Agent 007
No. 2627
ID: 06b9424c
- ( 156.25KB
, 1080x720
, Photo on 3-8-12 at 5_22 PM.jpg
>>2626 THIS damned thing is still a bit big on me... but I'm glad I have it. Yes, I am the wearer, and no, it is not a costume. It belonged to my Grandfather, Robert W Brown who served in New Guinea, hence the shade of green different from uniforms on our men AND women who served over in Europe. By the way, if I look short to you, yes I am. No, I am not underage either. I'm just... short. Around a couple centimeters or so over Lynette's height, actually. Oh, and thanks to Mexico I have Coke. Now all I need is a Witch and I'll be entirely on topic!