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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 137354799025.jpg - ( 111.79KB , 800x571 , SW Heidemarie 1.jpg [iqdb] )
6199 No. 6199 ID: f3065680
I was wondering if the RL advantages/disadvantages of heavy fighters were also evident for striker units based on Twin Engine fighters.

So far, we only have 3 witches with Heavy Strikers, Heidimarie, Prinzessin and Isami Kashida.

Sure, single engined fighters would outmanouvre them, but Twin Engine Fighters still look badass and so are the witches that have "heavy" Striker units.

Perhaps their strikers produce more thrust?
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>> No. 6204 ID: e25ba6d0
Twin engine planes are more reliable if I understand correctly.
>> No. 6214 ID: e9337944
The twin-engine fighters used in Strike witches are the Ju88, Bf110, etc. The Mosquito would fit with these. Two engines on one wing with one tail.

How come no one used the P38 Lightning? Two engines on one wing with twin booms.
>> No. 6215 ID: 61991cd6
I think that could be arranged, split the tail and horizontal stabs into two and both portside and starboard side strikers will have a complete miniature tail units or

Take it more literally and each strikers would have one tail and horizontal stabs each.
>> No. 6216 ID: 61991cd6
File 137378106465.jpg - ( 463.90KB , 1131x1600 , 061.jpg [iqdb] )
Oh wait, Humikane already made one.. P-38J
>> No. 6217 ID: 95a9cd53
Technically, that's not strike witches
it's actually for mecha-musume figurine series
>> No. 6218 ID: 67bfcd91
Strike Witches or not, I don't see any reason why the P-38 Lightning can't be adapt into a Striker unit. Humikane is imaginative enough to get around with the Forked Tailed Devil's base design and turn it into something the witches can employ, just saying.
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