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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

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11195 No. 11195 ID: 1da682bd
I'm getting this out of the way now, I've been writing a strike witches fan-fic involving a male witch, and let me stop again and say no it dose not involve a harem nor will it ever. so with that out of the way i wanted to ask, what do people think of male witches and how could people Wright them? also i just wanted to hear peoples opinions.
>> No. 11197 ID: c6c36b10
Canonically male witches wouldn't be a thing because being a witch is a female only thing. The male equivalent would be a wiccan, wizard, or warlock, one of those, which don't exist in the Strike Witches universe. In all honesty I like it being a female only thing because putting males in it would ruin the feminity. I think DBZ has something similar where it's usually only males that turn super saiyan, not sure because I've mainly only seen males turn.

I don't really read fan fiction though I've read a few. The worst ones I've read was the piss poor self inserts "antisocial otaku goes to SW universe" and it makes me want to beat the living shit out of the main characters because of their audacity and retardation. For male witches I've never read one that wasn't an excuse to romance a character or a self insert. I think sticking to canon works better. Plus a lot of people break character way too much in them. Never read one since.
>> No. 11198 ID: 1da682bd
Oh yeah he's a warlock, i just thought male witch was more general.
>> No. 11199 ID: 4e3128ef
All I know is that the warlock from season 1 was originally supposed to be a dude. Or at least something that looked like one.
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