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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 136949474959.jpg - ( 131.95KB , 850x499 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
5950 No. 5950 ID: 29898e35
So everyone on helma, I was thinking about writing story's based on the 1991 Gulf Neuroi war Witches. Would any of you guys be interested on reading it? Or even think it would be a good squadron or plot to write on?
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>> No. 5951 ID: 9e8c6839
File 136950348359.jpg - ( 72.59KB , 676x839 , 2009-05-01-160236.jpg [iqdb] )
No objections from me. Go for it soldier. Just know what you're getting yourself into.
>> No. 5953 ID: 29898e35
File 136951992036.jpg - ( 98.41KB , 850x531 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
And so it begins! And what exactly am I getting myself into?
>> No. 5955 ID: 20487568
I say go for it!
>> No. 5957 ID: 29898e35
File 136960226280.jpg - ( 91.46KB , 366x800 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
Another question what would you guys think about having witches that operated as infantry and fought against infantry unit neuroi?
>> No. 5958 ID: b4c69861
File 136962651612.jpg - ( 170.13KB , 565x800 , 23263199_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
I'd imagine, w/o striker units, witches would be pretty useless in modern combat, especially because of their physical strength and endurance.
The advantages of air/land witches are their shield and maneuverability/strength, respectively.
The striker units significantly enhances such attributes.
So without them, witches are nothing but slightly augmented teenage girls.
It would be much efficient to employ regular male infantry, training and service-length wise.

But you can just make up some fridge logic for the sake of coolness.
After all, it's you who's writing the story.

Ex-with pilots might be cool too.
>> No. 5959 ID: 7b19439c
File 136965990669.jpg - ( 133.99KB , 499x850 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
Yeah I see what you mean. If any of you have any ideas that you would like to see put into the story just post them here ill do the best I can to put them in
>> No. 5960 ID: 4093f8a3
I can help with Beyond Visual Range Combat Stuff I Guess.
>> No. 5961 ID: 7b19439c
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In what sense?
>> No. 5962 ID: 7b19439c
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Another question. Would you guys what the story to follow a main protagonist or just write involving the squadron in whole?
>> No. 5963 ID: 9ae93be9
File 136972829647.jpg - ( 228.60KB , 565x800 , 34911177_big_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
Irregular units could be cool, maybe have some more advanced stuff about radar and jamming.
>> No. 5964 ID: 9a2bf549
....i don't see its mentioned here, but i'll bring something from 4chan's /TG/; Strikers 1989 Quest http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Strike%20Witches%201989

So basically someone see Ogitsune's art and makes some CYOA from it. Main chara is regular F-14 pilot, but his RO is a witch and he is on Mixed Witches-regular pilot squadron. Might be good from reference.
>> No. 5967 ID: 8885fcc4
File 136975619939.jpg - ( 88.19KB , 366x800 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
Thanks man ill be sure to put that in the story, I really like that idea

Thanks ill read through them for references!
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