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File 136283880565.png - ( 1.38MB , 1024x720 , 1341840767640_zpsc789e16d.png [iqdb] )
5645 No. 5645 ID: 3e8e3950
Need more pics of the witches in Africa
Expand all images
>> No. 5647 ID: 982f0cae
File 136286483954.jpg - ( 300.17KB , 690x940 , 1295116765394.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5648 ID: e82647af
File 136286860085.jpg - ( 261.57KB , 850x1151 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5649 ID: e82647af
File 13628686831.jpg - ( 172.65KB , 707x1000 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5650 ID: e82647af
File 136286873051.jpg - ( 170.27KB , 600x975 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5652 ID: e82647af
File 136287531937.jpg - ( 152.04KB , 850x817 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5653 ID: e82647af
File 136287534540.jpg - ( 220.95KB , 848x1200 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5654 ID: e82647af
File 136287537014.jpg - ( 243.36KB , 875x1287 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5655 ID: e82647af
File 136287540822.jpg - ( 102.46KB , 640x380 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5656 ID: e82647af
File 136287544139.jpg - ( 304.25KB , 850x1188 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5657 ID: c7cc5f0e
File 13628769743.png - ( 329.43KB , 480x720 , 1355186006869.png [iqdb] )
her gun looks a lot larger than it did in manga
>> No. 5659 ID: 15b88aa6
File 13628833701.jpg - ( 99.25KB , 501x623 , 5849f43ac3474c161d208d2a9b80a0c0feeb3996.jpg [iqdb] )
I personally require more pics of Miles.
>> No. 5660 ID: 15b88aa6
File 136288342755.jpg - ( 275.57KB , 850x1360 , sample_33032ee3309e3e916779cb5d9af998f85393ea64.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5661 ID: 15b88aa6
File 136288345139.png - ( 163.54KB , 400x600 , 9cd04212b70d8c459a71b31f3a8db6c60b8140e9.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 5662 ID: 15b88aa6
File 136288352758.jpg - ( 272.23KB , 700x700 , 414ef52e3ad4f5efc670ea5af2a59f84ef895950.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5663 ID: 15b88aa6
File 136288386586.jpg - ( 118.88KB , 700x665 , 515ba98ae65a144b65f812f98ed525c8c98c9b2b.jpg [iqdb] )
Hopefully you don't mind me putting some Rudel here...
>> No. 5664 ID: 3e8e3950
File 136288512916.jpg - ( 138.76KB , 341x648 , 1302400901501_zpsc624d9ff.jpg [iqdb] )
Come on, more Keiko
>> No. 5665 ID: c7cc5f0e
File 136288910865.jpg - ( 343.09KB , 1168x826 , 384184912.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5671 ID: c629291e
File 136297730348.jpg - ( 282.27KB , 800x647 , 1296533649257.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 5675 ID: e85fd4d9
File 136301882581.jpg - ( 194.07KB , 500x666 , 32469830_p27.jpg [iqdb] )
Keep it up, men
>> No. 5676 ID: c7cc5f0e
File 136302156223.jpg - ( 329.92KB , 800x900 , 22335358_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
'37 Keiko, or ' 42 Keiko.
Which do you prefer, fellow brothers?
>> No. 5678 ID: e85fd4d9
File 136308977864.jpg - ( 1.31MB , 2034x1437 , 000.jpg [iqdb] )
Irrelevant. With magic shield or not, I still love her
>> No. 5706 ID: 373611c4
File 136395653617.jpg - ( 533.29KB , 642x906 , miles.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 6231 ID: 79ba1011
I wonder why there's so few fanart of Charlotte (not Yeager, the other Charlotte, the Tiger-wearing one).

She's basically the main character of "Witches of the Sphinx," right? And she's so damn cute.
>> No. 6233 ID: 1203ad33
Lueder. Charlotte Lueder.

As to why she doesn't have much fanart, it's because she only appears in the relatively unknown afrika doujinshi and even in it, she doesn't have that many appearances. She's relatively unknown witch. I mean look at you, you're a fan of hers and didn't even know her surname.

>> No. 6234 ID: 79ba1011
It's only mentioned in Military Photos 1943, isn't it?

I feel like Keikou Katou, Major Miles, and Mami Inagaki (especially her) don't have much more exposure, but there's still tons more fanart of them.
>> No. 6236 ID: 2e4abacc
In Fairness, she initially didn't have a surname or so it seems.

Either way, these Afika Witches seem to be more interesting.
>> No. 6241 ID: 1203ad33
File 137452700180.jpg - ( 230.88KB , 800x567 , 11561913.jpg [iqdb] )
I don't know. Mami doesn't have disproportionate amount of fanart compared to her appearances, in my opinion.
But I can see why a fuso witch would be more popular.

Raisa on the other hand, she might have a bit much? She's almost an invisible background character in all the media dealing with afrika witches.
>> No. 6242 ID: 79ba1011
She did have a single spoken line in the final episode of S2, though, so that puts her out there.
>> No. 6243 ID: 98bd8a46
is the new sphinx witches mango out yet?
>> No. 6244 ID: 1203ad33
New? Didn't The Witches of the Sphinx end after 5 volumes?
>> No. 6245 ID: c7cc5f0e
>witch would be more popular
...and then there's Ruko.
>> No. 6249 ID: 98bd8a46
oh, I've been out of the loop for a while, I've only read the 3rd one
>> No. 6262 ID: 2606e42d
Well, then I've got good news for you - 2 whole translated volumes are waiting!
>> No. 6264 ID: 98bd8a46
File 13751281012.jpg - ( 345.56KB , 1200x848 , 052b46ad81796c43578b869ae2bc4d99.jpg [iqdb] )
would you happen to have the link?
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