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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131660255071.jpg - ( 427.84KB , 1000x372 , pic01.jpg [iqdb] )
851 No. 851 ID: ef0b37eb
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>> No. 854 ID: 21f083e6
>> No. 855 ID: aaa1f2fe
I just jizzed all over the place. Can anyone tell if these are limited or not? I don't exactly have money to spend right now...
>> No. 856 ID: fd1cc226
They're only taking orders until the 31st of October.
>> No. 857 ID: 3c8f2a66
4000 Yen for a badge and an early ticket for the movie...
Oh, I really want that Crew Jacket, but my size ran out of stocks...
>> No. 858 ID: aaa1f2fe
>$52 for a single patch
Holy fuck. I'm going to have to decide between 501st and 502nd...
>> No. 860 ID: c26da616
>$52 a patch
Shit, then again that's about the same rate for custom made patches, I learned that when I looked up getting Ace Combat patches made.
>> No. 861 ID: 3164d00f
I've always wanted one of these, but $52 dollars is a tad steep. And god knows how high the shipping price is.
>> No. 862 ID: 87bd770e
File 13166511758.png - ( 28.93KB , 409x386 , 1313211400398.png [iqdb] )
>52 dollars for a single patch
>> No. 864 ID: c26da616
File 131667212885.jpg - ( 272.73KB , 768x839 , Ace_Combat_Zero_SQ_Patches_by_AbioticFactor.jpg [iqdb] )
Next best thing to having a military Uniform Alterations outfit make ones for you in the middle of Iraq, like this guy did for his Ace Combat Zero patches.
>> No. 865 ID: ab83b8f1
Do these patches come with velcro or are they sew-on? Because I feel like putting them on my army uniform for shit and giggles once in a while
>> No. 874 ID: 4ed39d7f
welp, time to go to the Exchange, I'm gonna get me some patches for my covers, it will be glorious!
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