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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 14669029668.jpg - ( 78.40 KB , 1280x720 , 1439443389384.jpg [iqdb] )
10852 No. 10852 ID: 1453fde0
I have a question, why are Japanese fans not so keen on talking to foreigner fans? I had a few nice interactions but the rest I've been ignored. I hardly see that from Taiwanese people. I make efforts to speak to them in their own language yet I still get mostly ignored. I seriously don't get it, they watch a show with people of many nations and love it, yet ignore that person even if that person is from the same nation as their favorite witch. I hope I'm not taking it the wrong way because it may just be a culture shock, but I perceive it as down right rude.
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>> No. 10855 ID: e721f900
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>> No. 10856 ID: fce724e0
File 146694742584.jpg - ( 475.29 KB , 600x800 , Nippon stronk Hijikatas ambition - komakedara.jpg [iqdb] )
I'd say you've just had bad luck with people. Haven't had the chance talk to many nips on net but one closely and he and I exchanged lots of discussion over witches as well it was possible in English. As long you didn't reveal yourself to be a nigger to them, their biggest issue is purely the language barrier from the few I've gathered.
Let's not forget their national mentality being selectively 'racist', though I wouldn't call it racist but I can't think of the better words for this now.
>> No. 10857 ID: 1453fde0
I'm not black, I'm white so I guess I'm in the clear.
>> No. 10858 ID: 17a7e606
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Interestin question.But I think it's not quite polite to talk to them with my poor Japanese.So I just watch their topics and chat with my friends.
>> No. 10859 ID: a8779f52
File 146695227564.jpg - ( 86.70 KB , 449x548 , O3napl8.jpg [iqdb] )
Xenophobic is the word you're looking for.
I've had varying experiences when talking with japanese folks, mostly artists.
Mozu is brozu and actually responded to my dms; but at the same time, whenever i dmed him it was about either buying merch or showing i bought is manga
>> No. 10860 ID: 1453fde0
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I've asked one a question in English but was ignored, probably wasn't good at English? He was a US military and Shirley fan so I don't think xenophobia was that part. I've asked another Shirley fan a question in English asking if we can message each other but he doesn't follow me back, probably because I'm not an artist. He did answer me back in English though. I asked if he had a Facebook and he told me he didn't. I shared a meme I made of Shirley to his account(pic related, it's the meme) but he posted a question mark back and I checked and it look like he deleted his tweet. I did compliment some of his work though and I did get some responses back if I asked a question. I told the first guy "I can't wait" when referring to his WIP drawing, but I think he probably took it literally because he responded with "please wait". I did talk with Kunasiri and he loves to draw Shirley, I show him one of my favorite drawings by him and he responded with a thanks. I try to sometimes write in Japanese but I usually keep it short since I'm not that good at it. I have had them visit my profile though and retweet what I retweeted. Just today I had hayabusa retweet my picture of my Strike Witches merchandise and it got some likes. I think they're just not that open like I'm used to.
>> No. 10863 ID: 50c8af7d
Its been the exact opposite for me, Japanese fans respond to me all the time...

You probably confused him, most Japanese do not know about western memes... lmao
>> No. 10864 ID: 1453fde0
Most likely because you're an artist. I see a lot of artists interacting with each other. I get responses most times fortunately.

I know, it's a shame. They're missing out on some damn good memes.
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