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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 158028764329.png - ( 1.16 MB , 1920x1080 , Hitler rants about Brave Witches.png [iqdb] )
14959 No. 14959 ID: 6a83451b
Normally I'm not the type to advertise something I've made in this fashion, but this time I'll make an exception! Almost 10 years ago I created a video called "Hitler rants about Strike Witches" that a decent amount of witches fans have seen and enjoyed, which I greatly appreciate! Now I present to you the long awaited sequel!

>> No. 16002 ID: a6f4d2b2
>> No. 16003 ID: 15d0b7a8
"At least it's not Lucchini", those are fighting words my man
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