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File 144591561075.jpg - ( 331.23 KB , 858x1200 , 42349054_p0_master1200.jpg [iqdb] )
8422 No. 8422 ID: 560eb581
Feel free to post your own translations or request someone else's.
Typesetting is welcome too.

Now then, "Shall we begin our story?"
Expand all images
>> No. 8423 ID: 560eb581
File 14459160082.jpg - ( 452.71 KB , 1200x1681 , eilalili01.jpg [iqdb] )
I'm gonna start by posting the Eila & Little Liliya translation I did awhile back for /a/ (with better raws).
>> No. 8424 ID: 560eb581
File 144591608628.jpg - ( 88.37 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili04.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 8425 ID: 560eb581
File 144591691848.jpg - ( 395.21 KB , 1200x1753 , eilalili05.jpg [iqdb] )
[At a certain time, in a certain town]
[There lived a lone young lad]

Damn. Looks like this is all I got today, too.

Is everyone in this town blind?

Do they even realize who I am?
I have to get out there more. Find a good job.
>> No. 8426 ID: 560eb581
File 144591739214.jpg - ( 390.68 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili06.jpg [iqdb] )
What's with this pipsqueak...

Hey you, you shouldn't just stand there,
If you aren't paying attention you could get hit by a bicycle.

Hey mister,
Your zipper!


Did you know that
It's open?

What? No way!
Ah! It really is!
>> No. 8427 ID: 560eb581
File 14459180292.jpg - ( 329.69 KB , 1200x1743 , eilalili07.jpg [iqdb] )
Ahh... Man, today is not my day.
And to top it all off my fly was open the whole time.

Hey, pipsqueak.
Thanks for looking out for me.

It's Sanya!


Sanya's name! It's Sanya V. Litvyak!

Oh, I'm Eila. Well, I guess that's it for introductions.


I know! Do you want to try some candy?


Yeah, since you went through the trouble of helping me out, it's the least I could do.

>> No. 8428 ID: 560eb581
File 144591894857.jpg - ( 323.62 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili08.jpg [iqdb] )
This candy is pretty popular in my homeland, Suomus. It's reallllllly delicious.
Hm? What's wrong? Having second thoughts?

Sanya promised her papa and mama,
That she wouldn't take candy from strangers.


So I can't accept your candy.

Ah, that's fine, makes no difference to me
(And here I thought it was the perfect chance to spread the word of salmiakki...)

But it's good that you listen to your parents. You're pretty admirable.

Yeah! Sanya's admirable!

My nanny always said I was a good girl!

Really? Well, you do have to be careful around people you don't know.


Especially around strange... men...


Strange... men...

Ah, wait a minute! Look at me, I'm—!
>> No. 8429 ID: 560eb581
File 144591920347.jpg - ( 341.39 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili09.jpg [iqdb] )

What a pain.

Hey, Sanya
Looky here.

I'm a girl.

>> No. 8430 ID: 560eb581
File 144591945433.jpg - ( 296.68 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili10.jpg [iqdb] )
Eila turned into a girl!

No, that's not... I've always been a girl.

Well, whatever.
Be careful not to fall over again.

It's time for me to be moving on.

Take care!

[As usual, I'm not really good around children.]

(Anyway, back to looking for a new job...)

>> No. 8431 ID: 560eb581
File 144591972311.jpg - ( 352.43 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili11.jpg [iqdb] )
No good.
I can't find anything...
Maybe it's about time I left this town...

It has been pretty good though...

Maybe I spoke too soon...
Anyway, right now, my search has turned up a whole bunch of nothing.

[Hey hey hey]
[Is someone following me?]
>> No. 8432 ID: 560eb581
File 144591983989.jpg - ( 314.18 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili12.jpg [iqdb] )
What do you want?


Can't you see I'm busy?


What's up?
>> No. 8433 ID: 560eb581
File 144592015452.jpg - ( 380.33 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili13.jpg [iqdb] )
Play with me!

{Take care!}


Come on~! Let's play!


Why me? What about your other friends?
{Someone closer to your own age!}


I don't get to leave my house a lot.
So I don't really have any friends here.

Hey, um...
>> No. 8434 ID: 560eb581
File 144592063689.jpg - ( 335.17 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili14.jpg [iqdb] )
And Eila!
You're cool!


D-did you just say
I'm cool?


Your hair is really silky!

Ah, it's... well...

And you're really slender!

You don't really have to say...

And when I grow up I want to be just like you!

Huh!? You'd go that far!?

[What is this kid saying?]
[I mean, it's no secret I'm cool, but this is the first time I've been complimented so much!]
[A plan! I need a plan!]

This kid may be a little annoying, but...

I've got nothing!

Heh... Heheheheh
>> No. 8435 ID: 560eb581
File 144592094958.jpg - ( 318.35 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili15.jpg [iqdb] )
[I came to this town a few months ago]

And during this time, no one has had the ability to notice my cool-ness.
I was just your average migrant worker from the countryside.

[But finally]
[At last, a person has come to understand my charm]

Well, she's only a kid, but...



[This kid...]
[This unexpectedly well-dressed little lady...]
[Wants to be influenced by me...]
>> No. 8436 ID: 560eb581
File 144592131296.jpg - ( 348.87 KB , 1200x1739 , eilalili16.jpg [iqdb] )


If you are willing to go as far as you say then I will lead you!


Yes, however...

From this point onward,
You must call me Master Eila!

Master Eila!?

Of course! Didn't you want to become like me?

As such, you are going to be my disciple!

>> No. 8437 ID: 560eb581
File 144592176593.jpg - ( 304.18 KB , 1200x1737 , eilalili17.jpg [iqdb] )
Disciple... Disciple...

(Crap, did I go a little overboard there?)
Ah, sorry, if you don't like it...

Awesome! It sounds cool!

[I don't think she knows what it means!]

Master Eila! Master Eila!

(Well, whatever...)
Oh, that's the spirit!

[And that's how]

{Master Eila!}

{Ha ha ha}

[The slightly-off pair of Eila and Sanya's]

[Strange teacher-student relationship began]

Listen up Sanya! Your master's word is absolute, alright?

Eila! Give me a piggyback ride!

Did you hear what I just said!?
{And you already dropped the "Master"!?}
>> No. 8438 ID: 560eb581
File 14459219769.jpg - ( 286.31 KB , 1200x1688 , eilalili20.jpg [iqdb] )
Sorry if the formatting was hard to follow, I kinda went on and off with the different bracket styles and spacing for different things.

Either way, that's all I really have for now.
I hope you enjoyed it!
>> No. 8458 ID: 02db831a
File 144614144797.jpg - ( 201.49 KB , 646x800 , 1445792337783.jpg [iqdb] )
Thank you
>> No. 8463 ID: fe88413a
File 144618462630.png - ( 418.62 KB , 1024x768 , Konachan_com - 48649 animal_ears bra cleavage glas.png [iqdb] )
HI! Do you can help me please with this pic?
Thank you (^.^)/
>> No. 8526 ID: 65a90446
File 144718528917.png - ( 363.49 KB , 350x498 , cover.png [iqdb] )
Can anybody translate this, or is there a translation somewhere? I need it for... reasons.


Also wanna know if that's supposed to be Hijikata.
>> No. 8530 ID: 560eb581
Oh, sorry I didn't catch this last week.

Miyafuji-sensei's Oppai Lecture Course
First Pair - Lynette Bishop

Here! Right here!

See this excess flesh overwhelm and create a feeling of slipping out from underneath her bra
As expected of Director Takamura, he really knows his stuff!
With this, I'm sure you're all more than capable of understanding Lynne-chan's lewd charm

This stuff is pretty important, huh, Sensei?

501st Joint Fighter Wing Oppai Master
Yoshika Miyafuji-sensei


Yes, that's Hijikata.
>> No. 8531 ID: 62c01dbd
Thanks for the explanation of Miyafuji-sensei (^.^)/
>> No. 8585 ID: 621c4acf
File 144814526132.jpg - ( 142.38 KB , 800x845 , 1447650340508.jpg [iqdb] )
Gonna need a translation for this
>> No. 8592 ID: ef545d22
File 14482533234.png - ( 292.77 KB , 800x845 , Shimada's_RPG.png [iqdb] )
Here you go. Feel free to check for any errors.
>> No. 8596 ID: d58c3edd
Many thanks
>> No. 8636 ID: d58c3edd
File 144858501545.jpg - ( 39.86 KB , 252x377 , 2943.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 8637 ID: d58c3edd
File 144858507178.jpg - ( 1.56 MB , 2492x3457 , 49113315_p3.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 8638 ID: d58c3edd
Those two need translations ^
>> No. 8639 ID: d58c3edd
File 144858519039.jpg - ( 492.49 KB , 860x1214 , 51672261_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
Gonna need these pages translated
>> No. 8640 ID: d58c3edd
File 144858523720.jpg - ( 500.07 KB , 860x1214 , 51672261_p2.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 8641 ID: d58c3edd
File 144858530434.jpg - ( 523.62 KB , 860x1214 , 51672261_p3.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 8642 ID: d58c3edd
File 144858534012.jpg - ( 509.48 KB , 860x1214 , 51672261_p4.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 8643 ID: d58c3edd
File 144858539469.jpg - ( 441.58 KB , 860x1214 , 51672261_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9057 ID: c811865e
I put Karlsland Syndrome 4 (Rall and Rossman) up on the NSFW board. Let me know how I did.


Hope cross-board-posting works the same way as 4chan.
>> No. 9175 ID: de7cb854
I may have lined up a translator on exhentai for "Suki Suki ♥ Witches 16". (It's two stories.) I can do typesetting, but if anyone is interested in editing and feedback let me know.

If I get the translated script, I will put it up online for review. I will separately do a clean copy of the pages for feedback too. Once both are finalized the typeset will be done.
>> No. 9176 ID: 0b6ede8a

That would be absolutely wonderful, anon. I've always hoped at least one of Sandwich's doujins would be translated. Would be nice if we got some more scanned as well.

Seriously looking forward to it.
>> No. 9179 ID: 27a4f1ab
I translated "Brave!" this weekend.

>> No. 9180 ID: d17112f7
Otsukare-sama deshita! ヽ(・∀・)ノ

This is top notch translating, some good font editing too.
Wonder why some few gave so low scores.
>> No. 9189 ID: 23500975
Thank you for your excellent work!

Always nice to see more as-special's stories translated.
>> No. 9195 ID: de7cb854
Update for Suki Suki ♥ Witches 16!

I received a translation and created a very rough typeset PDF for review. Here is the PDF:

http://www.mediafire.com/view/331tg5z757358a3/suki_suki_witches_16.pdf (8.1 MB)

I made some changes in the PDF from the script; here is the script on Google Docs where you can comment and suggest changes:


Once the script has been edited a few times I will take the higher quality raws and typeset them. Regarding FX: should I try to "write over" them, or just use margin notes? I don't want to spend a lot of time erasing existing FX using photoshop.
>> No. 9219 ID: d17112f7
I've always preferred margin notes myself.
Go what feels best but that's my opinion.
>> No. 9250 ID: 26953f65
I'll do that for the awkward SFX, then.

I'm doing editing of the translation now. I've changed Heidemarie and Gertrude's dialogue to be more formal and to not use contractions. But I will leave them in for Erica. I will have Mio, Perrine, Lynette and Shizuka be more formal than Yoshika.

Should Erica use "Trude" instead of "Gertrude"? I think it is more friendly.

I'm going away for the weekend so I won't be able to typeset until later next week, so I expect it to be done around Valentine's. I'll post it to the e-hentai gallery afterwards.
>> No. 9253 ID: 0b6ede8a

Erica would almost definitely say "Trude", yes. I'm not sure i've ever actually seen her translated as saying "Gertrud".
>> No. 9255 ID: d17112f7
Yeah, definitely Trude.
>> No. 9325 ID: 26953f65
File 145544432816.jpg - ( 183.65 KB , 530x750 , 00.jpg [iqdb] )
Okey dokey blokeys, here is the first typeset of Suki Suki ♥ Witches 16.

If there are any mistakes, now is the time to let me know. I'll upload the full-res version to a gallery and to a file share after it has been finalized.
>> No. 9326 ID: 26953f65
File 145544439637.png - ( 218.87 KB , 525x750 , 02.png [iqdb] )
(Skipping 01 because it is a blank colour page.)
>> No. 9327 ID: 26953f65
File 145544441295.png - ( 150.55 KB , 521x750 , 03.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9328 ID: 26953f65
File 145544442576.png - ( 166.75 KB , 525x750 , 04.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9329 ID: 26953f65
File 145544443928.png - ( 161.54 KB , 528x750 , 05.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9330 ID: 26953f65
File 145544445260.png - ( 176.04 KB , 529x750 , 06.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9331 ID: 26953f65
File 145544446447.png - ( 158.71 KB , 534x759 , 07.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9332 ID: 26953f65
File 145544447518.png - ( 152.15 KB , 526x750 , 08.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9333 ID: 26953f65
File 145544449472.png - ( 158.41 KB , 524x750 , 09.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9334 ID: 26953f65
File 145544450544.png - ( 136.01 KB , 527x750 , 10.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9335 ID: 26953f65
File 145544453185.png - ( 155.52 KB , 524x750 , 11.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9336 ID: 26953f65
File 145544454732.png - ( 117.27 KB , 525x750 , 12.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9337 ID: 26953f65
File 145544456336.png - ( 182.48 KB , 526x750 , 13.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9338 ID: 26953f65
File 14554445768.png - ( 20.53 KB , 536x757 , 14.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9339 ID: 26953f65
File 145544458937.png - ( 21.22 KB , 525x750 , 15.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9340 ID: 26953f65
File 145544459954.png - ( 189.49 KB , 523x750 , 16.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9341 ID: 26953f65
File 145544461154.png - ( 170.39 KB , 526x750 , 17.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9342 ID: 26953f65
File 145544462222.png - ( 171.87 KB , 524x750 , 18.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9343 ID: 26953f65
File 145544463268.png - ( 180.74 KB , 524x750 , 19.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9344 ID: 26953f65
File 145544464211.png - ( 156.06 KB , 526x750 , 20.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9345 ID: 26953f65
File 145544465397.png - ( 157.26 KB , 523x750 , 21.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9346 ID: 26953f65
File 145544466693.png - ( 125.18 KB , 529x750 , 22.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9347 ID: 26953f65
File 145544467872.png - ( 156.62 KB , 523x750 , 23.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9348 ID: 26953f65
File 145544468882.png - ( 224.45 KB , 524x750 , 24.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9349 ID: 26953f65
File 145544469817.png - ( 199.76 KB , 527x750 , 25.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9350 ID: 26953f65
File 145544470824.png - ( 229.04 KB , 524x750 , 26.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9351 ID: 26953f65
File 145544471778.png - ( 203.03 KB , 524x758 , 27.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9352 ID: 26953f65
File 145544473086.png - ( 166.37 KB , 515x750 , 28.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9353 ID: 26953f65
File 145544474315.png - ( 99.62 KB , 531x757 , 29.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9354 ID: 26953f65
Page 30 is a blue-green page that is empty aside from the group's name.
>> No. 9366 ID: d17112f7
Got around reading now this. Didn't really catch any errors when casually reading through.
Heidi is such a good girl.. and festival story was funny. Miyafuji has the right mindset about napes, hehe.
Thanks you very much anon.
>> No. 9429 ID: 26953f65
Here's the download for Suki Suki ♥ Witches 16. It's 4x the resolution of the previews above and has some minor tweaks to the text size.


And on ex, if you prefer that for some reason:

>> No. 10466 ID: b00c3884
File 146420188070.png - ( 1.13 MB , 960x1280 , sumous01.png [iqdb] )
Hi everyone,

I'm an old school SW fan and have begun typesetting in earnest as a hobby. Was directed to Helma by Eagle. So we have moonspeakers here who take requests, right? In the mean time I'll post my last couple works.
>> No. 10467 ID: b00c3884
File 146420190366.png - ( 1.05 MB , 1200x813 , sumous02.png [iqdb] )
And #2.
>> No. 10473 ID: b00c3884
File 146423073515.jpg - ( 691.10 KB , 722x1021 , 01.jpg [iqdb] )
I might as well go ahead and ask. This is only partly translated on Danbooru:


I'm a big fan of Beurling and the 507th and would like to typeset this one. I'll post it here as well.

As advanced thanks I'll typeset Eila and Little Lilya.
>> No. 10474 ID: b00c3884
File 146423076918.jpg - ( 803.12 KB , 722x1021 , 02.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10475 ID: b00c3884
File 146423079260.jpg - ( 838.02 KB , 722x1021 , 03.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10476 ID: b00c3884
File 14642308117.jpg - ( 876.67 KB , 722x1021 , 04.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10477 ID: b00c3884
File 146423085123.jpg - ( 961.64 KB , 722x1021 , 05.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10487 ID: e3832189
Looks like our rune speakers are a bit mia sadly. Would love to know what's being said as well, Beurling deserves some love too.
Ganbare with the Eila and Liliya one.
>> No. 10570 ID: 0a12ddfb
Good job with those two. What font is that you use for most of the dialogue?

I'll post my translation of >>10473 and I'll leave the cleaning/typesetting to you if that's alright.
>> No. 10571 ID: 0a12ddfb

>Panel 1
Hey Katherine!
Be a little more careful!

I got it!
I'm always careful!

Lieutenant Tomoko...
I- I can't reach...

So heavy...

C- Come on everyone, we're almost there!

>Panel 4
It's rare for Tomoko to invite me out for drinks...

>Panel 5
Hurry! She'll be here any second!

Didn't I just say to be carefu- Aah!

>Panel 6
>> No. 10572 ID: 0a12ddfb
>Panel 1
...so that's how it is.

>Panel 2
We all made a cake for your birthday, but...

>Panel 3
Haruka, how is it that the person who was saying 'be careful' and all was the one who ended up falling?

Ironic, isn't it?
But, if it had been anyone else, it would've been inexcusable...

By the way, Katherine, did you know in Fuso we have this thing called Seppuku...

>Panel 4
Alright! I get it!
Bring on the Seppuku!
I already said I'm sorry!

>Panel 5
This was supposed to raise our morale, you guys!

But, you looked like you were having fun, Lt. Tomoko.

>Panel 6
Elma! That's unnecessary!


>> No. 10573 ID: 0a12ddfb
>Panel 1
Hey! All of you!

What on Earth is going on here?

>Panel 2
Ah, it's Lieutenant Aho-nincompoop [or feel free to use 'Ahoyanen' and add the Danbooru T/L note]

It's Ahonen!

And what's this?
Having a party and not even thinking of inviting our[Suomus'] regular[professional/standing] army?

>Panel 3
I genuinely forgot.

You damn foreigner!

>Panel 4
...Hmph, no matter.

I see your taste in seedy-looking venues hasn't changed a bit.

>Panel 5
And what is this!?
You don't even have a cake!
Goodness, you really are a squadron of misfits, aren't you?

Girls[younger sisters/imoutos], show these children what a real party looks like.

Yes, Sister[ma'am/oneesama]!
>> No. 10574 ID: 0a12ddfb
>Panel 1
Now then,
Let the party begin!

>Panel 3
It's great, isn't it, Beurling?

>Panel 4

What's this party for anyway?

>> No. 10592 ID: e3832189
Danke for doing this.
>> No. 10717 ID: 0a12ddfb
Translated Sugoi Dekkai Yawarakai (Great, Big, and Soft) a Shirley doujin by Seura Isago.

>> No. 10764 ID: 124a8646
>> No. 10789 ID: e3832189
File 146639913417.png - ( 175.87 KB , 410x1230 , Eilas body.png [iqdb] )
Can someone translate this 4-koma?
>> No. 10792 ID: a32e340f
File 146642108495.png - ( 818.29 KB , 600x2300 , 88ad7b39e386bc67d60a208c8839bb35.png [iqdb] )
Could someone translate this or does anyone have an explanation for Federica, Grete and Rosalie?

Minna obviously suffers from a broken heart and Gundula from her back but what about the others?
>> No. 10793 ID: 0a12ddfb
File 146646114091.png - ( 185.43 KB , 410x1230 , FinnSummer.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 10794 ID: 0a12ddfb
File 14664611797.png - ( 784.89 KB , 600x2300 , CO_is_suffering.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 10807 ID: e3832189
File 146658130624.png - ( 183.25 KB , 410x1230 , Eilas body1.png [iqdb] )
Oh man, thanks a lot for these. Does Minna really say her 'stomach' instead of heart?
Can you do this as well?
>> No. 11319 ID: 0a12ddfb
File 147180043851.png - ( 189.90 KB , 410x1230 , Touch.png [iqdb] )
New translation: "Would You Like to... Study Together?" A straight shota doujin between Julius and Lynette.


Sorry it's a bit late.
>> No. 11320 ID: e1c26fa5
>ss with lyn and julius
>the kuronyan one and not based mozu

oh well. good work man!
>> No. 11321 ID: 0a12ddfb
I can only find the Korean translation of the mozu one, not sure if there are raws for it.
>> No. 11322 ID: e3832189
File 147180653852.jpg - ( 434.53 KB , 495x1607 , noes.jpg [iqdb] )
Better late than never. Thanks.
While at it then, can ya tl this?
>> No. 11410 ID: 516b469e

Don't worry. A little softness is sexy.
>> No. 11571 ID: 0a12ddfb
File 147537565785.jpg - ( 23.89 KB , 235x338 , gay.jpg [iqdb] )
New As-Special translation, "Greatest!" ft. Shizuka. First half is NSFW, second half is a SFW story.

>> No. 11578 ID: bd9b76aa
Excellent work, thank you! As-special is probably my favorite witch doujinshi artist.
>> No. 11608 ID: e3832189
Somehow managed to miss this post, thanks a ton translator-kun as always for your efforts.
Are you going to tl this pic though? >>11322
>> No. 11815 ID: 87a534d1
File 147805978042.jpg - ( 104.79 KB , 758x568 , mamenipa.jpg [iqdb] )
Translated Karlsland Syndrome 3, the one with all the Suomi, by Uron Rei.
Here's to an Aurora cameo in Brave Witches.

>> No. 11816 ID: a32e340f
File 147806658665.jpg - ( 39.28 KB , 400x400 , katajainen.jpg [iqdb] )
Thanks a lot mate, really appreciate it!

>you will never make out with Nipa
>> No. 11817 ID: 3d41df99
File 147808372144.jpg - ( 443.34 KB , 716x716 , Aurora praises Nipa.jpg [iqdb] )
Kiitos for doing this, hope you tackle the untranslated official works at some point if possible like the Aurora no Majo chapters 7-9, which still sadly are only in Nihonese.
>> No. 11819 ID: 87a534d1
I was actually planning to do them eventually, though I'd prefer for someone else to do the cleaning/typesetting for them - preferably the anon who did the others, wherever he may be.
>> No. 11822 ID: 62ee71a3
The raws supposedly only go up to 9 chapters, but the paste was not updated since forever. I checked around and websites say that they have 14 chapters.
Are the raws available anywhere?
>> No. 11823 ID: 87a534d1
I know there are complete Chinese scans, but I don't think we have complete Japanese scans.
>> No. 11824 ID: 62ee71a3
Do you know where to get the Chinese scans? I could get my Chinese speaking friends to help out.

Was this every properly typesetted? If not, I might get to it.
>> No. 11825 ID: 87a534d1
Not a huge fan of JPN>CHI>ENG translations, but the Chinese scans are here.
Since the full volumes are out now however, I think it'd be cool if we could get someone to scan those instead - they're uncensored apparently.

As for Eila & Little Liliya, I think 2-3 different people have begun to typeset it, but no one ever finished it, so feel free to have a go at it. I can even do a quick sfx translation of it if you want to add those in.
>> No. 11826 ID: 87a534d1
Oh, just found volume 1 on my hard drive, forgot it got scanned from >>7350 like 2 years ago. Link still works too.
>> No. 11874 ID: 74c0c165
I could read some simple moonrunes, so I prefer to keep sfx the way they are.

I've never done typesetting before, and I'm pretty much only smacking text to where they belong. Here's the tl-ed, resized to 1200px version.

And here's the cleaned version. I left them at the native reso I found in sadpanda. So if anyone could do better, please do.

Phew, this whole experience really made me appreciate tl team's work.
>> No. 12445 ID: df69452c
File 149088126559.jpg - ( 137.21 KB , 1200x900 , C8K2v7MUAAA17Q3.jpg [iqdb] )
I came across this post on twitter, regarding the new visual guide.


Does the text actually imply that Chris was killed, or am I misunderstanding?
>> No. 12446 ID: 560eb581
>A super ace of the Karlsland Armed Forces. Although she typically acts in a calm and levelheaded manner, at times she becomes so impulsive that she even loses track of her surroundings. Since the fall of her home, Karlsland, there have been times where her seriousness has become stubornness. To that end, she was typically very stern towards new Witches. However, since Miyafuji, who reminded Barkhorn of her late sister Chris, joined she has been watching over her warmly.
It straight up says that Chris is dead. I guess we're retconning stuff now.
>> No. 12447 ID: 040b2a13
Then SW anime would be retconned..?

At least Asami Sanada could voicing a witch..
>> No. 12448 ID: df69452c

That would be a retcon then.

Nah, someone fucked up. This was written by some intern who never watched the show glancing over the details and not realizing Chris woke up later. There's no way that's deliberate.
>> No. 12449 ID: 987c14ed
I wonder if that visual guide would be recalled..xD

BTW, can someone translate >>12384..?
>> No. 12450 ID: 42274b63
Must be a mistake, nothing to suggest anywhere else, even in her behaviour that chris would be dead, there wouldn't be any survivors if that were true.
>> No. 12451 ID: 05c7340e
Wow nice! $380 well spent! Wish I didn't see this since my lack of Moon knowledge just had me enjoy that booklet as an extra.
>> No. 12453 ID: 5187c473
File 14910836709.jpg - ( 1.49 MB , 2136x2985 , 01.jpg [iqdb] )
Sup /sw/

There was a request to get Infinity Drive's non-h doujin translated. Which I've done:
But you know

So I asked where else to share it and got this place.

tl;dr version - I translated some stuff and want to share it.

Oh, that's not the first Strike Witches doujin I've done. And certainly not the last one.
>> No. 12454 ID: d97c2d93
File 149108509664.png - ( 118.53 KB , 520x500 , Nipa expression 1 - msgtkurage.png [iqdb] )
Thanks again for great translation and item choice. Super fun Suomus chapter.
Can't wait to see the day when all of Infinity Drive SW doujins have been translated.
>> No. 12455 ID: 5187c473
The problem with that is that Infinity Drive's doujins are paper scans with generally low quality.
For example I want to do this >>8526 but the quality is rather poor than average.
>> No. 12457 ID: 8905373b
I didn't expect to see this translated. Thanks.
>> No. 12460 ID: df69452c
File 14911933808.png - ( 2.41 MB , 1920x1080 , 145186931683.png [iqdb] )

Thank you, anon. We all sincerely appreciate the effort.
>> No. 12461 ID: f861ece1

Ahem. If you are going to link to e-hentai, at least use the proper link. Exh(aka panda) is a silly secret club.

>> No. 12462 ID: 58f90587
Anyone with half a brain can get past the panda, it's not really a secret club
>> No. 12463 ID: 5187c473
>there are still people that can't beat the sad panda
But okay, if applicable, I'll use the e-hentai links.
>> No. 12465 ID: 31885976
File 14912844218.png - ( 626.96 KB , 1000x1000 , __sanya_v_litvyak_strike_witches_and_world_witches.png [iqdb] )
This is great! Thanks a lot, anon.
>> No. 12466 ID: 4c59abc0
File 149132138072.jpg - ( 37.15 KB , 576x400 , Trude reading to Chris - fumikane.jpg [iqdb] )

Chris Barkhorn has been resuscitated and the mistake acknowledged as a error.
Now Trude can sigh from relief.
>> No. 12467 ID: b33596ff
How they managed to fuck up a vital part of Trudy's character arc still baffles me, but it's good thing that it's been acknowledged as a mistake
>> No. 12490 ID: e7dfe170
File 149218552942.jpg - ( 38.13 KB , 282x400 , strike-witches.jpg [iqdb] )
I recently translated the entirety of Erica Hartmann 1941 for a friend (using a physical copy of the manga). The t/l is lacking significant polish but it's passable, if I posted it here would anyone want to source raws and typeset it? Here's a sample: https://pastebin.com/6URhSWk9

I'd be fine without being credited
>> No. 12491 ID: df69452c
File 149220615555.png - ( 1.78 MB , 1181x1772 , 58014239_p0.png [iqdb] )

That would be wonderful, anon! Please do post it! Erica's birthday is less than a week away and even if we could get one or two chapters typeset from the scans on karlsland.net/sw/ that would be just amazing.

I'll get on finding someone to scan the whole thing, we can keep talking here if you want.

>> No. 12492 ID: e7dfe170
Well, guess I'll post it then!
docx: www.mediafire.com/file/1t5tmvvr9j5msik/EricaHartmann1941.docx

Feel free to reupload it somewhere and/or make edits. The Japanese lines should be at least 99% accurate. I hope someone is able to turn it into something presentable! It was a fun little manga.
>> No. 13358 ID: 4ec64f0e
File 151355429918.jpg - ( 46.30 KB , 1000x1000 , Miyafuji arms crossed stare - mozixya.jpg [iqdb] )
Meant to post earlier but this month sure has flown by. Really fun to see you two still around and still doing what you do best.
I was wondering if I could ask your help with a tiny image set for the calendar surprise thingy, it's really nothing big and I might not even use it but I still thought of asking. Just throw a message at the email I guess if you got the time.
>> No. 13521 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597478597.jpg - ( 222.70 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
A Brave Witches comic translation, as promised.
>> No. 13522 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597492268.jpg - ( 189.10 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
502nd JFW Base - Mess Hall

Pardon me.

Come in!

Barkeep, let's start off with some tasty water.

Yes, right away.

If it isn't the Squadron Leader.

I didn't expect to see you here.
[by Krupinski]May I?

[by Rall]I don't mind.
You know even I have to take a breather from time to time.

Oh, my apologies.

Did something happen?

Nothing worth mentioning.

Haha, by all means, I'd love to hear it.

It's your favorite topic - the budget.

Stop right there!
Squadron Leader!
>> No. 13523 ID: b119c8f0
File 15159750892.jpg - ( 221.23 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p2.jpg [iqdb] )
We aren't done talking!
Nipa is waiting for us, so let's...

It ain't my fault!




As energetic as ever, huh, Nao-chan?


What's got you so worked up?

Why not tell us a bit about it?

The Fake Countess! And the Squadron Leader!!

That jerk Nipa got in my way,
So we crashed!

Even so!
You shouldn't be breaking your striker during practice!

Like I care!

You've piqued my interest, youngster.
Here, have a drink.

Come over here.

Stop it you two!
And why are you calling her "youngster"!
>> No. 13524 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597530652.jpg - ( 213.37 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p3.jpg [iqdb] )
Here, drink some of this plain old water, it'll help you calm down.

Thank you.
It's as if no one understands how hard I work around here...

You said this was just water... But it's really "tasty water" isn't it!

That's right. Good, isn't it?

There's no fooling an Orussian's tongue, is there?


Shimohara, food?


Oh my.

This is no laughing matter!!

Your joke's gone far enough you two!

Look who's here.

Flight Sergeant Rossman...!

I'm not saying you can't drink, but you should know to take it in moderation.

But once you open this up, you have to drink it all...

If you try and cork it, it tastes awful. I couldn't drink it.
>> No. 13525 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597545389.jpg - ( 210.75 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p4.jpg [iqdb] )
How about we drink it together, Flight Sergeant?

I, um...

Wow! That's really nice alcohol! It must be from the Squadron Leader's own collection...!

[side of bubble]No...
I-I shouldn't really... What with my health issues and all...

※Awakened Rossman-sensei


I see, that's too bad.
Your ears are sticking out.

What about you, Shimohara?

[by Kanno]Shimoharaaaa

I don't really drink...
And anyway, I have to mind the restaurant.

[by Krupinski]C'mere Nao-chan

This is the mess hall, isn't it?
[side of bubble]What do you mean "restaurant"?
[outside bubble]What? Am I the one acting weird?

I guess we're out of luck.
Looks like we'll have to finish off this bottle ourselves, Countess.

Shimohara-san! I'm done preparing tonight's dinner!

Huh... What is it...?
Did I do something wrong?
>> No. 13526 ID: b119c8f0
File 15159756523.jpg - ( 204.79 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p5.jpg [iqdb] )
I wanna see Georgette's cool side!

What is this!
What's going on?!





[side of page]Aleksandra's Promise
Absolutely no drinking!

I'm not really sure what's going on, but...
B-Bottoms up!!!


So strong...
>> No. 13527 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597579927.jpg - ( 212.57 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p6.jpg [iqdb] )
Um... I think... I'll go back to my room...

Do you need some water?

I don't think my stomach can handle any more...

I didn't hear you say
"Thanks for the drink"!!!


[side of page]Aleksandra's Promise
Didn't I tell you not to do it!!

Here, drink up!




So hot...
But the floor is nice an cold...

Looks like there's still a bit left.

[bottom of page]Even Pilot Officer Lemare became a victim...
>> No. 13531 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597800772.jpg - ( 207.05 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p7.jpg [iqdb] )
Pilot Officer Lemare!!!!
Kanno-san, please let go of me!

Big sis!
Biiig siiiis!

Get ahold of yourself, Ensign Kanno!

F-Flight Sergeant Rossman!
Please say something!

Big sis...


Ah, delicious...

I'm already too late!!

No more...

I'm sorry, Captain. It looks like our little prank went a little too far.

It must be because...
>> No. 13532 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597810055.jpg - ( 203.80 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p8.jpg [iqdb] )
We're drunk...

Don't waste your words!
You're not drunk at all!
[outside bubble]Where are you even looking!!

Come on, it's important to take a break once in awhile, isn't it?

Don't subject everyone else to your idea of "taking a break"!!!

This isn't a laughing matter!
What's so funny!?

Come on, you should have some too.


I'm sure no one's coming today.
The only ones who ever bother us are those uncouth fellows...

The Neuroi!
Don't say it in such a weird way!
>> No. 13533 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597818974.jpg - ( 193.23 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p9.jpg [iqdb] )
Wait... Aren't we on stand-by right now?

You drank some earlier, didn't you?
Now, let's drink together.

I was told it was "water"...!
...So, that shouldn't count...

Did you hear that, Countess?
It looks like she doesn't want to partake in one of my precious aperitifs.


Fufufu... What a hopeless cub...

Don't say that!
It was really delicious!

In that case it's fine, isn't it?

Really, I can't!

Come on, you want some, don't you Aleksandra?


What's it matter if it's one drink or two?
Come on!

I can't...

>> No. 13534 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597864396.jpg - ( 197.66 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p10.jpg [iqdb] )

I can't drink this...
If I do, I'll play right into their hands...

Don't bully...

Don't bully my big sis!!!!!!

...That's far enough,
Ensign Kanno.

※The sound of alcohol fading away

I don't mind a high-spirited youngster once in awhile,
But I think you've overdone it.

This is your fault in the first place.
>> No. 13535 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597871764.jpg - ( 197.55 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p11.jpg [iqdb] )
Let me treat you again some time.

Are we still doing this?

Sorry about all the commotion, sweetcheeks.

For your troubles.



The two of you coming in here...
And doing whatever you please...!

Now what're we going to do about this!!!

The Neuroi attacked 30 minutes later.

I knew you weren't drunk.

Quickly, let's go!


>> No. 13536 ID: b119c8f0
File 151597878517.jpg - ( 39.53 KB , 573x800 , 19172572_p12.jpg [iqdb] )
Nipa-san! Over there! Seiza!

The End
>> No. 13538 ID: 913e0bb4
That was incredibly entertaining. Drunk witches are best witches.
Thanks for the translation, anon! Maybe one day when I'm not so bloody lazy I'll typeset it.
>> No. 13542 ID: f67891dc
Thank you so much! Of all the fanworks over the years I think I still enjoy this one the most. It's both genuinely comedic but captures their personalities very well.

I'll try to typeset this without the use of waifu2x but legibility may have to supercede fidelity.
>> No. 13579 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151700926353.png - ( 254.60 KB , 917x1280 , 01.png [iqdb] )
Well, this was fun.
>> No. 13580 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151700931154.png - ( 297.69 KB , 917x1280 , 02.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13581 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151700939429.png - ( 268.38 KB , 917x1280 , 03.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13582 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701136055.png - ( 286.11 KB , 917x1280 , 04.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13583 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701157729.png - ( 303.98 KB , 916x1280 , 05.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13584 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701161054.png - ( 250.76 KB , 916x1280 , 06.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13585 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701172947.png - ( 254.30 KB , 916x1280 , 07.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13586 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701182942.png - ( 240.06 KB , 916x1280 , 08.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13587 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701187158.png - ( 229.05 KB , 916x1280 , 09.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13588 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701204230.png - ( 283.96 KB , 916x1280 , 10.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13589 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701209068.png - ( 247.36 KB , 916x1280 , 11.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 13590 ID: 1108d7d6
File 151701237737.png - ( 37.04 KB , 916x1280 , 12.png [iqdb] )
Hope you enjoyed as much as I did!

>> No. 13591 ID: b119c8f0
That was a treat, great work on the editing and typesetting as always.
>> No. 13691 ID: 990ded4f
File 15183809987.jpg - ( 280.94 KB , 722x1021 , 01.jpg [iqdb] )
And Beurling's birthday!
>> No. 13692 ID: 990ded4f
File 151838104714.jpg - ( 366.58 KB , 722x1021 , 03.jpg [iqdb] )
Page 2:
>> No. 13693 ID: 990ded4f
File 151838108389.jpg - ( 404.80 KB , 722x1021 , 04.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 13694 ID: 990ded4f
File 151838124098.jpg - ( 404.73 KB , 722x1021 , 05.jpg [iqdb] )
The [Aho]nen pun is a tough one, but I really don't like translators notes. But if anyone wants a TL note version I'm happy to do one.

ZIP: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mrlrc7d3jmx3r4q/507%20-%20Beurling%27s%20Birthday.zip
>> No. 13715 ID: f0c40b56
File 151982675079.jpg - ( 2.13 MB , 4084x5934 , send help.jpg [iqdb] )
So, ugh, I have the first volume of Noble Witches ranobe here and really wanna translate it as it is so much fun, but there are two problems:

1. My English is kind of meh when it comes to something more difficult than shitposting, which can be fixed by an editor;
2. I'm really bad at making myself do something on a daily basis without some motivation, which can also be fixed by an editor, as working with someone is on a whole different level of responsibility compared to starting a long-term project alone.

The second one is really annoying as I've been struggling with this translation for almost two years already, and I've only finished one chapter (in my mother tongue), which is roughly 70 pages or 1/4 of the volume. So yeah, that's why I'm asking for help if anyone is interested.
You can send me your contact details at [email protected]
>> No. 13832 ID: f7688646
File 15231848238.jpg - ( 41.51 KB , 375x375 , noble_375.jpg [iqdb] )
I started translating the light novel for Noble Witches: 506 JFW on my site. Please read if you're interested.


If anyone wants to translate with me, feel free to friend me on Discord.
Discord: flowingcloud#2601
Discord server link: https://discord.gg/FEnfhsT

I also want to translate the manga for this, so hopefully if anyone has any skills relating to TS, cleaning, etc. please also contact me on Discord.
>> No. 13866 ID: 1336f210
this may or may not be help to you, but here is volume 1-6 of the LNs in PDF format https://t.s-ul.eu/BOsSw9lZ.7z
>> No. 13884 ID: 9e9a607e

I really hope you keep working on this, because you are doing God's work with this.

As a fellow translator (Spanish), I wish you good luck.
>> No. 13886 ID: aca59085
I believe your link is wrong, but ganbatte.
>> No. 13916 ID: f7688646
Volume 1 Chapter 1 is out!
>> No. 13922 ID: 9afa96b7
thank you so much for translating!
good to see that kuroda has more depth than being genki shoujo
>> No. 13923 ID: 2011ea80
Thanks for the translation!
>> No. 13926 ID: 27757686

I never thought I would see Noble Witches being translated.

Thank you. Thank you so much.
>> No. 13928 ID: 0a5d137c
Another thank you! Alive and well.
>> No. 13934 ID: b119c8f0
File 153093491515.jpg - ( 217.67 KB , 631x916 , Juutilainen_Sisters.jpg [iqdb] )
From https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=31008474
>> No. 13935 ID: b119c8f0
File 15309374437.jpg - ( 115.43 KB , 308x891 , Juutilainen_Sisters2.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 13936 ID: b119c8f0
File 153093745518.jpg - ( 115.28 KB , 309x896 , Juutilainen_Sisters3.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 13937 ID: 0b6ede8a
These make it seem like Aurora's fault that Eila isn't so innocent anymore.
>> No. 13938 ID: a32e340f
Cease Eila bullying at once!
>> No. 14563 ID: bcd3b783
File 156175069622.jpg - ( 152.31 KB , 914x1231 , File54 Kurt.jpg [iqdb] )
My apologies for restarting this thread.

Found Kurt Flachfeld's entry in the Official Fanbook. Anyone know what the stuff after the "の" in the first sentence mean?
>> No. 14564 ID: abf3e98f
Minna's late childhood friend
>> No. 14566 ID: 92d7cf56

Romanization please?
>> No. 14753 ID: 89426fd4
So this is a parody of the Itchy Tasty scene from Resident Evil, but with witches at the end. Is it the same writing as what's in the game or did the artist play around with that?
>> No. 14971 ID: f3acee15
File 15811466328.jpg - ( 389.37 KB , 600x1589 , brave2703.jpg [iqdb] )
traslation, please
>> No. 14974 ID: 6ba9a693
Illu's amazing!
She's the pride of Suomus!

Look here! It's an article about Illu!
She's so amazing! So cool!

...Illu praised me~
Ehehe... Hehehe~

Every day it's "Illu this" and "Illu that"!!
Well if you like her so much why don't you just go and be with her then!!
Nipa you dummy!!
I don't really understand, but I'm sorry!
>> No. 14978 ID: 1e5b2ff4
File 158174348891.jpg - ( 542.51 KB , 600x1589 , brave2703.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14979 ID: 1e5b2ff4
File 158183307533.jpg - ( 209.83 KB , 768x1024 , brave7955a.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14980 ID: 1e5b2ff4
File 158183310923.jpg - ( 190.08 KB , 768x1024 , brave7955b.jpg [iqdb] )
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