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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 137058043163.jpg - ( 41.75KB , 400x400 , 1278892213988.jpg [iqdb] )
5987 No. 5987 ID: 8f3c363d
Hello Helma. It's been a while. I've been feeling sad that the /a/ threads are no longer occurring, so I decided to drop by here. What's been happening recently? Any Strike Witches news? Season 3, another movie, LN series, manga, anything?
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>> No. 5988 ID: 78cb5654
The /a/ threads stopped? They've been going for like 2 months
>> No. 5989 ID: a68354d5
File 137060369260.png - ( 219.83KB , 352x338 , 1363437309584.png [iqdb] )
What the hell are you talking about??? If you can't find the threads use the catalog, but as I type this there is a thread up.
>> No. 5990 ID: ba48ed44
Try /u/.
Also, welcome back!
>> No. 5991 ID: dbc5b826
File 137062774914.jpg - ( 201.03KB , 1000x828 , sw-boobs.jpg [iqdb] )
Love threads in /a/ are alive and well, and have been so for a couple of months. There may be occasional lapses in posting quality, but they're there.

Not much in the news front, as far as I know.
>> No. 5993 ID: a68354d5
Welp never mind, we decided to make them more on a weekly bases instead of forcing it.
>> No. 5997 ID: dbc5b826
You can't be talking about 4chan's /a/, so which /a/ is it?
>> No. 5998 ID: a68354d5
File 137077720544.jpg - ( 145.90KB , 350x523 , 1366484065000.jpg [iqdb] )
Fine don't believe me, ha. For several months there was a daily thread. We've almost ran it into the ground, that's why we are slowing them down.
>> No. 5999 ID: 1442954b
The threads on /a/ always were a circle jerk, it's by no means a new thing.
>> No. 6000 ID: 3305c3b3
Please, speak for yourself only.

I doubt the /a/ threads are slowing down or stopping anytime soon if people want to keep them running. I don't make the threads, but I enjoy the daily idle talk with fellow anonymous SW fans.
>> No. 6222 ID: 1a1f7055
File 137428278645.jpg - ( 38.58KB , 170x170 , 2140433.jpg [iqdb] )
Well, now we have come to the point where an /a/ thread had to be deleted because there was no longer any hope of saving it:

Maybe it's time to let the love rest for a few months? Until the October announcement, probably.
>> No. 6223 ID: a68354d5
File 137428300735.jpg - ( 58.10KB , 703x663 , 1367941545053.jpg [iqdb] )
Just got home from playing D&D with friends and saw that. Very disappointing and sad.
>> No. 6224 ID: 18b9e256
Heh, looks like I wasn't the only one who retreated here. It's indeed a sad state of affairs. I hope people will know better than to make a new thread for a while and to ignore the shitposters next time, but that might be a long shot.
>> No. 6225 ID: c79c60e9
It's such a shame that there's no more daily Strike Witches thread on /a/. As a first time watcher currently at season 2, I'm really enjoying the show and the love threads which I have been lurking in daily for the past month or two. I feel like this is a series I can really dig in and get involved. I'm not into LNs and even now I'm planning to buy SW LNs. Hell I'm even tempted to get my first figma ever which will be my favourite witch. I would've loved to post about them on strike witches threads on /a/.

This past month I've probably spent more time scrolling down on Strike Witches threads, looking at pictures and saving them, maybe voice my opinion once in a while, than I spent interacting with real people. So I got this terrible feeling when I couldn't find Strike Witches thread on the catalog when I woke up this morning. I still have half of season 2 to go, plus the movie, the LNs etc. I just don't want to do this alone, without the occasional idle chatting with Strike Witches bros.
>> No. 6226 ID: 73795db6
if you make one, they will come...
>> No. 6227 ID: 1a1f7055
I can imagine the feeling. Good thing you found your way to Helma.

Love is still alive... and well(?). One of the eager newfags already made a new thread. Let's hope it goes better and we can resume our pleasant daily idle chatter.

If things still won't work out, we should just take a short pause from the /a/ threads.
>> No. 6228 ID: 3005abba
Well damn. Checked the /a/ catalog and did not see any SW threads. Thought the archive would give me a link, but I see a shitstorm instead.
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