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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 148312397411.jpg - ( 246.54 KB , 2152x3016 , 01.jpg [iqdb] )
12166 No. 12166 ID: fb66591e
I'm having some problems, I uploaded this doujinshi to sad panda and I'm unable to tag the artist's name in it. Also when I search up the "strike witches" tag, it doesn't show for me even though I put in that tag.
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>> No. 12167 ID: b587826d
Don't know about the artist tag, but sad panda has a delay time before the doujin gets to gallery properly with moderators checking it out first after the initial 'publish gallery' thing process.
The Racing Witches doujin I uploaded few days ago for example, it was uploaded and some few had access to the gallery somehow, but it was only hours later before it got on public for all to see.
>> No. 12168 ID: ab20e391
That makes sense. That was my second guess, that it takes a while. Though for the artist tag, not including the artist's name in the gallery makes me feel guilty.
>> No. 12169 ID: 4bcb1a68
Thanks a lot for scanning!
>> No. 12171 ID: b587826d
File 148313113545.jpg - ( 755.34 KB , 2080x3048 , Nishiki and Amaki - kyougoku shin.jpg [iqdb] )
Well there you have it, it's up now. By the way you should add Ulrich's artist name to the title like doujins usually have.
Neat art by Ulrich, and of course Shin is the guest artist again. Thanks for the scan.
>> No. 12172 ID: ab20e391
No prob! Oh and someone already added Ulrich's name, I added Shins just now too.
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