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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131117052398.jpg - ( 526.53KB , 1667x1178 , 20435592.jpg [iqdb] )
254 No. 254 ID: ac826385
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>> No. 257 ID: 95ff85d3
File 13111927362.jpg - ( 139.59KB , 600x491 , Patton_girls rock.jpg [iqdb] )
Rock n Roll
>> No. 258 ID: dec46dde
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Are there any canonical evidence of them?
>> No. 259 ID: f29e6e7f
File 131119605219.jpg - ( 357.85KB , 1218x1800 , Tank witch Yoshika.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 262 ID: ac826385
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Besides being featured in the very toy line Strike Witches is based on, the Africa doujins written by one of the main creators, the currently running Zero manga and Fumikane's EWACS page?
Can't think of anything, nope.
>> No. 273 ID: dec46dde
I didn't know about Zero and the EWACS, but I thought that Afrika was a bit murky.
>> No. 275 ID: ac826385
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Why, just because it's not 100% canon and more of a test side for new ideas that maybe get adopted into the main series at a later point?

Also, I just remembered that Nipa's sister is in a Tank Witches unit too. They are tasked with retrieving the Break Witches from Neuroi territory.
>> No. 277 ID: dec46dde
File 131120118482.jpg - ( 59.05KB , 1051x1200 , 13828602_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
Pretty sure you mean Eila's sister, Aurora. She's been mentioned by the staff and named in a booklet. Here's some fan art of her.
>> No. 278 ID: ac826385
File 131120134548.jpg - ( 1.28MB , 2362x1330 , 18218782.jpg [iqdb] )

Yeah, I blame it on seeing a picture of Nipa in the Null thread and getting confused. SHould have just gone with Aurora instead, but then nobody would have known what I am talking about...
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