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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131846160629.jpg - ( 150.07KB , 900x1163 , propane_accesories_by_bigbabyretard-d4cg3dl.jpg [iqdb] )
3048 No. 3048 ID: 1caf9d24
Didn't draw this myself, but it was my horrible idea.

Hank hill with Ladybird as his familiar, lol.
>> No. 3049 ID: 86016db8
I reposted this on /a/ and got this as a response.

>Would be cute if Ladybird were his little familiar.
>Dale could be the heavy fire Warlock.
>Bill would be defense and healing.
>Boomhauer the Ace.
>Thatherton would be like Maloney.
>> No. 3050 ID: 70e3438e
Heh. I actually had an even more bizarre picture planned, but the artist never got around to it.

Bobby hill with Joseph as his familiar. It would've been like something straight from a horror movie.
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