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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 14116489323.jpg - ( 207.87KB , 853x480 , 1219361671728.jpg [iqdb] )
7209 No. 7209 ID: bfa2a4d1
Due to an influx of spambots, links (and text) containing ".asp" are now word filtered. If you post a link, make sure it doesn't have that.
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>> No. 7231 ID: e96b90cb
File 141240873923.jpg - ( 263.89KB , 600x600 , helmabots.jpg [iqdb] )
The war against the machines has begun.
>> No. 7232 ID: 182d2ba0
File 141240986575.jpg - ( 4.93KB , 139x112 , thumbsup.jpg [iqdb] )
Keep up the good work. We'll keep reporting them.

Are there any active mods nowadays, in case the bots get out of control?
>> No. 7234 ID: e96b90cb
>Keep up the good work. We'll keep reporting them.

Hopefully I'll be able to find some sort of countermeasure for this new wave.

>Are there any active mods nowadays, in case the bots get out of control?

According to the modlog, one of them still seems to check in once in a while. If things get really bad I might recruit some more.
>> No. 7235 ID: e96b90cb
Updated the spam filter.
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