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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 146836877736.jpg - ( 130.20 KB , 800x453 , 5919172l.jpg [iqdb] )
10988 No. 10988 ID: 1d41c5fc
Kriegmarine in action
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>> No. 10989 ID: e02ae2ff
File 146837215938.jpg - ( 136.51 KB , 1280x720 , 1419276394506.jpg [iqdb] )
KanColle is Trash
>> No. 10990 ID: a6508a26
File 146837476521.jpg - ( 126.90 KB , 922x1698 , 47256017_p0.jpg [iqdb] )

I don't know anything about KanColle but looking at pictures of Prinz Eugen is a bit of a side hobby.

Humikane girls can't be all that bad.
>> No. 10991 ID: 5dbcf799
Dem T-poses everytime.
Accurate representation of the anime I'd say.
>> No. 10992 ID: 6d601e97
No Sir, I don't like it.

Kancolle is responsible for the Witches getting less Love and any witchfriend who likes it shozld reconsider it.
>> No. 11000 ID: 18011df2
Maybe not, Girls und Panzer has more responsible for less audience
>> No. 11001 ID: a6508a26

I'd say that Kancolle was responsible for more artists permanently moving away from the witches. GuP was kind of a temporary fling with a lot of witch artists but a lot of the more popular ones have put out much more Kancolle stuff.

There's evidently some odd disconnect between Western SW fans and Japanese SW artists, it seems like the most of us don't care too much for KC. Maybe it's just the language barrier with the actual game coupled with the poor anime reception. Meanwhile most western SW fans at least moderately enjoy GuP.
>> No. 11023 ID: 18011df2
Nobody cares about GuP
>> No. 11024 ID: 5dbcf799
File 146852288663.jpg - ( 115.11 KB , 1280x720 , Saori hatch peek.jpg [iqdb] )
Speak for yourself.
>> No. 11033 ID: 18011df2
Right, but this is an SW forum, NOT GUP
>> No. 11034 ID: e02ae2ff
File 146855678632.png - ( 100.11 KB , 229x253 , 1446676080219.png [iqdb] )
>brings up GuP originally
>GuP is another board here
>> No. 11035 ID: 18011df2
File 146855792646.jpg - ( 581.94 KB , 800x988 , 4a4cfed10d1201cd6c5aa3a75e23503c.jpg [iqdb] )
That Erica face!!! Jeje
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