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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 140034147757.jpg - ( 26.83KB , 700x950 , 91ed15762b3e8b36dab87066cfeac72b.jpg [iqdb] )
6953 No. 6953 ID: 61a8f9dd
Lets talk about witchbutts.
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>> No. 6954 ID: 61a8f9dd
File 140034316917.jpg - ( 22.10KB , 482x785 , 33711997_p7.jpg [iqdb] )
Which witch has the best butt?
>> No. 6955 ID: f53fca4d
Oi, let's not get into this pointless circlejerking like in the /a/ threads.
>> No. 6959 ID: 61a8f9dd
File 14003789926.jpg - ( 146.21KB , 867x1200 , 33770686.jpg [iqdb] )

shhh~ just let it happen
>> No. 6962 ID: f53fca4d
I mean, the whole question is rather silly since it depends 85% on the particular fan artist's interpretation and drawing style...
>> No. 15545 ID: c56e1adb
File 163870930156.png - ( 1.34 MB , 1366x768 , aerodynamics.png [iqdb] )
surely, there is an ideal and nearly-perfect butt
it is possible to create a definition of a perfect butt. however, it is subjective as to whether or not an artwork satisfies the conditions of depicting the perfect butt. but among us here, we can try to meet a mutual agreement as to which one butt is the best, per-artwork.

I'd think the best butt is probably sort of similar to this? But I think better butts exist.
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