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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131243712999.jpg - ( 20.80KB , 505x389 , 1293606625859.jpg [iqdb] )
3071 No. 3071 ID: 21481485
I made this request a while back in the threads on 4chan but I'm asking again so there isn't a 40K thing on here.

I would like a drawing of Charlotte and Bugs Bunny from a propaganda cartoon or something.
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>> No. 3073 ID: 6a45e4b6
File 131307575344.png - ( 18.72KB , 500x500 , 131307566127.png [iqdb] )
Delivered with some extra characters.

I reply to the old thread by mistake, though.
>> No. 3074 ID: 712310dc
That's pretty good!
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