No. 14005
ID: 34b4b79b
>>13995 Clearly your not being objective, either that your your simply not well informed about each of the witches, as all the witches of the JFW consist of commendable witches in their own right. How are the witches outside of the 501st just as competent, in my own words? Because each and every witch has had either a sufficient degree of practical combat experience, extensive training experience, extensive educational tutelage, impressive raw talent, high magical potential or some combination their of, and more to the point, have both as individuals and as a unit, both prior to serving in Joint Fighter Wing's and after serving in Joint Fighter Wing's; have made great accomplishments and faced many tribulations and gained a great deal of learning experience and honed themselves as witches in the 2nd Neruoi war against great enemy threats and tactics and participated and fought in some of the most intense, desperate or challenging battles and conditions in the war. Actual knowledge of the various witches of thee JFW's would show this clearly. The 502nd has witches still has not only Karlslands 3rd Greatest witch ace:Gundula Rall, as it's commander, but also Aleksandra I. Pokryshkin magical photographic memory that can remember fine details of anything she uses her magic on to remember experiences and events and objects; which from a mechanical engineering and tactical aspect is highly valuable, not to mention that she's one of Ourssia's top aces. Waltrud Krupinski herself is a veteran ace witch with many shoot downs of neuroi air units under her belt and rich combat experience. Georgette meanwhile is a witch of stated and shown tenacity in battle, exceptional defensive fighting technique, and her healing talents and how they work make her valuable in colder theaters like Orussia or winter ops. Sadako meanwhile has nigh vision magic, had fought in battle since Libau under Mio Sakamoto and is a witch who is skilled in air crew survival training and not only is learned in literature and history she also has learened how to essentailly improvise in combat and has a knowledge gunpoweder and archery; hell she was able to make bows and arrows from scratched, the latter improvised with arrow head tips made of bullet casings and gun powder and magic mass to kill a neuroi in winter.Edytha Roßmann is also not only a veteran combat witch of lengthy experience but a skilled witch instructor well versed in magical theory, both academic and practical application, and is a master and teacher of magical control, to the point she can easily walk on water using her shield as a stepping stone or using said shield to climb up 90 degree angles with ease and without hand holds and is a clever tactical witch. While Nipa is assuredly an unlucky witch;she is far from cannon fodder given she has had combat experience fighting in her native Suomus sure she has bad luck in destroying her strikers quite regularly: she is never the less a excellent ace; because hey; even the best aces have crashes and runs of bad luck sometimes. Plus she has magic that heals any wounds she sustains in battle. And then their's Naoe: took part in Operation Barbarossa. Assigned to the ground units, she provided inland support for the Petersburg Invasion Operation. Afterwards, she took up the duty of defending Petersburg. Not to mention she is not only a ferocious fighter; she can freaking punch neuroi to death with her magically encased, bare fists. And Tamaki is assuredly also a experienced and veteran witch who also fought in Libau to the point of being a well known war hero, especially back in her home town. Hikari may have the lowest amount of overall experience in battle and low amount of magical potential, and that is merely a statement of fact, she dos however have with her a great amount of physical endurance and raw gumption and stubbornness and courage to push herself, even though admittedly it can at time get to the point of being self destructive, but it cannot be denied that she has a lot of potential for being a raw recruit of somewhat greater limitations compared to her peers. Just from the 502nd alone: what part of any of that or any of these witches say's "cannon fodder witches". Such a claim does not come across as either truthful, factual, objective or accurate. Hell, we actually see the 502nd accomplish a great amount of victories against formidable neuroi units, some of which would be a match for the 501st and give the 501st a run for their money.
>>14007 >>14059