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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 142288873512.jpg - ( 190.62 KB , 500x701 , 1422858328463.jpg [iqdb] )
7579 No. 7579 ID: 942ba460
>No Eilanya Hijinks.

Oh well, Sayuri Yahagi needs a job I guess.
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>> No. 7580 ID: 6ee7c2b3
Would've been weird if it was Eilanya hijinks, as the name of the OVA: "Bridge of Arnheim" was released a while ago.
>> No. 7583 ID: 85140c89
And Perrine's pantyhose has been torned off..xD.

Keep your fingers crossed for Eilanya.

It makes sense since Sayuri-san character screen time in a certain ecchi anime has been decreased..
>> No. 7584 ID: 85140c89
And I find this in Wikipedia:>"Between 19–25 September 1944, during the Battle of Arnhem, Major Robert Henry Cain used a PIAT to disable a Tiger tank that was advancing on his company position, and force another three German Panzer IV tanks to retreat during a later assault."

And Perrine is wielding a PIAT as well, so I guess they'll fight against land Neuroi..
>> No. 7585 ID: 53b36024
File 142291367980.jpg - ( 799.79 KB , 1920x1080 , Strike Witches Operation Victory Arrow - 01 ( BD 1.jpg [iqdb] )
There was a brief moment in Operation Victory Arrow when I thought Sanya was going to make a surprise cameo. I can't be the only one who was fooled...
>> No. 7590 ID: 85edc788
One word: "Badass."
>> No. 7650 ID: 85edc788
Here's a new video for it (though it's wicked short): http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-02-13/strike-witches-operation-victory-arrow-final-episode-previewed-in-video/.84417
>> No. 7660 ID: b9204865
File 142415295874.jpg - ( 160.32 KB , 850x478 , GalliaTrio.jpg [iqdb] )
You weren't. My heart skipped a beat. At least Amelie is cute.
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