earlier today I locked down the boards so I could finish restoring the old posts and threads. There was no database dump from helma.us (although I have to thank the old dev for reaching out when he heard about this site) so everything had to be extracted from the archive. To be honest, I was a bit intimidated by the idea of building a web scraper, that is probably why I put it off for so long. But in the end everything went smoothly and I'm happy with the outcome. If you see anything weird, missing or partially missing posts, jumbled text, broken links or anything of that nature let me know in this thread. I don't think anything went wrong, but you never know.
Replies: 4
Oekaki: I am by no means a good artist, but I wanted to test the oekaki function by drawing Yoshika.
Replies: 1
STG!: Are you winning?
Replies: 363
Brave Witches Prequel Manga: Going to dump all translated and typeset chapters here for ease of access. Chapter 00-08 batch download: https://workupload.com/archive/32EQCzza
Replies: 19
(Late) Christmas 2020: I can't believe I just discovered that there was a Helma alternative. Anyways, for previous Christmas threads on Helma, cards, and gifts from Secret Santa would usually be posted. Better late than never I suppose. If anyone else has cool SW cards and gifts feel free to post them! Also, maybe I could arrange for Helma's very own Secret Santa card exchange if there's enough interest.
Replies: 1
Welcome: Welcome! Everyone is already aware to some degree of what happened to Helma.us, and I think it would be inappropriate to continue dwelling on that. But I need to write an opening post for this board, so, I'm going to write briefly about my thoughts and plans for this website. After the original board was shut down in mid-2020, the idea of building a new SW-focused imageboard was floated a few times. I myself mulled over it for several months as I had neither the money nor the know-how at the time. Then, in late November, I decided to take that idea off the drawing board. And thus Helma.xyz (not my first choice for a domain name, but oh well) was born. Hopefully other SW fans, from /c/ and elsewhere, will come to see this as a pleasant and comfortable place where we can all share our love for our favorite Witches. I am going to work as hard as I can to that end. A partial archive of Helma.us exists and I plan to put it up on this server in the near future, as a static mirror if nothing else. Restoring all that content as part of this Kusaba instance, on the other hand, is much less likely, as that would be a very labor-intensive task and would require the development of some sort of scraper. I wouldn't completely rule it out as a long-term project, but also don't count on it. Feel free to post any questions, suggestions or meta discussion here.
Replies: 5
CHANGE OF PLANS..: After being persuaded via email and through various posts I have decided to keep the site open.I'm sorry about this whole situation, I set about it fully intending to shut the site down because of inactivity and various other things because I thought only around 3 or so people actually used the place.. The posts here, on /c/, and the emails I've received have shown me that many more people use the site than I originally thought.Once again, I'm sorry for getting everyone worried. The site will remain open for now.-Anonymous Admin
Replies: 363
Drawfag thread: Let's get a drawfag thread going. Make a request and I'll see what I can muster up. Be as specific as you'd like, but keep in mind I'm slow as shit.Other drawfags are welcome to join in anytime.
Replies: 12
SITE CLOSURE - 4/12/20: In 10 days Helma will be shut down. It's been a good 9 years, but disinterest on my part, inactivity on the boards and the site no longer having a real purpose have lead to me making this decision.In the next 10 days I suggest you save whatever topics/images that you don't want to lose. I will be backing up the whole site (so nothing will be lost forever) but I doubt it will ever make a return.To everyone that enjoyed using the site over the years, or just found it useful- thank you.-Anonymous Admin
Replies: 41
Band Witches: Now we've got real idols.
Replies: 211
Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen: The Suomus Diamond Ace Eila's thread.
Replies: 192
Translation thread: Feel free to post your own translations or request someone else's.Typesetting is welcome too.Now then, "Shall we begin our story?"
Replies: 0
Brave Witches fanfic: Rate mi fanfic, prezi versionhttps://prezi.com/view/A6szN9zuT3B0YAj1ssK3/
Replies: 127
506th JFW: 506th Thread(Almost) All the witches posted in Humikane thread: >>3344
Replies: 22
Strike Witches Discord server: https://discord.gg/014WkyqcPWOjdlKgsI just recently created a new Discord chat server for Strike Witches fans. I shared with other areas on the internet where fans lurk, and decided that I should share here as well!If anyone happens to use Discord then you are welcome to join and help build a nice chatting community!
Replies: 14
So soon 501's story will most likely be over. I really doubt they will keep milking them beyond Berlin. So what's next other than idol witches? Are we ever getting Pacific War witches? Or Korean War? Or will they just move to AGA adaptation?
Replies: 32
Christmas Calendar 2019: That time of the year again with Yule knocking around the corner, marking the fifth year in a row for Helma's advent calendar.Hard to believe it's been so long and never thought I'd be doing them here still for so long, but alas let's enjoy the wait together.As per usual everyday around UTC midnight as the day changes, there'll be a festive witchy picture to warm up with into the holiday spirits.Times may vary slightly but I'll try to keep it same. Now heat up the wine, dress cozy and prepare the presents.~- Door 1 -
Replies: 12
PaintsChainer: http://paintschainer.preferred.tech/Computers can now paint lineart pictures with a single click.Put in monochrome witch pictures and post results here.This Nipa turned out damn fantastic without any given hints.
Replies: 461
This place needs more life. Post pics of your...stuff. SW merchandise of course.
Replies: 6
Seven Seas Entertainment surve: Hello fellow Witches friends! My good PALS!!I wanted to share something semi-important relating to the Witches fandom as a whole, potentially a way to have more content officially translated! Seven Seas Entertainment has recently put out a survey to ask fans for which Manga and Light Novel franchises they'd like to see published in English. This is a great opportunity for western Witches communities to voice their desires for more World Witches content! I encourage you to take this survey and vote for World Witches books such as: Suomus Misfits Squadron, Suomus Misfits ReBOOT, Noble Witches (LN), Brave Witches Prequel manga, etc! Let's fill this survey with Witches love and hope to get more official English releases!!Here's the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSflZCMPrD6ciH_NXAY5pZPyvC2z293xWMoMnsIwqvghmN6hjA/viewformMe and others are trying our best to spread this around to other areas of the Witches fandom such as Discord, Facebook, Reddit, and other websites where fans may be located. Helping spread the word on this would be extremely useful as well. Thank you for reading!(Inb4 Eagle or certain others reply with bitching and whining, because I mentioned areas of the fandom outside Helma.us LOL!)
Replies: 3
OC request: Would anyone be willing to draw OC's or characters. I've always wanted to see a blonde Australin (Australian) witch, cos there arent any official images.
Replies: 155
Strike Witches - Kimi to Tsuna: Chapter 8 UncensoredI took the TL from the pastebin release. If anybody knows who did it, i'd be thankful if you told me.
Replies: 46
Strike Witches Character Sorter: Hey helma, I made a Strike Witches Character Sorter:http://swsort.sne.jp/Some of you may already be familiar with tohosort and its english translated versionhttp://mainyan.sakura.ne.jp/thsort.htmlhttp://www.freewebs.com/tohosort/So I used their source to make a sorter for witches.Data is ripped from strike witches wiki. There's 151 witches for now, so sorting absolutely everyone takes about 600 rounds. No images yet, but I'm gonna need a 120x180 image (probably portraits by Humikane) for each witch who has been drawn.Let me know if you have comments, feedback, find any bugs, etc.
Replies: 28
Strike Witches Lore Thread: Hi everyone. I got questions on how the lore in SW works:1. As shown in this map, some territories don't have names on them. Would they, as seen with how China and the Korean Peninsula aren't named as they were called "Desolated Lands" in the Zero: 1937 Fuso Sea Incident manga, indicate that the Neuroi absorbed them?2. As mentioned in Brave Witches, there was mention of a fight in Libau, which is real-life Liepāja in Latvia that Rall and Takami fought in. Have the specifics been mentioned elsewhere?3. If the magic engine mentioned to be invented by one Jamie Watt from the Official Fanbook is how we have Striker Units, would it explain how Michiko "Micchan" Yamakawa's grandfather has something he uses to move his carriage (I know, a nod to the "old geezer who still uses a animal-driven carriage" we see elsewhere) and how ships can travel from Fuso to Britannia in a month (Strike Witches episode 1)?4. While it's not needed to mention a Witch's family unless it's really needed, how exactly would Mio's family situation work? I mean, Mio had been fighting the Neuroi since she was 12. She's already training new Witches for Fuso by 1944 and took Yoshika with her to Europe. How would Mio's family, if assuming she still has any, take it that their daughter's relationship with the daughter of Ichiro Miyafuji?
Replies: 9
Potato Witches Taking Off!: Clean your damn room, Hartmann!
Replies: 14
Real life witches?: Have any of you ever given thought to what the witches' faces would look like irl? Open for discussion. Have an irl Erica
Replies: 118
Thread for the new manga: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-08-29/new-strike-witches-spinoff-manga-begins-next-month
Replies: 4
Explaining WWI to modern day t: Imagine having to explain WWI and WWII to modern era to the the witches. "We made a bomb that can wipe out a city in seconds."
Replies: 5
SoL Series coming!!:
Replies: 5
Hello, /int/eresting people! You dont know me, but i need help. The fact is that I created my Anonym's imageboard. I need friends. Forgive me for the unexpected invasion. Now my board very small. The Internet is the only thing that makes me happy in this life. Life in my country is sad. Very sad. Angry people, dirty streets, high price and taxes - it's in the nature of things. I just need friendship to make life better. I ask the admin not to delete it. If you agree to friendship, we can get links our sites in header/frameset/banners. I'll put the name under the spoiler so as not to disturb others. Sorry for my anglish. Maybe f-friends?https://depreschan.ovh/int/
Replies: 33
Christmas Calendar 2018: It's December which means it's time for a festive Helma advent calendar, so dress up cozy, warm up the mulled wine and get in the mood for Christmas. As usual everyday around UTC midnight as the day changes, there'll be a festive witchy picture to warm up with into the holiday spirits.Times may vary slightly but I'll try to keep it same, on top of that there's going to be a few surprises along the way so look forward to them!- Door 1 -
Replies: 421
Brave Witches prequel: http://sneakerbunko.jp/series/brave-witches/index.phpWith Naoe in spotlight it seems during the winter of 1943 as she gets into the unit.November 1st on sale.
Replies: 62
World Witches 10th Anniversary: Are you ready for any possible announcement?
Replies: 35
Contrail of Witches: Contrail of Witches is now being scanlated by "The Misfits Squadron"! Chapter one is out now! They claim a weekly chapter release schedule.They claim they're working on translating the Misfit books further as well.https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=139278This is their download link:https://sabercathost.com/folder/4807/World_Witches
Replies: 0
Brave Witches Manga Adaptation: Recently I've been sorting through my collection which consists of various manga/light novels (such as 506th content which I shared in its own thread the other day) however, I noticed that there wasn't anything here regarding the Brave Witches manga? Specifically the adaptation of the Anime, not the prequel content. I'm surprised as this content has been around for over a year now. Anyway, I have raws for volumes 1 and 2 (Kindle Fire versions) and figured I may as well share them here in case there's people who don't have them!Brave Witches (Volumes 1 & 2): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RqGnUrvZ6ybZQFnFix0ltJDxkFerZmqQI like how this portrays certain scenes more violently, it's very interesting. One reason I wanted to share this was to ask if anyone knows if this has ever been translated at all? And if not well... hopefully these raws can assist with that for the future. Either way, enjoy!
Replies: 175
Brave Witches Prequel Manga Ty: Hi there everyone. This winter isn't looking very busy and I'm a huge 502 fan (second only to the Misfits), so I've decided to take on the prequel manga as a typesetting project.The raws and translations, including the first page (which I'll not post) can be found here: >>11523I'll post Chapter 00 for now, and will continue the other chapters over the winter, when I have time. Huge thanks to the translator, you did a great job!
Replies: 490
Oberleutnant Erica Hartmann!: This is a thread for the discussion and appreciation of everyone's favorite perfect angel and Karlsland's star ultra-ace.
Replies: 11
Brave Witches 4-koma manga: https://web-ace.jp/youngaceup/contents/1000027/Click 読む to read.
Replies: 22
502 profiles
Replies: 1
I love Eila.: I love Eila.
Replies: 3
Brave Witches S2 confirmed.
Replies: 10
I'm Selling my SW colecti: Hi everyone, I'm Selling my SW collection. This include Aurora no Mahou tachi, Fusou 1937, SW 1.5, and O.V.A. limited editon BD plus preorder bonus.This merchandising are in Colombia, I'll wish this merchandising would be in the hands of someone who knows how to appreciate it.
Replies: 369
mobile game: The mobile game has been released.http://appli.s-witch-kiseki.jp/mb_nbpf_web.php
Replies: 40
Christmas Calendar 2017: The by now traditional Helma advent calendar continues this Christmas as well, so decorate those trees and prepare the treats.Thus you probably know the drill by now, everyday around UTC midnight as the day changes, there'll be a fresh festive witchy picture to warm up with into the holiday spirits.- Door 1 -
Replies: 8
I give you my creation! Shirley Padoru!
Replies: 19
So there was a thing yesterday in Japan. And it was glorious. Mai and Ayuru hosted a fan tour of an aviation museum.Copypasting the hashtag isn't working, so click it on her post.https://twitter.com/kadomaita/status/937154183223902210
Replies: 231
EMT Presents: 2 Hundred Over: Hello everyone. Here's my much-promised surprise, finally ready to share with you all. It should also be on sadpanda shortly I would imagine. Thank you to Kalevala Scans for the, well, scans!2 Hundred Over is an entirely Erica-themed doujinshi collaboration tankobon!
Replies: 5
Noble Witches manga is coming out for few weeks isn't it? Why are there no raws anywhere?
Replies: 8
Petersburg Daisenryaku OVA: [Eila] subs of the Petersburg OVA with Eila and Sanya is out in 1080p goodness!https://eilasubs.wordpress.com/2017/08/31/brave-witches-petersburg-daisenryaku/#more-224https://nyaa.pantsu.cat/view/978989
Replies: 69
Brave Witches BD previews: They released some screenshots on Twitter. I thought about making some comparison pics.
Replies: 15
Cute Yoshika thread?
Replies: 10
Strike Witches/Brave Witches D: SW Discord server for y'all that are interested. We are active, and would like new members to come and chat so we can grow over witches. We've been around for almost a year and have members, but unfortunately most of them aren't active and would like to have more active ones to chat with and play. Open to everyone.https://discord.gg/sFWaCYv
Replies: 21
Coca-Cola and Strike Witches, winner combination, dont you?P.S. Coca-Cola was too the offical drink of the US-ARMY in the WWII
Replies: 7
Witch-related Dreams: Have you ever had a dream with Witches in it? From passing appearances to spending the day with one, share them here!
Replies: 26
Officially Unofficial Brave Wi: Figured I'd make a thread for everyone to post their opinions of the episodes when they air. Even if primary discussion for the anime is taken elsewhere, it still feels wrong not to have a dedicated thread for the currently airing anime here on Helma.At the very least, this thread can be used as a dumping ground for screencaps.
Replies: 12
Coming soon - Kancolle.us!: I'm proud to announce an upcoming new site - kancolle.us! Be sure to check out the preview on the homepage! http://helma.us/kancolle.phpAny thoughts or suggestions are welcome!
Replies: 0
Haven't seen this one on here yet, possibly a new personal favourite! Krupinski in Kanalhosen is not something I realised I needed in my life but i'm very grateful it now exists. Official art of Witches in authentic uniforms definitely ticks my boxes!
Replies: 8
TEA!: Just for the hell of it, post pictures of witches drinking tea. Okay? GO!
Replies: 1
We've honestly got nothing else to do, so we've decided to stream the first two seasons of Dyke Bitches throughout this week.If you're interested, feel free to come in at 9PM EST (20 minutes from now). Refreshments will be served.link: https://streamchan.org/#bigblackflutesmpv/vlc link: rtmp://stream1.streamchan.org/live&file=bigblackflutes.flv
Replies: 3
How does one properly bed a Witch?
Replies: 1
Brrrrr: Brrrr
Replies: 8
Erica Hartmann 1941 Manga Tran: Hello.As mentioned on /a/, I intend to sponsor/finance the translation of the Erica Hartmann 1941 manga. Having never done this before, I'm making this thread to ask for guidance in going about doing this.Specifically I would like help finding a reliable person to do the work. Any suggestions would be appreciated, as well as personal offers (must be verifiable as reliable). Any experiences regarding cost and what not would also be helpful info.If this goes smoothly, I might do the same for other SW manga series in the future.
Replies: 0
Georgette vs Ramen Neuroi
Replies: 4
Cards: Does anyone have an archive of the game cards? Or something similar? Because there may be some I missed.
Replies: 3
>claims to have 80 dakis>posts pic relatedOkay, which one of you was this?Are there even that many witch dakimakuras?
Replies: 7
Help getting translations: Alright, since I'm starting to upload doujinshis I'm going to need some help translating them. Does anyone know a type of service I can use? Also there are old ones I need translated. If there's a service is it cheap or free? Would they translate lewd pictures?
Replies: 40
Christmas Calendar 2016: Like last year, there's a Christmas witch advent calendar for this December again!Everyday around UTC midnight when the day changes, there will be a festive Christmas witchy picture to warm up into the holiday spirits.So look forward to it!With that said, let's begin.- Door 1 -
Replies: 8
Brave Witches Episode 11: RIP Dora
Replies: 9
Brave Witches Episode 12: It's the finale.What are your thoughts and feelings on the final episode, ending and the season in general?
Replies: 5
Trouble Tagging: I'm having some problems, I uploaded this doujinshi to sad panda and I'm unable to tag the artist's name in it. Also when I search up the "strike witches" tag, it doesn't show for me even though I put in that tag.
Replies: 95
Helmarathon 2016: Seeing how the Brave Witches are flying closer and soon conquering the TV again made me want to do something essential before it, and what better could it be than an entire marathon of the Strike Witches franchise so far!Thus during the last weekend of September and October's start 30th - 2nd, I'm holding a marathon stream for the entire series.Tell your weeb friends, witches and other folks (hopefully no reddit and tumblr) who might be interested and hop in if possible for some striker aviation, witches, neuroi shenanigans and butt times.If there's even one person besides me over the weekend, I'm more than happy.See picture for the info for now. I'll present at a later date the stream site and rest of the necessary stuff which I'm working on.
Replies: 12
Brave Witches Episode 10: At least the battle animation was slightly better this time around.Still bad though.
Replies: 15
The Strike Witches Dub: Now that the movie has finally been released, I thought we could talk about the dub. I'm sure i'm not the only one who here is a fan of the dub. If you liked the dub, what stands out to you?Honestly, I was pretty disappointed in the film. Most of the characters didn't seem to fit back in their roles. In the original dub, Leigh Cherami played Yoshika as a lovable spaz, which made her pretty endearing. But in the film, she just sounded so generic. Erica, Perrine, and especially Minna really didn't fit. I still don't know if I should blame lazy acting or bad writing (yes, the film itself is also poorly written). On the other hand, the Trude and Shirley VO's were solidly on point as usual. And Lucchini, who was my least favorite during the series, somehow was one of my favorites in the movie. Go figure.
Replies: 7
Brave Witches Episode 9: Break Witches episode, now with new member Hikari.
Replies: 0
One of 4chan /u/'s veteran fanfic writers decided to pick up strike witches and put out an early concept of what the story will be based on.http://pastebin.com/p4F1gU9MThe characters scheduled to make up the 567th are pic relatedI'm running around and spreading the word because I like this author's work a lot and actually want this one to get made and not be forgotten. Tell me what you think, I'll make sure to get any complaints and suggestions back to the writer!I didn't see anything in the rules about fanfic not being allowed but if this is frowned upon here, I'll delete it.
Replies: 3
Brave Witches Episode 8: So, how bout it?Delicious bed hair Krupi at least from Fumi.
Replies: 6
Brave Witches Episode 7: An OK episode IMO, went by a little fast, loved the little cameo though.
Replies: 6
BW episode 6: Let's discuss the Sasha and Nipa episode.What did you guys think of it?So far the best episode with least Hikari around to meddle Sasha and Nipa moments.
Replies: 5
Setting Info: 4chan /tg/ here, trying to run a game, looking for any setting info I can get. It's a pain in the ass trying to piece it together with what little I can find on my own. Any help would be nice. Thanks.
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Episode 5: Blunt head trauma
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Brave Witches Episode 4: Same shit different week
Replies: 59
Free manga by Firstspear: Strike witches: The witches of Andorra has been release for free via Nico Nico Seiga. This is an English translation with only English text and can be found here: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/watch/bk1#P11.I.1.0.0Registration for the site is free (and your Niconico account works the same for this site and it's possible to register in English).However, free English releases like this will only continue if the initial release sees enough support."Please visit the site and give them feedback. That is the only way more material like this can come about. - Dan KanemitsuSo ripping the manga from the site will only hinder future releases of Strike witches, at least, with an English translation.http://dankanemitsu.wordpress.com/2012/05/02/the-witches-of-andorra-online-in-english/http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-05-03/strike-witches-manga-spinoff-posted-for-free-in-english
Replies: 25
Brave Witches Episode 3: Naoe expects you to know the drill by now!
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Can wwe get a thread to Liberion's best witch and best girl?
Replies: 6
Brave Witches Episode 2: Opinions, thoughts, etc.Discuss this week's episode and the rest here.
Replies: 117
World Witches Thread: So people on /a/ decided to make a compilation of all the World Witches Articles scans they have. Scans of the articles are scattered about so it's rather difficult to get ahold of them all. Here is what has been compiled so far:http://www.mediafire.com/download/cn3vv5oxeaapsjg*Also included is an old fanmade World Witch booklet pdfUnless otherwise stated, all of them are the complete set (Infograph Page + Illustration) with at least decent scan quality. Here are the World Witch Articles found in this compilation----------------------31st JFS Storm WitchesRaisa Pottgen Hanna Justina Marseille502nd JFW Brave WitchesAleksanda Pokryshkin (Illustration only)Edytha RossmanGeorgette Lemare Gundula Rall (Illustration only) + (Article w/low res scans)Kanno NaoeNikka Edvardine KatajainenShimohara Sadako (Bad Scans)Waltrud Krupinski504th JFW Ardor WitchesAngela Salas Larrazabal (+ Wendelin Schroer)Dominica GentilaFederica DoglioFernandia MalvezziJane GodfreyLuciana Mazzei (Tiny Illustration only)Martina Crespi (Tiny Illustration only)Nakajima Nishiki (Illustration only)Patria Schade Suwa AmakiTakei Junko505th JFW Mirage WitchesConstantia CantacuzinoGrete GollobInufusa YunoKuroe Ayaka (Illustration only + Cecilia Harris)506th JFW Noble WitchesKuroda KunikaHeinrike Prinzessin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein507th JFW Silent WitchesAnabuki TomokoElizabeth BeurlingGiuseppina CenniKatherine O'hareSakomizu HarukaUrsula HartmannIsle of Wight DetachmentAmelie PlanchardFrancie GerardKadomaru MisaLaura TothWilma BishopWitches that aren't attached to a specific unique squadron are arranged by countryFusoHattori Shizuka (Illustration only) + (full article but bad scan)Kashida IsamiKatou TakekoKitagou FumikaNishizawa YoshikoWakamoto TetsukoKarlslandHanna PhilineHanna RudelHelma Lennartz (Illustration only)Ostmark Eugenia HorbaczewskaSuomus Hanna Wind----------------------If anyone has better versions of the Scans here or something that isn't in the compilation, then by all means please do post them here.
Replies: 59
Sept 16th: Raisa thread!
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http://w-witch.jp/news/20151030Further details about the upcoming February event are given, like the actresses attending (list subject to change) and the venue. Not to mention some explicit confirmation that the PV for the Brave Witches anime will indeed be shown there. A special card for the mobage will also be given to the attendees of the event.On an interesting note, who the heck is this Witch?
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Look like we finally have a confirmed airing date at 10/5.Synopsis of episode 1 will apparently be up by 9/9. We should also be getting more PVs over the course of September.I must admit, the shoehorning in of Not!Yoshika into the 502nd dampened my hype for this quite a bit, but eh, I'll give her a shot.
Replies: 29
The better and sweetest Britanian sniper thread, Lynette Bishop thread.
Replies: 134
3D Witches: Are they allowed? Can we have a thread about cosplayers?
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Would any happen to know of a place where one could download SW books? I am unaware of anything that exists right now.Pic related: SW books at a store in Tokyo
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He never responded: Alright so I wanted to see if he knew about her. Obviously, he does, judging by the reaction, he's most likely embarrassed by it. All the questions I see people ask him they get a response. Don't worry, I'm not hassling him.
Replies: 7
Strike Witches photo: Has anyone been able to find the whole image of this picture. I've been looking but no luck so far.
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Happy Birthday: 1st Oct: Btw, how can I repost the images that have been posted before?I actually want to post this >>689
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Male Witches: I'm getting this out of the way now, I've been writing a strike witches fan-fic involving a male witch, and let me stop again and say no it dose not involve a harem nor will it ever. so with that out of the way i wanted to ask, what do people think of male witches and how could people Wright them? also i just wanted to hear peoples opinions.
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Kriegmarine in action
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Witch-related songs: Are there any songs you relate with witches?Not speaking of the OST of course but anything else?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHsc3XmALC0For me it is this song.Mainly because I believe, should I ever meet the witches, this will play.
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I got that Congressman to rate Shirley.
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Strike Witches tabletop game: In today's news of stuff I never would've expected, looks like there's going to be an official Strike Witches tabletop game:>The company said regarding the planned Strike Witches miniature-based board game that the characters in the game will fight giant ships. The game will be a typical battle game but will be strategic with objectives, and will feature collectible figures. Players can play as squads of their favorite Strike Witches to battle aliens. The company said it would like to provide pre-painted versions of the figurines.http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-07-02/seven-seas-adds-magical-girl-site-species-domain-plum-crazy-dreamin-sun-manga/.103872
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Kunika Box: http://w-witch.jp/n-witch/kunika_box/Oh man if this is a April Fools thing I'm going to be so mad.
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New Erica Hartmann Manga Serie: Our favorite artist Sandwich has put aside the fanart and is now doing a new official manga series starring 13-Year old Erica in her JG52 days! To be published starting next month in Monthly Comp Ace.http://blog.livedoor.jp/dilemmanichijyo/archives/47912528.htmlI used to joke about this being the premise for S3. By some miracle we're getting the absolute next best thing.I know some wonderful anons pulled together and got the Aurora manga scanned and mostly translated. I hope the same can be done here.
Replies: 8
I have a question, why are Japanese fans not so keen on talking to foreigner fans? I had a few nice interactions but the rest I've been ignored. I hardly see that from Taiwanese people. I make efforts to speak to them in their own language yet I still get mostly ignored. I seriously don't get it, they watch a show with people of many nations and love it, yet ignore that person even if that person is from the same nation as their favorite witch. I hope I'm not taking it the wrong way because it may just be a culture shock, but I perceive it as down right rude.
Replies: 28
We're back: Sorry for the downtime everyone. We had a major issue with our old host and I was locked out of cpanel with no way of contacting support since the host is 99% dead. Thankfully I managed to save almost all of the sites files, and we're on a new and far better host.Since we're on a new host, please be on the lookout and report anything that's broken. Unfortunately thread #10198 lost its images in the transfer so there's nothing I can do about it. Everything else seems fine at a glance though. Once again, sorry about the downtime. Hopefully this won't happen again.And a special thanks to our dev who fixed a major problem that we were having on the new host!
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Caught in the act
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That NSFW can be unpleasant sometimes, don't get me wrong but damn, there's so much unnecessary captions people add to the pictures. They're usually in poor English too. Don't know where they're coming from though, but it's always in bad English. It can be sometimes funny or sometimes annoying. Just something I've noticed.
Replies: 14
OTP thread: In honor of helma reuniting with us post OTP
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I've been playing a lot of Fire Emblem lately, and I was thinking that its SRPG style would be absolutely perfect for a Strike Witches fangame.- Support conversations for units that fight together, as well as increasing bonds and eventually the ability to S-rank (pair up romantically).- Drama from permadeath (yeah, I play with permadeath in FE and think it would be cool to see a slightly darker SW).- Easy to weave in the "random battles that punctuate the plot" needed in an SRPG.What think you?
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Why is she so perfect?
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How did you get into SW?: Let's do EMT's request justice and try to get some discussion going on here.So, fellow witchbros, how did you end up here?As for myself, it all started with a figure of Erica I found in a comic and anime store.My interests were always rather militaristic and if you mix that with teenage horniness, you'll understand why I had to get her. That was a few years ago and it made me watch all of SW in a one month span.
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With Kadokawa purchasing 51% of shares in Yen Press do y'all feel that we're likely to see the witch light novels be released west of the pacific?I certainly hope so, I wouldn't mind buying the lightnovels again.
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Translation Help?: What's the best way to get translations off of pictures? I'm not very good at Japanese. Like where it's in sentences?
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More of Yoshika 2.0
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seiyuu thread: What have you picked up because of a shared seiyuu? Ohashi (Eila) was in Artificial Academy 1.http://gph.sakura.ne.jp/va_memo/system/vadb.cgi?action=view_ind&value=01576&namecode=0
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Nicknames for the Witches: Do you guys give any nicknames to your favorite witches? Or just Witches in general?My Girlfriend and I have given them quite a few over the years.Yoshika: Shibby, Yoshibe, Master Chef DoggoLynette: Milquetoast, Tiddums, BishopeLucchini: Pizza-Pasta, LinguineTrude: Gert, Trudey, Trud, T-RudeErica: DoxieShirley: Shoiley, Great Stinkin' TotsPerrine: Perriney, Lobstermann, Aleksandra: Polar Bear/Polar Bear-Chan,Nipa/Nikka: Nips, Stoat, Various names involving breastsRall: Spinal TapWaltrud: Krups, KruprincekiSadako: Sadistic Sadako, Naoe: "Can I have it Naoe"Angela Salas Larrazabal: Angela Salamander LesbianLuciana Mazzei: Luscious LucianaMartina Crespi: Martini CrispyConstantia Cantacuzino: Constantino CappuccinoCarla Luksic: Fuksic Amelie: Bunny-Butt, Down the Rabbit's HoleGiuseppina Cenni: Cannoli SpagoliHelma: Helmad/Helglad/HelsadWhat do you guys call them?
Replies: 38
So does 2chan or any other Japanese website have a Strike Witches board like this? I'm interested in seeing their opinions on the witches.
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This confuses me: In regards to Shirley, she's smart and resourceful,she's a great mechanic and has a vast knowledge of planes and cars. I'm confused why she gets stereotyped as a dumb airhead slut in the fanbase. Can someone explain?
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Perrine's chest isn't small, it is just perfect.
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Do non-virgin witches exist? I know it's a sensitive topic, but I'm curious
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Geru x Geru (ゲルxゲル): This is the Geru x Geru (ゲルxゲル) doujinshi.Not often you get to see dumps, so here's one for the doujin I uploaded around Christmas to sad panda.Here's a link for it while at it: http://exhentai.org/g/886652/d38587fece/It'd be great if someone gave a general idea of the stuff going on in the dialogue, though it's not hard to imagine from the visual cues.Pardon the crappy camera quality and lightning, I lack the tools for most things. But enjoy nonetheless.
Replies: 71
Christmas Calendar 2015: A few days late from the start but hopefully not too badly~I wanted to do something Decemberish like this so I present Helma's 2015 Board Advent Calendar!Basically, everyday a new door opens with a Christmassy witch picture to warm you with season's greetings.I'll try to keep it around by the GMT midnight, so look forward to it.
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How do you cope with it?: Sorry if this topic is inappropriate but I wanted to know how you guys deal with the soul-crushing fact that the witches will never be real?
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?: Why's the Not Safe For Witches board locked?
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A Great Grete Thread: I feel there isn't enough love for The Raven of Ostmark.
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Official or Fan Costume?: I saw Shirley in another costume similar to this one by a different artist. I've never seen that costume in official art. Is it just a costume for the character shared by different artists or is this from actual official art? Link pls if it's official.
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Someone please help me with this . It's really getting on my nerves. I don't know where I'm not supposed to massage her but if I do find a spot I can't stay on it for too long or else the bar will just go down and I can barely find a right spot before it's too late the drag the bar up where I was. I can't find a guide for this anywhere either. Can someone tell me on what I'm doing wrong? Am I missing something?
Replies: 22
Perrinu is so charming!
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Translation: Can someone translate this? I can't find the characters on a Hiragana or a katakana chart.
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Hey /sw/ Shirley cards?: Anyone have the Shirley cards from the Kiseki no Rondo game in good quality?
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I found this picture!!!I don't know if is an official art, but DAT ERICA!!!!
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Hello /sw/ fans. Where can I find the previous episodes of the current strike witches radio show?
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>OVA is announced>tons of speculation>OVA is released>dead silenceIs this what finally killed the love?
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Tactics of Vanadis Attack: Are we being rused?http://hukugouzainahibi.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-2124.html
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Whoops: We're back!Sorry about that error everyone. For the first time, I neglected to make a test post after applying a board update due to running out of time.Apparently there was a missing semicolon in one of the files which was causing the error. I fixed the problem myself as soon as I found out about it. Had no idea there was a problem since I never post and the board is so slow in the first place. I apologise - It won't happen again.
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links: http://decaydance.geoshitties.installgentoo.com/sw/ is down and http://pastebin.com/qdGHCzU6 is outdated. Is the decaydance link gone for good?
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Who´s need a 4th OVA when you can has a....CD DRAMA?
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A new manga???About 504th????
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Witches in the dream scope: Https://dreamscopeapp.comThis is what the leg zone looks like
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According to this article, a new Pachi-Slot will have three episodes of content titled Erica's Absurd Cooking, Sanya's Surprise Birthday, and Lynette's Best Friend Story. From what I can tell, the length of each episode isn't stated.http://otakomu.jp/archives/276598.html
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Yoshika using Perrine's pantsu!!!
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Strike Witches Zero: 1937 is being scanned. I'll have it all done by Christmas, and hopefully with better quality around the spine. https://mega.co.nz/#!tg9W1JiJ!F9072QUJIgvUOFZnnOnEi0ADD5UQPCdwPxzvyNYC7yQ
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Strike Witch Generator 2: Electric Boogaloo: So some of you may recall the witch generator from a few years back (2010). There you could add a name and it would spit out some deterministic witch details for you.Well I couldn't leave it alone and rewrote it in javascript to cash in on this "Web 2.0" thing. I think it will be a big hit; I hope it is "web scale".http://witchmaker.herokuapp.com/I found a bug in the original generator that cut off the familiar list. The new generator fixes this and provides slightly different results.Give it a try and break it. If something is wrong or missing, post it here and I'll try to update it or make an updated list with better data.
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anyone else get this beauty
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Strike Witches just got a shout-out in a VICE article about the JSDF.https://news.vice.com/article/the-japanese-military-is-getting-offensively-cute
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There's going to be a Mecha Musume panel at Anime Boston today, with SW mentioned in the description. I'll report back later. Hopefully it won't just all be KanColle.
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Main page finally online!: After several months of hard work, I have finally created the front page for this site that I have always envisioned. There are still a few unfinished sections, but I definitely think it's worth showing off!Be sure to check it all out, and let me know what you think about our new front page!-Anonymous Admin
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So it seems that Alter would skip the other witches and do Hanna instead. It's funny how some people call her familiar a coyote.
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10th Anniversary: Today is March 26, 2015 (at least in Japan anyway)10 years ago today, on March 26 2005, a new magazine was published, called CompAce.In it was an illustration column called "Strike Witches: World's Mechanized Aerial Infantry"This was the first appearence of Strike Witches in a published media.Conflaturations on the 10th Anniversary, Strike Witches!Love is alive and well!
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The sad destiny of Akagi
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PSP Hakugin no Tsubasa machine translations: Visual Novel Reader can be hooked with PPSSPP to machine translate the PSP game. I have written a guide for those unfamiliar with the program. I myself am new to the programs, so there are some obvious holes, but it gets the job done.https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5j4hwofi6oj59/Strike_Witches_Hakugin_no_Tsubasa_(PSP_game_installation_directions)
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OVA 3 Key Visual: >No Eilanya Hijinks.Oh well, Sayuri Yahagi needs a job I guess.
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Eila x Perrine post
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Fighter Girl Chronicle: http://senchro.jp/Fighter Girl Chronicle, might be Strike Witches related since planes and all.Can anyone here who can read japanese elaborate what's this is all about? All I can understand is that it seems to be about modern jet fighters turned into girls. Either way, I hope there'd be an anime about this or something.
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Re: Neuroi Storyline Signifiance: Just found a nice little discussion on /a/ and thought that there hasn't really been any reconciliations about their exact nature other than as the designated bad guy.I don't think there will be a concrete explanation as to their origins, but in the SWverse history, the fates of humanity and Neuroi have always been intertwined. In the setting, any things that would've been fantastical in our world (Other than magic itself of course) is attributed to Neuroi.Ancient Youkai? Neuroi.Medieval Dragons? NeuroiDemons and Monsters? Neuroi.It seems that Humanity and Neuroi were just destined to be enemies with each other as their conflict has persisted throughout history. If we were to pin a particular motive for Neuroi, then it would be because of the fact that they gain sustenance from devouring land. (Hence the missing landmasses in the SW world; they were casualties from Neuroi conflicts spread throughout history)It seems that there followed a period of peace in this age old conflict. Due to the relative lack of major destruction alluded to in the setting's recent history and general lack of knowledge of humanity about Neuroi. However, during the onset of the industrial revolution and the dawn of magical technology, as if in response to Humanity's newfound technological knowledge, the Neuroi themselves awoke again and evolved from fantastical creatures to the more mechanized appearances they have today. The short skirmishes of humanity against the reawakened Neuroi (Then known as the Kaii in the east or Ratsel in the west) later became retroactively known as the 1st Neuroi War. Further smaller Neuroi conflicts also occured in thr next few years. (i.e. the Fuso Sea Incident) Around the late 1930's the Neuroi began an assault out of the Black Sea en masse, causing heavy casualties and losses in the European region. Their emergence from the Black Sea also gave them their current Moniker: Neuroi, in relation to the legendary tribe that allegedly lived in the area in ancient times. This started the 2nd Neuroi war, which is the current setting of the SW series.Other than Neuroi eat land, we don't really know anything about the Neuroi's ultimate objective? Eradication of humans? Complete cannibalization of the earth?One interesting thing an anon pointed out was that while Neuroi and Humanity have indeed clashed a few times in history, this was the first time a Humanity vs. Neuroi conflict grew to such a massive scale. In fact, the Neuroi only became heavily aggressive during the industrial boom when the first magic engine was created. This raises some interesting implications.
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Resurrecting Strike Witches patch project and making moar patches: Hi, I'm Ikazuchi.I work at a military store and we sell military patches along with guns.My boss was thinking of expanding his line of patches to anime themed ones. I know nothing about Strike Witches as I didn't watch it. However, I know a lot about Kancolle and Girls und Panzer. Since I'm the only one in the store who watches anime, the boss instructed me on doing some research. He wants to know if anime themed patches are profitable.Here's what I'm trying to do:I'm going to bulk order 640 patches. There will be 40 of each design, so 16 designs in total. I already chose a patch company that has made unlicensed patches in the past. I guess they don't care if they're copyrighted or not.Second of all, I'm going to use Patch-kun's designs to make the patches. Here's the link: https://www.helma.xyz/sw/res/4304.html#4823 I tried contacting Patch-kun via email as well as Kickstarter, but I doubt he's going to reply back. Worst, I can't find a way to contact /ak/ scanlations (Patch-kun is from there, right?)Third of all, I'm going to create a patch based on the Kancolle Logo. If anyone can find me a filthy big logo that I can vector the hell out of, that'd be well appreciated.Fourth of all, I'm also making patches based on the 6 schools in Girls und Panzer.Finally, all patches will be Vinyl and in 3.5x3.5 inches. Sounds good?The store I work at is located in Ontario, Canada. So if you're from the US, shipping will probably be $1-3 if you buy from us. I'm also trying to sell the patch for $6 each or lower. I'm currently negotiating on the price with the patch company.I need a lot of feedback to make this work. I don't need Kickstarter to back me up. And I bet Indiegogo will suspend me if the project ever succeeds.Please let me know if Patch-kun's designs are off. I'll ask my Graphic Arts friend to do the adjustments.Thank you.
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Look so familiar
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Trude & Chris thread
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These scans are awful and IDGAF: but yeah, didnt want to crease the book, so, sorry about that. pretty much everything is usable except one picture of Trude strapped up in this weird striker and aleks and fernie's profile pictures. I might just take pictures of them instead..7z incoming because i don't feel like resizing
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Suddenly, rockin witches
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I need all your Eila x Yoshika images.
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People?: Just want to get a general number of how many people frequent this board....
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Great!!!The time has come!!!!Season 3 + OVA!
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506th JFW Novel: Meanwhile, in the 506th JFW light novel....
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Operation Victory Arrow 3!!! In May 2, 2015!!!!"The Bridge of Arnhem" with:Perrine, Lynette and Amelie!!!!
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AW YEAH!!!!!THE TIME HAS COME!!!!WHAT??A new Africa novel????
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Guys, why is Strike Witches such a lovable, catchy show? I've watched many a series over the years and none has caught my fancy like Strike Witches has in the last few months since I first saw it. I mean, I have figures, dvds, posters, and all sorts of shit like that already, that's how much I love the show! What the fuck makes it so damned engrossing?
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Sanya and Eila: So, I've been listening to the drama CDs and wondering Sanya X Eila is confirmed after the second album? Eila confesses that she loves Sanya, but there is not a decent response after that. Just wondering if that's cannon.
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witch opinions: Alright, I am going to throw down the gauntlet. My witches vs your witches. Your witches vs their witches. Who truly is best? Obviously depends on one's definition of best, so I'll narrow it down to best in category.Most powerful?Best aerial fighter?Most moe?Best leader?Most mature?Best friend?Most cool?Best oppai?Most perfect?Best speciality?Most reliable?Best familiar?Most sex appeal?Best overall?Give me your OPINIONS
Replies: 104
Needs more Perrine
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Due to an influx of spambots, links (and text) containing ".asp" are now word filtered. If you post a link, make sure it doesn't have that.
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So, I was wondering, since Eila can dodge every single enemy attack, does that mean that she could be the only witch to age past 20 and still be able to fight Neuroi? she may not have enough magic to make a good shield but she can probably still anticipate enemy attacks.btw Eila = best witch Ihmo
Replies: 106
Suomus: Nipa got indoor cleaning duty beacuse of broken strikers, and Lapra and Hasse thought it would be fun so they joined in with her-NullNon-Eila Suomus witches threadEila is allowed to appear too
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It's time!!!!Autumn 2014!!!!!
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mediafire mess: mediafire made a mess of things so the link for www.mediafire.com/karlslandbestland doesnt work. does anyone has the new link??
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OVA: Anybody hoping for something specific in the upcoming OVA?
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NEWS!!!!We have the cover!!!!!A little small but is something.
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Vhs: Am I the only one who owns strike witches on vhs?
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MORE NEWS!!!The cover of manga about 504th and Strike Witches manga Vol. 2 based on the series.
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New one from Nyantype
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Real Witches: Reposts welcomed.Those sneakers do superficially look like her boots from far.
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heidemarie redhead version
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Strike Witches movie licensed: Funimation licensed the Strike Witches movie. I can't wait to watch it. I expect it may be out for Christmas.http://www.funimation.com/blog/2014/08/09/home-video-announcements-from-otakon/
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Managed to pay the hosting bills. Here's to another year.
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Congratulations to Karlsland for winning the World Cup!Coming in after Hispania and Romanga
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So I got this in the mail today. Strike Witches S1 US Blu-ray.
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We have a PREVIEW!!!!!!!!!!
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Proof on Sanya coming out of the closet!
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How do you feel about futa witches?Shirley is best futa witch.
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Replies: 51
From EcuadorA few scans about Shin Kyogoku Doujinshi: Noblesse Oblige
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Strike Witches: Maidens in the Sky Manga: Rightstuf has put up the Strike Witches:Maidens in the Sky (English) for pre-order, I know I will be picking it up. Any of you?
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Strike Witches Official Twitter: Our dear Humikane just announced the opening of the official twitter of SW!Link: https://twitter.com/s_witch_anime
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(reposting from the forbidden board)I've been kicking around an idea for a bit now, how many people would pitch in to try and commission null to do another doujin? He talks about money problems on his twitter on occasion and it would help support him so he can keep doing his awesome work if we get enough we might even be able to get him to do a large one. We need someone to contact null who can speak the moonrunes, as well as donate, the goal isnt set, since we dont know how much null will ask for. WHOS WITH ME?
Replies: 15
Strike Witches game: There seems to be a new strike witches game for andriod. Sadly I think it only works on Japanese ones. :( I hope we get it, it looks really fun...https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.hangame.sjswitch
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We need more stoats in here
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Been wondering if Tomoko ends up with either Haruka or Giuseppina. I remember reading the 1.5 manga and it seemed like Haruka was single and doing her best Ahonen impression, so just assumed that Giuseppina won da Tomoko.
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SW Media Info: Hello,I have been maintaining the SW Media Info text and much to my demise, PasteBin has removed the updated text once again. This is not the first occurrence, as several revisions after the last update is constantly removed.Last available update: http://pastebin.com/cH8CYbAyThat being said, I have been keeping a local copy as backup. So, where should I house the text from now on?
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Strike Witches Windows Gadgets: ITS FINALLY COMPLETE!
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Miyafuje: wowsuch memesuch shibemuch tailwowpointy ears
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Why the hell did nobody say there was a second run of hime uta albums?
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What's your guys opinion?
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help, pic source: can someone tell me the source, or where I can find a link to read the rest? google search doesnt help.
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For World of Tanks player here....: I don't know if any of Helma playing World of Tanks or if this kind of post is allowed here but here i go.As you know, Wargaming finally released proper Japanese Tank in form of Chi-Nu Kai premium tank, as opposed of captured Chi-Ha on Chinese tree. In celebration, i made a Chi-Nu skin pack of Fuso Army Air Witches. Yes, there are Takeko, Kei, Tomoko and Ayaka. DL link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x5jhsgbbh8bffu4/tJAgJyX8ea
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One-Winged Witches: I kind of worry about the yuri potential in "One-Winged Witches." I mean, Wilma Bishop is canonically straight (or at least bi)...she married a 50 year old guy after retiring:http://strikewitches.wikia.com/wiki/Wilma_Bishop
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Patches: Hey Helma,I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to start a project for making custom patches for the flight groups in the Strike Witches series. I already made pins and my money is still kind of burnt from that whole fiasco or else I'd take the project upon myself, but I don't have the option with classes in session and no steady job as of yet.I've already got/ordered all of the 501st character patches and I'd be interested in at least 2 sets if anyone would be interested in going through with this considering there's no official patches being sold anymore.Is anyone up to the task?
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Witch Battle Positions: Awhile ago some anons helped me figure out what the axis titles on the witches profiles meant. I worked through the released witch profile images that had battle postion charts, and compiled them in a list. The numbers are relative pixel positions, so I'm not sure what "100 Offense" actually means or how it is/was measured. That's why the numbers are relative to each other witch's position. It's possible each JFW/group has a different scale for their charts, meaning the different groups cannot be compared like this, but unlikely.(Tried to post this on /a/, but my IP block is banned or some shit.)
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Apparently there's going to be a big announcement at an upcoming event:http://yaraon.blog109.fc2.com/blog-entry-17086.html"Event be held in the "Strike Witches" ZEPP Tokyo! Yes important announcement in the event!"
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Great news!!!Two artbooks will be released next year!!!http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=MED-BOOK-000857http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=MED-BOOK-000858
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Well, it's getting close to website payment time. And once again both of the webhosts sites are a 99% non-functional 404 extravaganza so uh.. yeah.I might not even be able to pay for the site, despite having the money.Just in case this turns out to be a disaster, does anyone know of any decent webhosts that can keep this site up on a.. "mid level" package for around $100 dollars a year ($10 for domain)? And how would I even transfer all of this stuff anyhow?Hopefully I don't have to worry about all that.. but it would be nice to have a plan B.
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So, which witch would be best for snuggling?My vote is Heide, so soft.~
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Alright, who's been whoring out Perrine?
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Anybody have a strike witches world in minecraft? This Is the start of mine
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What do you guys think? good or cheap looking?
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So I just finished the movie and I must know season 3 when
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Desert witches: Need more pics of the witches in Africa
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Strike Witches fanfiction recommendation thread: I've read a lot of fanfic, SW and otherwise, but it's rare to find any of a high quality that fully captures the tone of the original.I think my favorite SW fanfic is "Where From, The Warlock?": http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6393548/1/Where-from-the-Warlock. No, it doesn't have male witch OCs or anything ridiculous like that. It's set in 1940, with a slightly younger Barkhorn, Perrine, and other characters. It's a prequel to Maloney's ambitions, and actually feels like the light novels do.So, what are your favorites? (fluffy shipfics are fine too.
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Hello Helma. It's been a while. I've been feeling sad that the /a/ threads are no longer occurring, so I decided to drop by here. What's been happening recently? Any Strike Witches news? Season 3, another movie, LN series, manga, anything?
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Strikers based on Twin Engine Fighters: I was wondering if the RL advantages/disadvantages of heavy fighters were also evident for striker units based on Twin Engine fighters.So far, we only have 3 witches with Heavy Strikers, Heidimarie, Prinzessin and Isami Kashida.Sure, single engined fighters would outmanouvre them, but Twin Engine Fighters still look badass and so are the witches that have "heavy" Striker units.Perhaps their strikers produce more thrust?
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Witches KIA: Do any Witches get killed in action?
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Can we get some Strike Witches amvs/mads/covers here? I do feel like sharing these great fan works.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax3ISDu-AQ0 Sweet Duet (Acoustic Guitar)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sn9tk6HVZI Bookmark a Head Jazz coverhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CldSdJKVIEStrike Witches with Space Battleship Yamato OP
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Hi guys,My friend is going to Japan in a few days, and has very kindly offered to help me do some shopping. I was wondering if you guys could very kindly provide some recommendations for non-H SW doujins. My country bans pornographic material, and while I would like to cart in truckloads of glorious witch porn, I would hate to put my friend in a spot at customs. I don't know if it's appropriate here, but recommendations from other anime series are very much welcome as well. TL;DR SW non-H doujinshi recommendations? Pic related; I have the witches of the sphinx collection already.
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Ago a moments i finishes the two seasons and the manga of Kimi to Tsunagaru Sora and i wonder something...Why Eila is very selfish with others about to Sanya?In the manga of Kimi Tsunagaru Sora, she dont like the idea that Sanya and Nikka be friends.In the second season, episode 6, she dont like that Miyafuji work together with Sanya only for whim.What´s the matter with her? why that egoistic feeling about the people? She want be the only one people in the life of Sanya? I like Eila, dont think bad, but honestly i think that is some sick.
Replies: 13
Yuri jokes are insulting?: So guys, let me get one thing straight.Joking about Helma being yuri for Gertrud is offending?I'm am still brainfucked as to why my post..As long as the Strike Witches franchise is alive. I think this place would keep on going.Happy cakes, ether fuel and the scent of Gertrude's dress for Helma!..is offending.Excluding that pissed off guy, pleas tell me if it's offending.I do apologize if this somehow caused the One Year thread to be locked, but I'm still cheering for this board and implicitly congratulating the people behind it.Really, if you've been reading the manga, 1.5 at least, you'll know the Helma really likes Trude. Of course, doujin imaginations by the fans are inevitable.I thought people can post here in a joking, or sarcastic manner?I remember one guy whining about "discouraging the 4chan attitude." Now I'm just joking but not really obnoxious, another guy bitches!Really, how do we post in this imageboard?? What's the ideal culture here?Isn't it sad? Strike Witches is already niche yet us handful of fans point fingers and cry arseholes at each other?
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Suomus Misfits novels: Hello all,For those of you still putting up with my slow misfits translations, chapter 7 and the epilogue of volume 1 are now fully completed and up on the wiki.Chapters 1,2 and 3 of the second novel need a bit more editing work before I put them up. I'd like to put them all up at once sometime next week.If you have any questions about the novels, ask me here or on the wiki.Happy reading!
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Helma Lennartz Dump: This thread is long overdue. Let the dumping commence!Nudity is permissible, but keep it tasteful.
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Selling extra doujinshi: I have two copies of a lot of SW doujinshi and I'm thinking of selling off the extras. I have:Keiko Kato North Africa Military Photos 1943The Witches of AfricaThe Witches of the Sphinx vol. 1, 2, 3Idiot's Guide to Tokyo Harmful Books RegulationIf you're interested, just email me at the address above, thanks!(Mod, feel free to delete this if it's against the rules, but I think I've seen similar stuff before and it should be ok.)
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1991 Gulf Neuroi War novels: The third week of summer the first book should be finished(should be, no promises). I need to finish up with school then I can use all my free time on the first book and to get the main story line in order.
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Get Hype!http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-05-24/seven-seas-adds-strike-witches/maidens-in-the-sky-manga"North American manga publisher Seven Seas Entertainment revealed on Friday that it will release Yuuki Tanaka's Strike Witches: Maidens in the Sky series. Humikane Shimada and Projekt Kagonish's multimedia work Strike Witches is arguably best known for the anime version, but it also spawned several manga, including Tanaka's two-volume version than ran in Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Comp Ace magazine in 2008.""Update: Seven Seas added that it is "starting with Maidens in the Sky, then the other full length manga chronologically, as released in Japan."
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Now that Vividred's ended, the director should be back to work on season 3, right?
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What's the story of the picture on the right?Did Humikane say anything about it?
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Lionheart Witch: Not much is discussed about Hannalore Kummel and gang, isnt it?
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Misfits: Chapter 3 has been translated on the Wiki, featuring the introduction of Rudel.
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I would like to share this scan I made to all.It's part of the mini pamphlet inside of the Blu-Ray Box of The Movie.
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From Ecuador with love!My birthday cake!
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Funny Witch things!Post 'em if you got 'em!
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1991 Gulf Neuroi War: So everyone on helma, I was thinking about writing story's based on the 1991 Gulf Neuroi war Witches. Would any of you guys be interested on reading it? Or even think it would be a good squadron or plot to write on?
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Pins: I need to get rid of them and I'm broke: Now that all of the packages are out, I've spent $12 on shipping for almost every international package and lost money on all of them, including the ones that people payed the extra $3 for(which made it $9 for shipping payment. 12-9=3.) It's my fault for pricing it so low in the first place, but I'm glad to say that everyone's packages should be out now.If anyone wants pins, I need to find a way to get rid of a giant pile of Strike Witches country pins left over from that project. I don't have any sets left because I'm out of Karlsland and there's no more Suomus/Liberion that don't have one (extremely minor) defect. For this week, I'll be taking orders and based on first-come first-serve policy, I'll take set orders (minus Karlsland of course, because I only have the two I set aside for myself, which are hidden somewhere in the boxes from my move-in) first and singles second. Shipping for all orders will be $5 US/$12 International.At the end of the week, I'll look at the orders in order of date and set aside orders. If your order is unavailable I'll let you know on Saturday.NOTE: These pins will be WAY faster than the patches and pin orders since I only have one class during this section of the summer.
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Katayoku no Majotachi Volume 2: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?i5qpkg13dyxh2f6http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?40kzth33msfpd80
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Sanya a member of the White Army?: I'm curious about something I've seen in SanyaIn the wikia, this mentioned that Orussia is an empire and never saw the soviet revolution, so that makes me think of a theory:Will have been the witches who defended the Czarist Empire of the bolsheviks?sounds interesting.
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International board: Due to the large number or international visitors to the site, I have made an /int/ board. All languages are allowed there.You can discuss anything in /int/ as long as it's not hateful.I'll get the rules translated into more languages eventually.Hopefully our international friends will feel welcome on the new board!
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I bought some magazines and found the lovely Sanya in the page .Does anybody has the full pic? Pls share : ( ::::
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I have a question.In what period of time appear the pages about World Witches in magazines like CompAce, NyanType???Every month or every two months?This is an example of the page.
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The bots have found the board, and I may be forced to implement captcha if they start showing up in great numbers.While I'm here, I'm still thinking about creating the /int/ board. But before I do that I would need a simple set of rules (which I'll provide if there's interest) translated into Japanese, Chinese, etc. I don't know if anyone here can do that though.
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Switches Icon: My awesome Black ops 2 multiplayer strike witches icon I made. I thought you guys would like to see.
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Witches thread! From any squadron and any country. I need some help finding really good ones
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Can someone please provide a link for all of the strike witches manga, Dōjinshi, and light novels? I've been having trouble finding them all and I would really appreciate the help!
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Happy BUTTday, Barkhorn
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Happy Birthday to Minna!: It's Minna's birthday.Happy Birthday To Her!
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Strike Witches Airsoft pistols.Western Arms is releasing Shirley's M1911 and Lucchini's M1934.And I just preordered Shirley's M1911.
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Schematics, diagrams, infomation:
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Looks like Null might be taking a liking to Vividred... Not that I'm complaining...
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Now how does think make you feel?
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Okay, it just occurred to me recently that this song fits sooo perfectly with Strike Witches.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebPvxUvzEbs
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How do you feel about Eila x Shirley?I , for one, think it's the most interesting.Plus, their color schemes go together like a perfect harmony.
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Which witch do you find underrated?
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Peth really likes Mio x Hijikata
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Anyone got the complete series of these draft??: I am going to make fan art and need to study the setting and details of the weapons.
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Eila and Shirley???Interesting.But how about:Yoshika and Perrine????It´s my favourite couple!
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Oh, chocobanana~...
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Theme Songs: ITT: Theme songs for particular witches and why. Also, defining lyrics if you want to add them.For Shirley I'd say that Rio by Duran Duran is a fitting theme. Why I chose this song is because it describes the girl and her exploits properly... that, and who can't imagine her flying across the salt flats at sunset with this in the background?Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand,Just like that river twisting through a dusty land.And when she shines she really shows you all she can...Oh Rio, Rio! dance across the Rio Grande!Lyrics: http://www.lyrics007.com/Duran%20Duran%20Lyrics/Rio%20Lyrics.htmlYouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XovoAKVOPOM
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>wake up>see this>yfw
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Do you prefer Shirley's outfit from season one or two?
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Despite their flimsy appearance, the glasses in the SW universe must be super glued to the faces of the something like 4 (I think) witches. I guess part of their magic is used to hold them onto their face?Eyesight thread.
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Happy new year Helma! Let's all hope the new year brings more SW.
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Suddenly, Deadpool
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Yet again there has been voting on the Japanese side of the internet. There were two categories: best witch in 501, and best witch from all the other witches.Best of 5011st place: Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen (538 votes)2nd place: Gertrude Barkhorn (376 votes)...Best of all the other witches1st place: Nikka Edvardine Katajainen (130 votes)2nd place: Heidemarie W. Schnaufer (95 votes)...As the site holder said, maybe there should be something with the No.24 Squadron, since the Suomus witches are soaring
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Merry Christmas Helma.usI did a christmas dump of some strike witches elsewhere, but i'll link you do it because i love you guys too.http://tofusaur.us/res/4687.html
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>copying my website
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What is her oficial FUCKING familiar?A cat or a tanuki?
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>christmas eve>knock on door>open>see thiswat do?
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From Karlsand.net
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Your Favorite SW Hairstyle: I love everyones, but if I had to choose, I gotta go with Aleksandra.So beautiful and it fits so well with her character design.It's that kind of hairstyle that if I saw it IRL, many HNNG will be had.
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Night Witches: Guess what? My researches pointed out that there was actually a REAL flight regiment in World War II called "Night Witches". It was a Soviet bomber squadron composed exclusively by female pilots. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Witches
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Who would win in a fist fight?:Barkhorn or Kanno>pic related; my choice
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MOVIE THREAD (MAY CONTAINS SPOILERS): Since the last movie thread is more about the trailer and is getting a bit long, I decided to open a new dedicated movie thread.I'll start by dumping infos taken from 2ch and karlsland.net.Those who actually went to Japan for the movie are welcome to discuss here too.
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"Witches? Just a bunch of glory seeking kids."So how would you think normal soldiers feel about the Witches?
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Suomus Misfits: Who is your favorite Misfit? Do you think the author will write more novels now that he's somewhat recovered from cancer?
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JFW Badges: Would be great if I can have a real one
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While Takamura has categorically stated that the 501st are like his daughters, one can't help but think "Is Miyafuji a gender-bent self insert?"
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I wonder know something...In SW universe, China and Korea dont exist and are zones of Fuso?
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from /toy/Tamashii Nations is on-going so expect more hi-quality pics over the next couple of days
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In Ecuador!!!It's just a little preview!!
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Saimoe is here upon us once again, ladies and gents!Y'all better be voting for any and all witches in each bracket.
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No OTP thread in sight, so here we go.I'll start with Tomoko and Haruka, because honestly, there's a reason I continue waiting for more 507th.
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Iron Sky: Anyone here ever hear of Iron Sky? It's about Nazis who escaped to the moon coming back to conquer the EarthIt's just as silly as Strike Witches, and has beautiful Nazis in it, so I'm sure you guys would like it.
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Strike Witches 1941: Battle of JambeliCurtiss-Wright-CW19RTawantinsuyo
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Helmaday: I know we have a Birthday thread for the witches, but this is different. This is Helmaday, and Helma deserves her own super awesome thread
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Patch-Kun is making vectors for the patches and I'm making backgrounds out of them. Here's a thread if anyone's interested in taking them. I'm currently using this one myself.
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So here's a thing.http://strikewitchezpins.blogspot.com/
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Strike Witch - mscrtchbuild custom ball jointed figure!: Hi!I got an assigment for making a custom 1/12 Strike Witch figure from scratch.Could I post a work on her here? If the job will be well done i could resin recast her and mass produce then.
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Streaming Strike Witches. Get in here.http://livestream.com/supermikanWe're going to start shortly and finish by the end of the weekend for the first season and start S2.
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We're back.: The problem has been fixed.Anyhow, while I'm logged in I'm going to make a subsection for the upcoming anime/manga "Girls und Panzer". Humikane is the character designer, and there was some interest in the /a/ thread for it so I figure why not. Sorry about the down time.
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The time has come!!!!Vol. 2 is near!!!
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Upload testSW character lists502JFW(English) *Translate is not finished yetttp://2d.moe.hm/sw/img/sw5933.pngWorld Witches from Movie(Japanese)ttp://2d.moe.hm/sw/img/sw5934.png
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Witches and their archetype Pilot: Figured we needed yet another oddly specific thread
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I don't know what this says, but it looks important.
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Zero is getting a sequel which will commence this month, according to Ningen.I don't follow the radio, when was this announced?
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Would anyone have a decent size of this along with the other girls? I'm thinking of having patches made of them.
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Strike Witches: Sky Guardians doujin game: http://www.ksatechnologyhq.com:1357/mainsite/games/aige/sw/sgStrike Witches: Sky Guardians is a fan-made side-scrolling 2D shooter being developed for the Strike Witches community. At this point, most of the elements of the game are coming along pretty nicely, but the one thing holding up development is the lack of sprites. We need a few good artists to help us with creating sprites for the player characters and the mobs. If anyone would be willing to take a swing at creating sprites for the game, we woud really appreciate it.We'll give more specific info in subsequent posts as to how we want the sprites to look, as well as more details about the game. As it is now, we have most of the logic for the various special moves and such already laid out, and stats drawn up for the 501st as well as many of the world witches.there is more info about what we eventually plan to implement in the link above
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New footage from the movie: http://s-witch.cute.or.jp/movie/new/
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Witches Of The Sphinx: Does anyone knows where I can download the Witches Of The Sphinx 5 doujin in .rar or .zip format (no .7z please)?
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Mysterious Witch: Laura Toth: after all, has anything about her past been revealed at all?
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Recently started running a Ventrilo Server and I'm looking for quality people to join the sekrit klub. I came here because I figured we could get some people with good taste. Weekdays, I'm usually offline until 7-8PM PST, but I've got a few other regulars coming in from other locations. We'd love anyone that is interested in having some good conversations.Texas2.MaxFrag.net4126
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Are the names of the other wars this unimaginative?
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New acquisitions.
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I'm sorry guys, but I gotta ask. Would anyone have a large, clear picture of the magic circles used by the witches?
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Where this pic come from ????
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Reaction Image thread: /sw/! You gotta help. My Strike Witches folder (and all my other folders) were lost when I rebooted my computer. So, now I need to recreate me /sw/ reaction folder. tl;dr /sw/ reaction image thread
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YOSHIKA UNLEASHED!!!: there is another version very very unleashed like this?
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One year!: First of all, I would once again like to thank our admin team and the users for their continued dedication to this site, despite the general slowness and my somewhat ..lacking.. presence.I wish I was more active in the community, in irc and what-not, but I'm just a very reserved person and can't really bring myself to do it. But despite this, know that I'll always be around if I'm needed. Anyhow, enough of that. It has been a whole year since the founding of this site! This is an exciting time, for even though the website has had its hurdles and the posting remains generally slow, it has still managed to stay alive. Hopefully with the eventual DVD release of the movie and lots of new content to discuss, things will speed up again.As for the future of the website, I will continue to pay for it unless interest completely dies out (0 posts for months), which hopefully won't be for several years. When it comes to various improvements and overhauls of the site, I'm kind of ashamed of myself for not putting more work into it. I still have a list of features and what-not that I want to add, but a lack of real skill and various "IRL" problems have cut down my motivation a bit. The things that are still planned:Actual front page.New forum software. (Although I've grown fond of this one)Miscellaneous features and improvements.There is also the possibility of oekaki being merged with /sw/ in order to speed things up a bit. If things get REALLY bad, off topic may be merged as well as a last ditch emergency move. But I wouldn't worry about that right now. In closing, Happy Birthday Helma.us! And may the next year be even brighter!
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question: Was the anime/manga "Air gear" around before strike witches??? because im pretty sure somebody is ripping someone off here...
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Trude Pink Dress: Let submit pics
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Ai liek hambagah~
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thread about shoops, preferable haircuts and clothing
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http://blog.livedoor.jp/strike_w/archives/1644676.html【】[PSP] サイバーフロント「ストライクウィッチーズ 白銀の翼」・360版のDLC収録・限定版はねんどろいどリーネ水着つき - XBOX360 > PSP- Limited Edition comes with Lynette Nendoroid in swimsuits
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EUROCUP: The Eurocup is close, let´s submit pics of football
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Stuff I'm too lazy to find threads on 4chan for: Let's pretend this isn't over a month late...Zero 9 raws:http://www.mediafire.com/?ggeh99cs48k41r1It's just 6 pages, deal with it!Probably going to scan more stuff soon-ish.
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Strike witch real life counterpart picures!: See : file name.
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Well, if you're in the Northern hemisphere, summer is here again!Post some lovely witches in their swim wear!
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What do you think?????
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Traslation please
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Now that Shizuka is the couple of Yoshika...Is now Perrine the "oficial" couple of Lynette?
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There's this Witch in the first minutes of season one.So, is she Helma?
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I've been working to create possible flags to some countries of Strike Witches Universe like Amazonas and Azteca. Because I see that these countries don't have a representative flag.
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Fuck iron-man...IRON-KUMA IS HERE!!!
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Heidemarie thread?Heidemarie thread
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Translating: Hi /sw/. I've got a doujin by Niina Ryou I'd like translated (cover posted). Any idea the best way to go about this? Anyone know of a translator out there who might be willing to give it a go?
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This is a new character I've created for a Tribute to Strike Witches.What do you think?
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Kadokawa Witches of Africa novels: The first volume, titled "Kei's Report," was released on March 1. Most of its text contents are similar to that from Der Stern von Afrika through Phoenix in the Dunes, though there are 2 intermissions and an epilogue not found in those novels. Aside from Chapter 8, which corresponds to Phoenix in the Dunes, new illustrations have also been added.I've scanned the cover, illustrations and character profiles and cleaned them (poorly), the zip can be downloaded at http://www.mediafire.com/?atfa2eclc8r5op7 containing better-quality images than those I will post shortly.
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Sanya and Orussia held the 67th anniversary of the victory over Karlsland and the end of the war
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I create the Insignia of 510th Joint Fighter Wing called "Latin Witches".This is a tribute to Strike Witches, but I'd like to know if this Squadron is available to use in manga or anime?
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Something that I've been wondering.Most of the Fuso witches seem to carry swords as backup weapons (or trump cards, take your pick). Elizabeth has a Gurka knife, and even Perrine uses her heirloom rapier. So does anyone else want to see Shirley pull out that Bowie Knife they drew her with one day? Maybe use her acceleration ability to throw it? I'm pretty sure Misa has the same ability as her, and she does it.
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You know one thing I've never seen? A thread dedicated to Major Sakamoto in her inebriate state! So let's give it up for the Drunken Master herself!Sakamoto's the funnest drinking buddy though, just so long as she doesn't vomit on your shoes...Oh, and I guess other witches are... welcome.
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source?: is this from a dvd booklet?
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English Dub of SW2 comes out March 23rd...Japanese voice acting is always superior anyway but it is another thing to get. It is also blu-ray.
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Anymore like these?
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Do you see what I see?(shamelessly stolen from /toy/)
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Definitly, i change Burger King for McDonald´s
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Spoilers: Just added the ability to post spoiler images.Are there any other simple features that you guys want? I've got a little bit of free time right now.
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Tonttus: Lets submit tonttu´s pics
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Onward my steed!
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Just bought these trading card sleeves. The shop also had Perrine, Lynette and Minna. No sign of Erica(who should have been released apparently)
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Chuck Norris knows about Strike Witches
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Potatoes thread: Somebody want?
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Twitter page of the Tokyo Finish Embassy: Looks like someone is enjoying Striker Witches in the Tokyo Finish Embassy...
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Generally Toguh/Bad-ass Witches: I know that the show is basically cute girls but there are works that show the witches doing bad-ass things or just rugged looking settings for the witches.>>278 is a good example.
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Official Trailer for the movie!!!: http://youtu.be/A-KSZ_OaFZgYES YES YES YES!Summary:Miyafuji is now Pilot Officer, plans to study abroad in Europe (possibly Vanice?)Features 504 and Heidemarie Schnaufer
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This is my first work in Adobe Illustrator CS4. A vector of Miyafuji Yoshika from Strike Witches.
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This is the Striker Unit that I create using reference of the model of Curtiss-Wright CW-19R This Striker Unit is from Ecuador (Tahuantinsuyo in Strike Witches Universe)
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Outfit Swaps: Didn't see a thread for this, so I'll make one
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Somebody got this pic in big size?
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Hey guys, I am megumino2 from China, I lead a small translate team that is currently working on fuso sea incident Chinese translation, we are very close to completing the project (1~11 done). Just curious what's the scandlation progress in English? Do you guys need the PSDs?
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I didn't make this, but I came up with the idea and posted it in a request thread on /a/.
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Sengoku Witches: Should we consider it canon?
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Let's hear the spinoffs of SW you've come up with. Don't lie, I know you've all made up at least one.
Replies: 66
Gracefully aging thread: Post the pics of the witches after the war or in some cases growing up.
Replies: 13
Any plans for Valentine's Day? I want to spend mine with Mio but I have none of that liver oil she loves
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Since this is the request page, I thought I'd ask here. I'm looking for a full color pic of the Patton Girls. I had one before, but for reasons uknown, it has gone missing and I can no longer locate it.
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Africa on Comptiq: Has anyone got hold of latest Comptiq w/ the new Africa manga on it?I heard it's sort of a recap and kinda disappointed.Also Ruko's not there(so I heard) :(
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!!: I cant believe that nobody knowed that Feb 8 was her birthday
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There is no Helma, only Minna.
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Moedar thread.Even though we have a whole page dedicated to night witches and their radar abilities, I've always wondered what would cause a witch to be able to manifest their own, like Sanya?
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1000 posts!: First of all, I would like to start off by thanking the admins for their continued support and staying with the site despite the rough launch of the website earlier this year. I really appreciate it, and if it wasn't for their advice in the tumultuous early days of the forum I probably would've given up and blanked the site. I would also like to thank all of the posters and lurkers on this board for sticking around for all these months despite the various rough patches we've had, such as the downtime and that old 404 error, and the relative slowness of the site in comparison to our origin board. If it wasn't for you guys, the love wouldn't be alive and well here, and this site would just be another monument to failed ambitions. Thanks. Anyhow, on to business.While 1000 posts are but a mere drop in the water in comparison to other forums, I believe that for this forum it marks the beginning of a new era, "the era of progress", and the closing of the "era of uncertainty". What this means is that I am now far more confident in the sustainability of the website, and now that the board is in good running condition I have begun laying out the framework for various improvements and additions to the site. The board will largely remain the same, but in the future it will be but one part (albeit, a very important one) of a larger site. It was frequently suggested in the early days of the site that it be made into a more general Strike Witches fan-site, containing various news updates and basic information and what not. I have come to believe that this idea may be the best option for the future of the site, and I have started making plans for the transition from a board only site, to a larger general purpose site. Right now I envision the site as having a prominent news section on the main page, where members of the community, such as those that make translations or scrounge twitter for updates and rumors, are able to post news updates for everyone to see. I would also like an option for anyone to submit Strike Witches related news, which upon review by a designated news-poster, will be able to be posted.There would also be a information section, which would contain information on the series, characters, etc. This would be done in a way as to not step on the wikis toes, as a lot of hard work went into the wiki. I imagine a page with basic information on each subject, with a link at the bottom to the wiki for further reading would work fine. The board would still be the main attraction, and will be the very first item linked in the menu. There won't be many changes to the board. In the short run, there may be some visual changes. More styles, better graphics. In the long run, Wakaba may replace Kusaba X. And of course there would be a links section that would contain links to the official sites and the sites of our friends overseas (Karlsland, etc).The website will definitely remain advertisement free. And in the unlikely event that I am unable to pay the hosting bills due to a massive traffic increase or some other unforeseen event, I would rather use a donation system, with myself also contributing to the fund. This is an unlikely scenario, but I figured I would detail what the procedure would be should all of my funds somehow vanish. As of right now, I have what I want the website to look like visualized in my mind for the most part. However, due to my job I haven't had as much free time to work on the site as I had hoped. When I had bought the site, work was slow and infrequent, but recently things have been more active and I've been kept busy. Making the art and flash menus shouldn't be too hard, but coding the actual website will probably be the biggest problem at the moment, as right now I'm not much better than 1990s Geo-cities tier. But I can probably learn to do what I want quickly enough, free time willing.As stated before, these changes will not be immediate, but they are my current goals for the site. The earliest to begin expecting any significant changes will probably be sometime after December. Until then, I'll keep everything up and running as is, with maybe a minor change here and there. In closing, thank you all for keeping the love alive and well in the present, as well as in the future.
Replies: 23
I need to expand my waifu's folder! So let's have an Erica thread.
Replies: 8
So Trude really thought that Yoshika, a Fuso (Japanese) girl looked like her little sister Chris, a Karlsland (German) girl.Is she brain damaged?(USER WAS BANNED FOR SHITPOSTING)
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Witches and Neuroi: My Theory: Before you nail me to a barn door, please take a moment to read this!!!For the past few months now, whenever I've been bored or doing something I don't enjoy, I've been thinking about what to put in a few Fan Fictions I write in my free time. I think about all sorts of things in relation to my story, including things such as the "what ifs" and "why?". What I'm about to detail is just what I've conjured up in my mind, and this is coming from someone who surprisingly hasn't finished the entire series of both Anime and Manga. From what I've read though, despite the in-depth "research" into these creatures by the humans of the Strike Witches Universe, there is still very little to be known about these creatures apart from their structure, armaments, what the core is and how to kill them.Are we ready folks? If so, then I shall begin.My theory bore itself to me one day when I was, as usual, thinking of my stories. I had begun to think of a main character who had worked with the Witches of the 501st back when he was seventeen, and had grown into the shoes of a brilliant aeronautics designer who was looking for the long lost Sergeant Bishop, who disappeared some time after the events of Season 2 of the Anime. Anyway, for reasons not yet detailed Minna had returned to him and was on more than friendly terms... so the Main Character began to discuss what his recent projects were with her. I can't recall the exact details, but that's the gist of it...Gimme a sec... don't know your word limits, will continue.
Replies: 28
Will see this game in PlayStation 3?: This game for xbox 360 is exclusive....But why CyberFront dont consider made a port for PlayStation 3 if in Japan there is 7.6 millions vs 1.5 xbox 360?I just hope that next year this game can be in the Sony console.
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Sanya Figma inbound. Wondering who is up after her.
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Yasheku become meguca and power my warlock!
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Africa Witches: Since I no longer give a damn about the silly anime.. and sticking to the Africa manga, are there new volumes/chapters about the 31st?
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Happy Birthday Edytha Rossmann
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BUON COMPLEANNO LUCIANA MAZZEI: The first witch´s birthday of the yearI love The Pantaloni Rossi
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Eee O Eee O... Eee O Eleven...: You know, on TV recently I just watched an old movie from 1960... a GOOD movie, a damn good movie.Featuring:Frank SinatraDean MartinSammy Davis, Jr.Peter LawfordJoey BishopANDAngie DickinsonIt was a very nice thing to see, very classy. And afterward, do you know what the very first thing I wanted to see and hear was? Either Shirley or Minna singing "Eee O Eleven..."...and a movie or a manga called "Yeager's Eleven."
Replies: 42
Warlocks Thread: Don't forget about them
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Happy New Year: It's the year of the dragon so fanart about that is expected
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What happened to the britfag mediafire folder? It just 404s now.
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Best subs for Season 1 and 2? I assume Season 1 is the official release. I remember arguments about season 2's subs, and I can't remember which group was determined to be the best.
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Why weren't the fans happy about Horriblesubs subs for season 2? I remember everyone was angry about a specific scene but I can't for the life of me remember what scene.
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Season2 Coming to US: So the Season2 DVD/BD Combo Pack Trailer's here.Any thoughts?
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So yeah, do any of you remember this picture (pic related)? Perrine in the Martini glass with Pepsi Blue? Well, could someone make a sort of poster type image or painting sort of image with Perrine standing over an Absinthe glass, standing on an Absinthe spoon as water is poured over her in a shower? She would be taking the place of the sugar cube.Make the water really artsy, like an old children's book, really white streaks like a painting. It would be cool looking, especially if the Green Absinthe Fairy was in there somewhere, perhaps pouring the water with a bemused smile.
Replies: 16
Wow, this website sure has grown. Anyways, I've been gone for at least 4 months due to becoming a brony. Are the 4chan threads done for? Are the old tripfags(Orange, Helma, Wallpaper Guy) here?Last time I was in a thread, the movie news was that it would be 3D if that was wanted, it was coming 2012, and there was an image for the movie showing a new character. Humikane had 1947 going on and had Helma, Eila, Gertrud, and Erika. Did he finish that?
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Anyone got that concept art of the Warlock? The one where it didn't even look like the Warlock, it looked more like a guy in a Striker unit and gas mask.
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lets doing a witches´s feet post
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Christmas Short Story: http://twitter.com/humikane/statuses/150781469403521024「泣くなよ」「うるさい!泣いてなんかない!」「歩いて行ったって夜明け前には間に合うだろ?荷物は交代で担いでさ」「うん・・・」「だからもう泣くなよ」「泣いてない!」http://www.ne.jp/asahi/humikane/e-wacs/tw/qwq.jpg ちょっと遅めのクリスマスでしたhttp://twitter.com/humikane/statuses/150786574525800448子どもにプレゼントとか言いだしたのはニパなのね。エイラはニパのそういうとこが大好きなんだけど、照れくさいから「おまえトナカイな!」とかやっちゃうわけ。http://twitter.com/humikane/statuses/150787301050556416大事な荷物が・・・と凹んでるときに「歩いて行こうぜ!」ってけろっとしてるエイラは、頼りになって妙に優しくて、要約するとニパさんチョロい
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Could anyone please shed some light on these shadow-like figures that make appearances in the artwork for Strike Witches that I see? I know they each represent a character, but I am curious why they are sometimes included in images. And if anyone could tell me the name of the mysterious figures as well, I would greatly appreciate it.
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Neuroi Appreciation: Is it time for a Neuroi thread? Yes it is.
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So I got the season 2 fanbook as a Secret Santa gift. First thing I did as the dedicated SW fan that I am? Confirmed Neuroi design influences. All were correct except one that we weren't really sure about, and the other three that weren't based on aircraft. So I would like some translations of these four if possible. I can take better pictures if needed.
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Calendar 2012:
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So, Eila have foot fetish?
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This summer, Sanya Litvyak as: Chitose Ikeda
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Who is your favorite witch?Try to include a picture of them as I have.
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Can someone replace Sanya? With any Witch really, in fact, just go nuts with this one picture
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Happy Pearl Harbor Day: Apparently without the Neuroi, the powers return to normal.
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>While many nations decorated their aircraft with nose art, American Air Force pilots were unique in their penchant for painting pretty girls on the sides of their planes. Sometimes they would forget to paint the clothes on them, which would often be hastily added before the plane returned home from the front lines. Eventually, the Air Force passed a regulation encouraging a sense of decorum, but boys will be boys and pretty girls still get painted on airplanes, even in today's Air Force. So is it safe to assume Liberion Witches paint manly men on their Strikers?
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I am requesting an image of Trude holding a Das Beer Boot saying "So very totally cool" like in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuDtACzKGRs&list=FLw0-tgl2lxaWNTEVZ3jSoOQ&index=5Bonus points of you give her the glasses too.
Replies: 42
New character appeared!http://yaraon.blog109.fc2.com/blog-entry-3644.html
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Familiars: I started this in an /a/ thread, then I thought that I would continue it here. What's your favorite and which ones would you like to see?
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One-Winged Witches: 片翼の魔女たち しのづかあつと 第3話 努力のかたちhttp://www.mediafire.com/?lamso9d5tbu2kmd片翼の魔女たち しのづかあつと 第4話 隊長の務め.rar http://www.mediafire.com/?ebvej7h58xo10p6
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What people think of Strike Witches: We all know how ridiculous or heavenly the world of Strike Witches is. We have girls running around in their panties. Thanks to that, this franchise can't be taken seriously.So far reviews of people range from really good to people-who-are-into-these-are-pervert-typeA-otaku.I liked Strike Witches because it was about girls with guns strapped in some airplane-like machines wherein they fought like combat aircraft. Although those forced panty/butt flashes sometimes makes me cringe.I'm having a love-hate relationship with this franchise.
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Hey there.Long story short, my brother works as a designer in a pretty popular clothes company.He said he can get a hoodie made for me with any design I want.I've been wanting to get pic related on it (hoodie would be black/dark), but I don't have a white, high-resolution version.It'd really help if someone posted one. Or another suggestion for the design.
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Amelie thread: Happy Birthday Amelie!
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How much like the archetypes are the Wictches?: I was wondering this on my own, I know that the witches aren't a carbon copy of the pilots for a myriad of reasons, but how much are they at all?The main reason I thought of this was Perrine's obsession with rebuilding Gallia. I want to say it's similar to Pierre's but he was off in the USA when the war started. He did fight in the Free-French Airfoce later but Perrine's devoutness borders on the obsessive and insane.Also, does anyone else have similar opinions or ideas or am I just over analyzing yet another part of Strike Witches?
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picking random SW image from my folder, sorry if its NSFW (for some reason my windows does not shot thumbnails)Anyway I just finished reading SW Afrika novel from Baka Tsuki and I have a question, does any one know the name of the reporter that went to interview Marseilles???
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Stand with Striker equipped?: I have always been wondering, how do they actually stand when their feet are inside the Striker Unit?
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Dangit Ladybird.: Didn't draw this myself, but it was my horrible idea. Hank hill with Ladybird as his familiar, lol.
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Georgette Lemare: Joyeux anniversaire, Mademoiselle Lemare!
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I can't find Season 2 at all. The dropbox only has up to episode 8. Every torrent site I've been to has every episode, and a batch, but no seeders. Underwater doesn't even seed it. Is there anywhere to get all of season 2?>inb4 buy it
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Erwin Rommel anniversary.: Today Nov 15, the Storm Witches are in mourning
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I haven't really been keeping up with some updates. So are there anything new for the Africa Doujins after The Witches of the Sphinx 3?
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I missed Patton's birthday. ;_;
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Are your pants ready?: It's her birthday already in JapanHappy Birthday Krupi!
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Pictures tell the story well enough
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Früh übt sich...
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I was bored recently and decided to see how well Battle for Wesnoth would work as a game engine for a Strike Witches mod. Turns out, not too bad!It is hardly complete, and not really playable. I am still getting the hang of editing units, and making sprites is time-consuming. I figured I would share what I have so far and get some feedback on what direction I should take this.At the moment, I have very simple sprites for the 501st (pic related). No attack/idle/movement animations yet. I don't have Neuroi sprites for enemies, so they're fighting Griffons (that's canon right?). I personally feel the graphics are a low priority, and can be polished later. No unit portraits (graphic next to HP/XP on right side) either.There is no story yet, although I guess I could try to emulate the first season. Thoughts? I would like to start off with something simple so I can release it sooner. Once something is made, it will be much easier to keep it going and not become vapourware.Unit stats and accuracy is pretty basic. I don't have a power level type chart comparing the witches, so they're all fairly similar, but I kinda know their weapons/abilities.It's all based on Wesnoth's engine, which if you are unfamiliar has some restrictions:- no ranged attack, units must attack on adjacent tiles. Instead, have multiple attack types (blunt, pierce, etc).- Scripting events is pretty 'easy'. Have to understand the Wesnoth DSL for config files though.- Some other things I am forgetting that make some cool stuff impossibleI am also not sure about legality. This would be a free mod, and releasing it also makes it open source. If really necessary it could be a mod which is based in a Strike Witches like universe, but that wouldn't be as fun.tl;dr - free unfinished fan-made turn-based strike witches game
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Jet Strikers: I've been wondering (simply out of curiosity)why the jet-striker units almost always look like the artist just got lazy and split the aircraft. The ME-262 Striker in season 2 looked like just that, a striker unit, while anything in fanart or even made by more well-known artists looks like a shooped jet.
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>that feel when this time last year season 2 was airing>that feel when movie is taking forever and never has news>that feel when there is shit loads of non anime media and you can't read it all>that feel when nothing Strike Witches related that isn't the anime will EVER come to your country>that feel when there are more Strike Witches characters than Touhou charactersthat fucking feel when [Underwater] and .mkv
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Happy Halloween: Do the witches and world celebrate it?
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So somebody felt the world needed a Junko figure.
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sexy calender thread
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I was thinking about posting a bunch of screencaps from the DVDs. Sorry about the black marks on the sides, my screen is too wide for widescreen format...If anyone can confirm why Sakamoto's eye is normal that would be nice, I think it's because her magic is too weak for it too activate, but that's just me...
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In your face, grim derp clowns!: Posting this since it needs translation and there isn't a 4chan thread I could paste this.Posting this here because lolRequest and duplicate file entries.501JFW司令の重責を全うした後も、ヴィルケ大佐を軍が手放すことはなかった。各地の視察、指導など多忙な日々を過ごす彼女にとって、戦友たちとのやりとりは、大切な安らぎの時間となっている
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Sanya, why are you blushing so?
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I'd like to see Sanya wearing this, or some cross between it and her usual outfit, with her cat-penguin as the hat.
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Why don't the witches wear any sort of flight suit?
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What's this?: http://www.k-supply.biz/501strike/goods/patches/
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Time for a challenge.Describe in-depth why you prefer your favourite witch to all other witches.
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So, there are several Strike Witches video games out but I never really see much discussion (or even see them mentioned for that matter).From what I've seen there's a 360 game, a PS2 game, and 2 DS games.Has anyone played these games? And if so, what are they like?
Replies: 66
Banner drive.: Hate the banners that I threw together in 5 minutes? I do too.If you feel up to the challenge, make some banners and post them in this thread. Good ones will be added to the rotating script.
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SW40K: Winter Wolves: After the disastrous founding of the Wolf Sisters Chapter and its subsequent dissolution, the “Children of Russ”, a bold plan to defend the outskirts of the Imperium with the genetic heirs of Leina Russ, was declared unfeasible. What would have been a promise to propagate the Space Wolves Legion throughout the galaxy was undone by the Legion's very genomic flaws.But in the wake of unprecedented alien and daemonic onslaughts upon the Imperium, every ounce of wolf spirit's power would be critical in bringing humanity back from the brink of extinction. So the Children of Russ project was recommenced. This time, the Adeptus Mechanicus diluted the Space Wolves gene-seed with a sliver of genetic information from the White Scars. The new line, which drastically cut the rate of fatal mutations that once ravaged the Wolf Sisters, was deemed ready.The planet of choice was discovered centuries prior, when an exploratory ship crashed into an ice-covered, seemingly barren planet deep within the unexplored area of Ultima Segmentum. The survivors of the crash, numbering in the thousands, now had to contend with impossibly frigid temperatures, shifting, fragile, ice sheets, murderous fauna, and hostile Iron Age natives. By the time a recovery fleet arrived at the treacherous planet, only half a dozen survived what was nicknamed Novus Fenris.Suomus, a name with which Novus Fenris would be properly dubbed, was deemed the most lethal Death World up to that time. The natives of Suomus, molded by the elements into redoubtable warriors and ironsmiths, are divided into countless warring tribes bounded by ever-shifting alliances. From the depraved, cannibalistic Ostroboths to reindeer-riding Lapp pillagers, the warriors of Suomus kept battlefields fresh with daily bloodletting. Psychic prowess was honed solely for raw killing power, to the satisfaction of the Techpriests.The new Chapter, the Winter Wolves, contains only four Great Companies, all representing the multifaceted nature of the wolf. And unlike in Fenris, where they are venerated as spiritual beings, wolves are universally feared and detested amongst the people of Suomus. Thus, the Winter Wolves adorn themselves with canine iconography with the purpose of instilling fear, not awe. The Space Wolves, who excel in winning the hearts of the defenseless, also openly disdain the Winter Wolves' penchant for horrific reprisals and the savage employment of terrorism as a judicial tool. After all, the motto of the Winter Wolves is simply, “Hack them down!”
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Character Info: She appeared on Chapter 9 in Strike Witches Zero. She was sitting in a throne, her face initially shrouded like that of a shogun or tenno. Whoever she was, she seemed to outrank every other Witch in the meeting.Any info on her?
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The most asked question: Time to ask it because it seems to be the most asked question by people who don't watch the series.Why don't they wear pants?
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I made this request a while back in the threads on 4chan but I'm asking again so there isn't a 40K thing on here.I would like a drawing of Charlotte and Bugs Bunny from a propaganda cartoon or something.
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Happy Birthday, Hanna!:
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Just a reminder fellows.You'll never be allowed to speak with the Witches.
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The Homefront Witches: Post witches who aren't in a JFW or something similar (Isle of Wight, Afrika Corp, etc.)
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Shield Designs: Does anyone have pics of individual Witch shields?
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Tank Witches Love is invincible!:
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It begins.This board is gonna move slowly, I recommend advertising it. The pony fans only made an imageboard because of the amount of posts. Strike Witches threads get like 100 posts. In 3 days.
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SW40K: Blood Loins: The Blood Loins are a Space Witches Second Founding Chapter derived from the Blood Angels. Just like the latter, the Blood Loins are descended from the Primadonna Angelina Sanguinius and possess a level of ferocity on the battlefield unparalleled even amongst the Empress's Angels of Death.Their homeworld, Estalia, is a Renaissance Italy-style Feudal World in Ultima Segmentum with notoriously heavy social stratification. The plebeians, who fend off starvation and murderous bandits on a daily basis, comprise most of the population. The patricians fare little better, for they must constantly devise complex schemes to survive in a poisoned courtly atmosphere where treachery and assassinations are all too common.It is in this grim, medieval planet where the Blood Loins recruit their psychically-gifted girls. The brutal savagery of the plebeian Witches, combined with the sadistic cunning of their patrician comrades, has earned the Blood Loins a reputation for hitting strategic points with unparalleled precision and cruelty.The Chapter holds a dubious tradition of issuing white panties to the Neophyte Witches, but forbidding them from ever washing or changing them. Over time, the white panties would be stained red with blood, be it from downed foes or grievous wounds.Officer Witches, witnessing thousands of battles, have panties that are actually pitch black from centuries of accumulated blood and gore. Should one tragically fall in battle, her dark panties would be preserved as holy relics, supposedly imbuing the fallen Witch's battle spirits to any young Witch who touches or even sniffs them.
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Greetings: I am the admin of karlsland.net/sw/Have seen this board linking to mine, so just come to say hi.Also, if possible, I would like to have an official diplomatic link to this board (......which is to put a hyperlink of this board at mine)Cheers.
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posting a random image from my Strike Withes folder just to say Hi, I am one of the guys who more or less followed your thread but randomly posted, also the guy who kinda made the Hearmann Overdrive VN a while back. good to see the SW love is alive and well and that it has its own board now, good luck with this project
Replies: 11
Strike Witches love is alive and well.: http://strikewitches.wikia.com http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18732903/Links.html Strike witches love is #aliveandwell @ irc.rizon.net

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