No. 10213
ID: f70d87fc
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>>10201 Ok, where do I begin. I'll start on her personality and likes. I admire and am attracted to her on how she treats Luchinni, I guess it has to do with a motherhood thing. I love how she's a friendly person but she's not a pushover. She has a "never give up" attitude and is supportive to her friends, I like that because if you were to ever have a bad day she would cheer you up. Oh and she has a sense of humor and likes to tease. Also she's a smart girl as well, it's hinted at in one of games that she has an interest in history, oh and of course she's a great mechanic. She can handle herself pretty well too. Plus I like how she grew up on a farm, humble roots and all. Moving onto her looks, I've never had a thing for redheads but damn, she got me into it. She has a great body, and I like that she properly uses it, she's doesn't toss it around a lot and doesn't seem too interested in finding a man, so it means not a lot of competition and I don't have to worry about past boyfriends. She has to have standards, then again this is the 40's so of course she would. I love how she's confident in her body and likes to tease the viewer(yourself) about it. It's a self insert thing. She's not too short either. And to top it all off she has a great bust. Oh and I find the rabbit familiar thing attractive. (The you's and I's have the same meaning)