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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 145604161750.jpg - ( 77.16 KB , 479x598 , Eila.jpg [iqdb] )
9427 No. 9427 ID: 92900fdc
The Suomus Diamond Ace Eila's thread.
Expand all images
>> No. 9428 ID: 92900fdc
File 145604175959.jpg - ( 104.01 KB , 580x670 , ace of diamond.jpg [iqdb] )
Also known as ''Eila the Evasive''.
>> No. 9433 ID: d0e130de
File 145606194519.png - ( 2.43 MB , 1920x1080 , [philosophy-raws][strike witches II][11][BDRIP][Hi.png [iqdb] )
Also known as "Sanya's Pookie-bear".
>> No. 9436 ID: de3fade1
File 145606756416.jpg - ( 246.35 KB , 809x929 , 1445881937274.jpg [iqdb] )
Been waiting for this. Now I can dump my 500 images!
>> No. 9441 ID: 03295431
File 145607555241.jpg - ( 185.61 KB , 1000x1000 , Eila Approves.jpg [iqdb] )
I am ok with this thread!
>> No. 9443 ID: d0e130de
File 145609173422.jpg - ( 39.53 KB , 500x800 , IMG_187340735578109.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9450 ID: a4819049
File 145611677889.png - ( 38.57 KB , 816x816 , 10000 megapixels of HETARE.png [iqdb] )
Mandatory hetare.
>> No. 9452 ID: d0e130de
File 145613608925.png - ( 412.97 KB , 800x698 , 1fa30332-c139-4df8-cd5d-e76f334c3c63.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9456 ID: b4a6b78c
File 14561801573.png - ( 672.99 KB , 847x1200 , 67859756.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9460 ID: fe67c827
File 145620119335.jpg - ( 148.18 KB , 552x900 , 0915e369d686d53f59aae53bbda01545.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9461 ID: b4a6b78c
File 14562231042.png - ( 633.56 KB , 772x996 , uytfhdcfhjk;.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9465 ID: 8a143199
File 145626282030.jpg - ( 217.14 KB , 867x1200 , operation vividbutts.jpg [iqdb] )
>read the filename
>> No. 9468 ID: fe67c827
File 145627962228.png - ( 85.79 KB , 264x256 , Eila 42.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9469 ID: 8a143199
File 145631077457.jpg - ( 51.77 KB , 627x885 , 9877685ed7689uo.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9472 ID: 92900fdc
File 145631679698.jpg - ( 387.12 KB , 600x898 , Eila photoshoot.jpg [iqdb] )
Crossovers that need to happen no matter how silly but haven't yet for some reason.
>> No. 9473 ID: 7dc3375f
File 145635074513.jpg - ( 215.19 KB , 827x1062 , 3qwr55ytyju.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9477 ID: fe67c827
File 145637659040.png - ( 797.45 KB , 1200x803 , 0504b510134332ac039cf1746bd3baf0.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9479 ID: 7dc3375f
File 14563959152.jpg - ( 478.75 KB , 1320x1200 , 1419169611527.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9482 ID: de33b67d
File 145645436137.png - ( 1.34 MB , 1228x1348 , 7865488hjiugy.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9485 ID: 92900fdc
File 145645485216.jpg - ( 398.35 KB , 750x1000 , Eila - tonbi.jpg [iqdb] )
Your ID really likes to change everyday, huh?
>> No. 9486 ID: de33b67d
File 145645732572.jpg - ( 265.72 KB , 1920x1080 , [Coalgirls]_Strike_Witches_The_Movie_(1920x1080_Bl.jpg [iqdb] )

I'm not on a fixed IP and I shut off my modem in the morning when I leave for work. Or are you wondering why I don't namefag? :)
>> No. 9487 ID: 92900fdc
File 145645770387.jpg - ( 272.75 KB , 824x683 , Eila blushing in snow.jpg [iqdb] )
Nuh uh, simply curious statement. Thought as much.
>> No. 9489 ID: de33b67d
File 145648307376.jpg - ( 219.88 KB , 1920x1080 , [philosophy-raws][strike witches II][06][BDRIP][Hi.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9492 ID: fe67c827
File 145651680299.jpg - ( 134.44 KB , 500x587 , 1450568646448.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9493 ID: d5bfc362
File 145652264761.jpg - ( 90.23 KB , 1920x1080 , [philosophy-raws][Strike Witches][06][BDRIP][Hi10P.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9498 ID: fe67c827
File 145653148170.jpg - ( 240.37 KB , 658x768 , 12d9400828c9befe774275b49d7f848c.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9499 ID: d5bfc362
File 14565818416.png - ( 1.90 MB , 1920x1080 , [philosophy-raws][strike witches II][07][BDRIP][Hi.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9502 ID: fe67c827
File 145661089354.jpg - ( 152.80 KB , 850x771 , 1406791665490.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9508 ID: d5bfc362
File 145667464217.jpg - ( 124.00 KB , 1181x1748 , 68787765454.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9518 ID: fe67c827
File 145670342383.png - ( 125.53 KB , 600x306 , 1381127068466.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9519 ID: d5bfc362
File 145674134625.png - ( 316.74 KB , 600x663 , eila 01.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9527 ID: 1aff342e
File 145678153121.jpg - ( 204.26 KB , 1340x1350 , eila 07.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9530 ID: fe67c827
File 145678452466.jpg - ( 51.59 KB , 750x750 , 1439440711929.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9532 ID: 92900fdc
File 14567877062.jpg - ( 43.38 KB , 512x384 , Eila blush.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9554 ID: fe67c827
File 145686269224.jpg - ( 1.45 MB , 3300x4195 , 133202674547.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9556 ID: f1593419
File 145686778979.jpg - ( 126.86 KB , 680x680 , 140928125499.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9564 ID: fe67c827
File 145689284285.jpg - ( 353.41 KB , 1600x1754 , Eila 36.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9565 ID: 92900fdc
File 145689342640.png - ( 893.42 KB , 640x800 , Card Eila Halloween.png [iqdb] )
Oh my, the witch card got fanart?
That's sweet.
>> No. 9567 ID: f1593419
File 145691413090.jpg - ( 84.00 KB , 750x764 , eila 16.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9575 ID: afb62b72
File 145695418546.png - ( 649.60 KB , 706x1000 , eila 11.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9586 ID: afb62b72
File 145700177816.jpg - ( 192.76 KB , 709x624 , eila 19.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9592 ID: c385d83a
File 145704126786.jpg - ( 362.46 KB , 1280x720 , eila 12.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9598 ID: fe67c827
File 145706436652.jpg - ( 1.02 MB , 900x1200 , 1432629882341.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9601 ID: c385d83a
File 145708779973.jpg - ( 347.73 KB , 600x927 , eila 22.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9606 ID: c2cf3160
File 145713685165.png - ( 1.01 MB , 1920x1080 , eila 20.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9625 ID: fe67c827
File 145722940474.jpg - ( 557.82 KB , 756x1000 , 7076c63e378c23bad438c7d66d1b84ba.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9633 ID: 92900fdc
File 145726284130.jpg - ( 1.10 MB , 1200x1600 , Eila uguu.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9658 ID: fe67c827
File 145734432437.jpg - ( 503.14 KB , 1027x1177 , 49b8c4b139f4e64e1aa230449e8bb421.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9744 ID: 92900fdc
File 145773763095.jpg - ( 355.40 KB , 1600x1200 , Eila with Perrine and Sanya.jpg [iqdb] )
Eila could be quite the harem king if she wasn't so awkward with Sanya around.
>> No. 9746 ID: fe67c827
File 145778674217.jpg - ( 200.85 KB , 789x1148 , 263679c6b424e49a83020be00e675093.jpg [iqdb] )
Agreed. She is quite the handsome woman.
>> No. 9774 ID: 92900fdc
File 145813128139.jpg - ( 276.83 KB , 582x900 , Eila and Miyafuji chitchatting.jpg [iqdb] )
I wonder how warm the Suomus boots are, would think of being a nuisance in the English summer though.
>> No. 9777 ID: 5f9d4c77

Depends on if you put on the wool socks or not.
>> No. 9836 ID: fe67c827
File 145869760158.jpg - ( 185.61 KB , 1000x1000 , 145607555241.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9837 ID: 603bc481
File 145869844115.jpg - ( 158.46 KB , 1067x800 , 3nOzdduGcIo.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9847 ID: 92900fdc
File 145877474696.jpg - ( 2.21 MB , 2800x1704 , Eila and Sanya commercial airline pilots.jpg [iqdb] )
Post-war careers of Eila and Sanya?~
Hopefully auto-piloting can't wear out.
>> No. 9862 ID: 92900fdc
File 145887938984.jpg - ( 100.82 KB , 1280x720 , Eila in bed.jpg [iqdb] )
Winter is grudgingly passing away..
>> No. 9863 ID: 75043dcb
File 145888076516.png - ( 189.83 KB , 473x622 , 25606643.png [iqdb] )

Isn't it awful? Warm weather makes everything so much more terrible.
>> No. 9872 ID: 92900fdc
File 145895366387.jpg - ( 171.98 KB , 908x508 , Kotatsu witches.jpg [iqdb] )
Truly. Why must proper winter be the shortest of seasons?..
Being a night eagle (owl) myself, the ever increasing amount of light is pain in the butt too.
>> No. 9924 ID: 92900fdc
File 145936781734.jpg - ( 188.21 KB , 1105x873 , Eila and Marisa.jpg [iqdb] )
Witches costume swap.
>> No. 9942 ID: 92900fdc
File 145950907944.jpg - ( 169.46 KB , 378x700 , Eila and Sanya 1947.jpg [iqdb] )

>エイラと三亜''何 - 場合は''1947年の冒険を見て楽しいだろう。これらの年のヘルマありがとうございました。エイラは最初のシーズ

>Eila and Sanya married 1947 after finding parents in Ural mountain. Perilous journey was no without danger of fighting neuroi and hardship which strengthened their deep bond. Story will follow further pair.

Huh, so if I get this right after some rough google translating, Eila and Sanya finally married in the 'what if' 1947 scenario? Sasuga Fumi.
>> No. 9945 ID: b2822ec8
Just make this canon already..
>> No. 9948 ID: 75043dcb

Shortly thereafter Nipa made one hundred and three consecutive perfect landings, Erica dutifully cleaned her room and swore off sweets forever, and Miyafuji developed an irrational fear of breasts.
>> No. 9949 ID: 75043dcb
File 145951286427.png - ( 279.82 KB , 714x828 , 21593146.png [iqdb] )

I should probably drop those Ps. Erica will get mad.
>> No. 9954 ID: c59fe827
Who's the pastor..?
>> No. 9956 ID: d3e719ef
Where did you get that from? What you linked has nothing to do with that at all, and the "What-If"s have been translated on the wiki for awhile now.
>> No. 9957 ID: fe67c827
File 145953769562.jpg - ( 113.07 KB , 1600x1200 , 144585153885.jpg [iqdb] )
*Looks at date posted*
Damn... A man can dream...
>> No. 9958 ID: c59fe827
FYI: Caitlin Glass & Ayurun are Maki (Muse) & Anju (A-Rise)..
>> No. 9998 ID: 92900fdc
File 145964671591.jpg - ( 1.23 MB , 1440x1600 , Aurora hugs Eila.jpg [iqdb] )
I'd say Aurora would be the best for that.
>> No. 10100 ID: 92900fdc
File 146051415826.gif - ( 465.97 KB , 640x360 , Eila munching.gif [iqdb] )
>> No. 10105 ID: fe67c827
File 146052401922.jpg - ( 82.97 KB , 600x849 , 1443338837725.jpg [iqdb] )
I haven't posted in awhile and need to show my Eila love.
>> No. 10172 ID: 92900fdc
File 146115631529.png - ( 1.31 MB , 1281x2081 , Eila Keizoku uniform - amefre.png [iqdb] )
When you think about it. GuP skirts are about the same in this alternate universe too, with the only difference being in physics with their weights and camera angles.
>> No. 10195 ID: 92900fdc
File 146138005422.jpg - ( 241.51 KB , 1500x1500 , Eila and Mika uniform swap.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10207 ID: 92900fdc
File 146153325595.jpg - ( 321.01 KB , 800x1066 , Beautiful European Lady.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10270 ID: fe67c827
File 146242433236.png - ( 1.05 MB , 1000x1250 , Eila 37.png [iqdb] )
So good to be back :)
>> No. 10333 ID: 283efcdd
File 146290184449.png - ( 646.70 KB , 1001x1232 , Eila bday - drawfag.png [iqdb] )
Eila makes the cutest Alice.
>> No. 10341 ID: 283efcdd
File 146293779037.jpg - ( 499.27 KB , 2893x2046 , Eila Alice.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10374 ID: 283efcdd
File 146313353094.jpg - ( 1.92 MB , 1920x1357 , Eila Alice2.jpg [iqdb] )
This one should've had the cat as well.
>> No. 10385 ID: 283efcdd
File 146336682318.jpg - ( 72.68 KB , 566x800 , Eila square dress.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10393 ID: dbf14b74
File 146345462352.jpg - ( 398.33 KB , 750x1000 , 1450584377751.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10401 ID: 283efcdd
File 146358442035.jpg - ( 460.30 KB , 1340x1350 , diff styles.jpg [iqdb] )
What is your favorite?

Twintails Eila looks so wrong yet so right.
But I wish we'd see ponytail someday.
>> No. 10402 ID: 3441a73e
File 146359790033.jpg - ( 294.06 KB , 600x900 , 49030445_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
I like the one bottom right, she seems so mature.
>> No. 10403 ID: 283efcdd
File 146360277768.jpg - ( 211.70 KB , 590x835 , what are you looking at.jpg [iqdb] )
Yeah, and if it wasn't for the hair clip, she'd resemble Minna a bit more too.
>> No. 10426 ID: 283efcdd
File 146374445047.jpg - ( 214.87 KB , 1024x720 , whisper in sky.jpg [iqdb] )
I wonder if that anon who spoke about road trip traveling through Europe year ago is still alive.
In case you see this, I sent mail to that link you gave me at last..
>> No. 10430 ID: a8f1a3a6
File 146382272128.jpg - ( 30.05 KB , 800x600 , FB_IMG_1447220865756.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10435 ID: 918f42c6
You've got mail.
>> No. 10437 ID: 283efcdd
File 146403684994.jpg - ( 129.75 KB , 600x1300 , Eila and Sanya at the beach.jpg [iqdb] )
Summer's looming ahead..

>> No. 10443 ID: 844b1cfe
File 146413338511.jpg - ( 234.85 KB , 1920x1080 , [philosophy-raws][strike witches II][NCED01][BDRIP.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10471 ID: 283efcdd
File 146421766319.gif - ( 940.23 KB , 420x315 , Eila finds breasts.gif [iqdb] )
>> No. 10502 ID: 283efcdd
File 146454904951.jpg - ( 385.76 KB , 850x1170 , Nipa egao and Eila.jpg [iqdb] )
''Can I show up too?''

>> No. 10562 ID: dbf14b74
File 146483424698.png - ( 926.79 KB , 640x800 , Eila 46.png [iqdb] )
Haven't been here in a while. Good images.
>> No. 10631 ID: 283efcdd
File 146513425062.jpg - ( 150.90 KB , 640x800 , Card Eila wedding.jpg [iqdb] )
Hehh, goodbye sweet world.
>> No. 10656 ID: 283efcdd
File 146541048492.png - ( 411.18 KB , 800x777 , Eila smile grin.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 10693 ID: dbf14b74
File 146560008482.jpg - ( 268.45 KB , 600x600 , a295ecc7377d3af5c74fbe346d4e3cae.jpg [iqdb] )
My heart...
>> No. 10719 ID: 2c789e78
File 146588753783.png - ( 493.36 KB , 715x800 , 2123.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 10722 ID: 5495c943
>> No. 10730 ID: 283efcdd
File 146596395035.jpg - ( 278.82 KB , 600x800 , Eila Keizoku uniform birthday.jpg [iqdb] )
The Keizoku tracksuit is such a nice simple design.
>> No. 10760 ID: 283efcdd
File 146611058422.jpg - ( 246.77 KB , 600x963 , Eila hoodie.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10841 ID: dbf14b74
File 146677307514.jpg - ( 147.03 KB , 500x600 , 1425948229250.jpg [iqdb] )
Eila bump.
>> No. 10874 ID: 283efcdd
File 146706340147.jpg - ( 152.84 KB , 640x800 , Card Eila combat.jpg [iqdb] )
And here I was worried as heck for a while how are they going to do Eila's 'combat destruction' card if they are going to stay faithful to her skills and archetype history. If they hadn't, they would've gained one mad rioter.
But in the end they approached it perfectly as it can get, no torn clothes or neuroi beam implications. Also a bare Eila tummy.~
>> No. 10907 ID: 283efcdd
File 146754097551.jpg - ( 278.06 KB , 820x873 , Eila glasses.jpg [iqdb] )
I'm back..
Expect pictures of museums somewhere next week probably.
>> No. 10942 ID: 283efcdd
File 146794399160.jpg - ( 1.21 MB , 4801x3233 , Eila about to kissu Perrine.jpg [iqdb] )
Blonde rabu.~
>> No. 10947 ID: 138cf6c8
File 146800655686.jpg - ( 196.65 KB , 1920x1080 , 1446726710578.jpg [iqdb] )

Eila isn't really a true blonde. She's more silver than gold.

Source: Extensive personal research on blonde girls.
>> No. 10957 ID: 283efcdd
File 146812628445.jpg - ( 3.85 MB , 5738x4091 , Eila World Witch.jpg [iqdb] )
The official art in character design has her silverish but it now is pretty much blonde by Fumi, her shade differs from content to content and artists all the time however. It falls to blonde cat. in the end over brunette, black and redheads even if not same hue as Perrine and Nipa sport forth.
Also I have first hand experience on blondes in all over the Baltic Sea, personal roots, interest in them and being blonde myself so shh.
>> No. 10958 ID: 138cf6c8

Those sure are some words.
>> No. 10964 ID: 283efcdd
File 146821524685.jpg - ( 196.18 KB , 800x750 , blue dog.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10970 ID: f1075d2d
File 146825747243.jpg - ( 448.30 KB , 1000x1453 , flowers.jpg [iqdb] )
I recently finished reading Illu's biography. I wish there was a movie about him.
>> No. 10972 ID: 283efcdd
File 146826538539.png - ( 268.23 KB , 599x908 , Eila smile hands behind back.png [iqdb] )
How was it? Anything amusing that sticks to mind after reading?
>> No. 10974 ID: f1075d2d
File 146826790122.jpg - ( 100.56 KB , 660x600 , 1464926193506.jpg [iqdb] )
He lived an exciting life. I liked the part where Illu performed crazy stunts while Mannerheim was watching and that part where a lieutenant general of the Soviet air forces personally visited him after the war.
>> No. 10975 ID: 283efcdd
File 146826851338.jpg - ( 585.79 KB , 1250x1400 , fight round.jpg [iqdb] )
Interesting. Post-war relations of Suomus and Orussia are amusing.
How did he comment on soviet pilots?
>> No. 10976 ID: f1075d2d
File 146827087669.jpg - ( 158.57 KB , 900x810 , 1456076718125.jpg [iqdb] )
I can't remember what he thought about Soviet pilots in general but he admired a certain La-5 pilot who performed stunts above a Finnish airfield.
>> No. 10977 ID: 283efcdd
File 146827437715.jpg - ( 814.28 KB , 1131x800 , Eilanya patrol.jpg [iqdb] )
Hum hum, and what did he say about his brother Aarne?
>> No. 10979 ID: f1075d2d
File 146830527584.jpg - ( 189.20 KB , 400x600 , 091274.jpg [iqdb] )
Illu idolized Aarne and that was one reason why he became a pilot. Aarne often got into fights with others and he liked booze unlike Illu who preferred tea or coffee.
>> No. 10985 ID: 283efcdd
File 14683544752.jpg - ( 114.43 KB , 1118x712 , Aurora suplexes Eila on her birthday.jpg [iqdb] )
Intredasting, also amusing how night and day they were as brothers as far personalities go.
Now, how did Illu 'exactly' define Brewster and Bf109 in use, if he did?
>> No. 10994 ID: f1075d2d
I can't really remember how he commented them.
>> No. 10996 ID: 6948d797
IIRC he called the Brewster something like "a gentleman's travelling plane" and the Bf109 a killing machine.
>> No. 10999 ID: 283efcdd
Ah, oh well. Thanks for sharing stuff eniweis.

Oh yeah, that much I remember from the past as well.
>> No. 11077 ID: 283efcdd
File 146909018653.png - ( 65.04 KB , 322x543 , Eila blue hoodie question.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 11079 ID: 3441a73e
File 146909823049.jpg - ( 227.01 KB , 700x1000 , 56809098_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
I'd love to have Eila's sweater, it looks super comfy.
>> No. 11081 ID: 283efcdd
File 146910732875.jpg - ( 210.56 KB , 758x1066 , Eila blush hoodie stare.jpg [iqdb] )
It sure does.
>> No. 11130 ID: 283efcdd
File 146957029146.jpg - ( 175.03 KB , 687x683 , Eila and Sanya heart bikini - inouemitan.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11137 ID: e5bdc794
File 146971824282.jpg - ( 112.63 KB , 631x668 , pe-_.jpg [iqdb] )
Bottomless hoodies are my fetish to begin with, Eila without a doubt wears it the best.
>> No. 11148 ID: fc25bc5a
File 14698613402.jpg - ( 246.77 KB , 600x963 , 47a92cf88ba0128b17e48accb6a38162.jpg [iqdb] )
Eila is not a naughty girl like that! She's wearing her pants under it! Pants!
>> No. 11217 ID: 283efcdd
File 147070095575.jpg - ( 381.09 KB , 900x1200 , Eila blue bikini 15.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11267 ID: 01bd1add
File 14710394009.jpg - ( 135.18 KB , 1920x1080 , [philosophy-raws][strike witches II][06][BDRIP][Hi.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11271 ID: 283efcdd
File 147109990043.jpg - ( 196.13 KB , 1550x2200 , Smug Eila.jpg [iqdb] )
Smug Eila is the best.
>> No. 11286 ID: e5bdc794
File 147132521772.jpg - ( 482.67 KB , 1000x969 , eila is a good harem queen.jpg [iqdb] )
What kind of girls is Eila attracted to?
>> No. 11290 ID: 283efcdd
File 147134587399.png - ( 266.62 KB , 600x600 , amore.png [iqdb] )
Uhm, Sanya?
>> No. 11293 ID: e5bdc794
File 147139059354.png - ( 1.43 MB , 1227x868 , c3571aa0b2c15d7c2ca2b738a55a341c.png [iqdb] )
Sanya's chest isn't big enough to satisfy her desires.
>> No. 11295 ID: 844b1cfe
File 147146468264.jpg - ( 194.71 KB , 984x1400 , 008.jpg [iqdb] )

You may be mistaken...
>> No. 11335 ID: e5bdc794
File 147204580174.jpg - ( 824.72 KB , 1200x1172 , Strike_Witches_full_1153258.jpg [iqdb] )
Sure she loves Sanya, but I bet she still would have more fun with a chest like Nippa's.
>> No. 11339 ID: 283efcdd
File 147215605189.jpg - ( 126.93 KB , 640x800 , Card Eila Caribbean.jpg [iqdb] )
This is amazing.
Valiantly handsome commander Eila to Sanya's rescue.
Unstoppable in one on one sword fighting.
>> No. 11372 ID: 2b0f8dc0
File 14727859359.jpg - ( 52.81 KB , 450x318 , Eila 59.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11375 ID: 283efcdd
File 147281132870.png - ( 191.13 KB , 389x745 , Eila - homaredai.png [iqdb] )
For a split second you got me there thinking that was the full scan, but it was just a thumbnail.
>> No. 11384 ID: 3441a73e
File 147289220968.jpg - ( 1.08 MB , 1800x2000 , 56ea628a9cff2b71dc7c78aee0b838b7.jpg [iqdb] )
Very hot.
>> No. 11386 ID: 283efcdd
Good thing winter is coming.
>> No. 11463 ID: 6948d797
File 147404802173.jpg - ( 305.14 KB , 949x1224 , 59017892_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11603 ID: 283efcdd
File 147555266375.jpg - ( 259.41 KB , 663x1000 , Eila - momiji7728.jpg [iqdb] )
Shimapan boyshorts sure are lovely.
>> No. 11652 ID: a4e1535e
File 14758925137.jpg - ( 224.97 KB , 600x900 , 078d0a62e8922a1862e7a45e9e542013.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11806 ID: f1002fe2
File 147794638282.png - ( 281.35 KB , 800x700 , Eilanya halloween.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 11807 ID: f1002fe2
File 147794689270.jpg - ( 206.57 KB , 1000x716 , Eilanya and the little red riding hood - agahari.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11945 ID: 60a54cf6
File 147965464272.jpg - ( 52.68 KB , 516x606 , Eila and mini-Nipa - inouemitan.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11975 ID: 0f167816
File 148056493199.jpg - ( 71.52 KB , 622x850 , Eila dressing - tanaka rikimaru.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12251 ID: afe0c59b
File 148493466360.png - ( 363.55 KB , 663x1000 , Eila 65.png [iqdb] )
/pol/'s Eila posters reminded me of this thread
>> No. 12252 ID: afe0c59b
File 148493477895.jpg - ( 196.35 KB , 1200x1600 , Eila 66.jpg [iqdb] )
I picked the wrong file...
>> No. 12253 ID: 763dc730
File 148494071658.jpg - ( 201.51 KB , 646x800 , Eila - kodamari.jpg [iqdb] )
There's no wrong file with Eila.
>> No. 12259 ID: fc0f389f
File 148509355831.jpg - ( 119.11 KB , 646x875 , 1433599618869.jpg [iqdb] )
That made me pretty happy.
>> No. 12260 ID: 39da807d
File 148511548472.jpg - ( 247.64 KB , 900x1200 , eilastation4.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12263 ID: 688fb081
File 148511846334.jpg - ( 123.67 KB , 1920x1080 , [philosophy-raws][strike witches II][06][BDRIP][Hi.jpg [iqdb] )

That is awesome.
>> No. 12267 ID: a81b5ed9
File 148532690126.jpg - ( 75.56 KB , 849x640 , 1405025900522.jpg [iqdb] )
I want that here...
>> No. 12269 ID: 3441a73e
Anybody knows what the moon runes mean?
>> No. 12270 ID: a5ed75c1
It's just hira, to organize the games by title. Same way you'd have alphanumeric dividers in English.
>> No. 12295 ID: c158033f
File 148620884160.jpg - ( 70.40 KB , 522x889 , Eila Alice young - haru-same.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy birthday to meee, or something like that.
Years sure pass faster now.
Don't know if haru-same drew this Eila for today because I mentioned about it or not, but it sure is nice.
>> No. 12314 ID: 995cdf3a
File 148703366763.jpg - ( 152.04 KB , 582x1200 , 542104d505819b0170806637df7b5aaa.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12316 ID: 7972dee4
File 148709223064.jpg - ( 521.66 KB , 1200x1600 , Eila Valentine - hidekichi (09075470338.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12335 ID: c3f27407
File 148770961353.png - ( 519.48 KB , 1200x1600 , Eila birthday dress cake - nohoro.png [iqdb] )
It's Eila's day, thus it's time to post some Eila.
So far saved over 50 pictures today from 50~ artists. It's amazing.
>> No. 12336 ID: c3f27407
File 148770964146.jpg - ( 218.15 KB , 1740x1920 , Eila birthday - hiroshi (hunter-of-kct.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12337 ID: c3f27407
File 148770966770.jpg - ( 490.65 KB , 2591x3624 , Eila sparkling - kaizaki ryuji.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12338 ID: c3f27407
File 148770970551.png - ( 408.27 KB , 800x964 , Eila's birthday present 1 - mint sanji.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 12339 ID: c3f27407
File 148770973273.jpg - ( 124.19 KB , 1220x1601 , Eila birthday 2017 - suomio.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12340 ID: c3f27407
File 148770983592.jpg - ( 325.40 KB , 1181x1748 , Eila fashionable birthday - amefre.jpg [iqdb] )
Amefre's art really makes one melt.
It resembles a lot Fumikane nowadays.
>> No. 12365 ID: 694b5567
File 148823101823.png - ( 185.68 KB , 600x857 , 45456520_p0_master1200.png [iqdb] )
Had a nice friend of mine translate a little story recently, thought I would share it, it's pretty cute. Unsure whether to post it here or the Sanya thread, but I like Eila just that bit more so it's here.

The TL might be a little rough, but it holds up fine.


Original work: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=45456520

I take zero credit for anything
>> No. 13331 ID: 611c41c1
File 151259162435.jpg - ( 3.33 MB , 6526x2511 , Suomus witches - suomio.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy 100th independence day Finland! May your forests and lakes be forever lush and clean.
Eila and other Suomus friends no doubt drinking hard tonight, so kippis!

I don't know why it took me this long read it, but I finally got around it. Thank you anon so much, this was a really cute sweet story.
>> No. 13707 ID: 859abedd
File 15192494412.jpg - ( 126.74 KB , 1000x1635 , Eila cheongsam - takesinobu.jpg [iqdb] )
Some fine Eila art came forth today.
Cheongsam Eila being easily my favorite of them all with the reindeer police one.
>> No. 13708 ID: 859abedd
File 151924955542.jpg - ( 93.64 KB , 1000x847 , Eila ooki oppiai and ahoge - momiji7728.jpg [iqdb] )
Eila's growth till 1947 nears Shirley levels.
>> No. 13709 ID: 859abedd
File 151924964462.jpg - ( 81.36 KB , 1200x900 , Eila salmiakki dress loli - nohoro wa.jpg [iqdb] )
And loli Eila in cute salmiakki dress is just about the sweetest thing ever.
>> No. 13917 ID: ee660346
File 152913083649.jpg - ( 202.85 KB , 864x1000 , 94f94e722bb5847c61c6a7514f5e245d.jpg [iqdb] )
I don't suppose any of you lovely people know anything about Tarot cards.
Which do you think is the most fitting card for her?
Someone said Joker, but isn't that usually Fool? Eila's a joker but no fool.
I was thinking Tower because of the tower neuroi, or Lovers because of Sanya, but I don't really know the meanings behind them well.
>> No. 13918 ID: cf135d30
Going off of that, I feel like she has elements of The Chariot, The Hermit, and The Tower.
>> No. 14067 ID: 4231db23
File 153568622058.jpg - ( 21.49 KB , 360x386 , (・x・.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14090 ID: bd7eda63
File 153729093755.jpg - ( 125.05 KB , 979x1399 , 49486351684.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14276 ID: 0893f585
File 154408594872.jpg - ( 208.07 KB , 1660x946 , DtuABcAVsAA-1Bp.jpg [iqdb] )
Commission just came in. https://twitter.com/omnisucker/status/1070590178387931136
>> No. 14277 ID: acff426e
That's fuggen ebin. Thanks mang for sharing.
>> No. 14303 ID: 98f6d29e
File 154528069643.png - ( 870.22 KB , 875x2057 , 3-1.png [iqdb] )
One of two new commissions. Designed clothing myself just to try it out.
>> No. 14304 ID: 98f6d29e
File 154528073274.png - ( 902.19 KB , 2385x2385 , comm_hbbg_by_adoptab_al-dcuucwj.png [iqdb] )
Second of the commissions. Short hair Eila is a cutie.
>> No. 14306 ID: 8c235d7f
File 154534653658.jpg - ( 539.78 KB , 818x1344 , Eila winter - kabuki kaigi.jpg [iqdb] )
Love em. Not sure why but I feel like Eila's in her pajamas in second one showing off her cute new look to Sanya in a cold winter morning.
I know you got few in the works and probably a clear vision regardless, but if you don't mind some suggestions I'd say go for some casual winter clothing with trapper's hat or maybe some sauna imagery, never enough of those.
>> No. 14309 ID: aff6afa8
I'll think about it. I'm going for some more cool concepts next instead of cute.Two of them in particular emphasize her personality via contrast and also her witch ability. Also have some lewd ones on the way as well.
>> No. 14311 ID: aff6afa8
File 154547269374.jpg - ( 406.37 KB , 1508x1338 , 스케치.jpg [iqdb] )
Another WIP commission. Colored version soon.
>> No. 14312 ID: 79b6a794
File 154550841523.jpg - ( 104.27 KB , 1076x1504 , 658489419874.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14313 ID: aff6afa8
File 154551533525.png - ( 255.61 KB , 871x440 , 1545491671697.png [iqdb] )
More comm WIP
>> No. 14314 ID: 9bab08bb
File 154552055362.png - ( 533.58 KB , 820x1342 , Eila and Sanya sharing a scarf.png [iqdb] )
Of course, curious to see what you've got in mind.
Also very cool. Suomi KP alternative someday I hope.
>> No. 14316 ID: aff6afa8
File 154555995933.jpg - ( 598.54 KB , 2913x1491 , IzvZxkU.jpg [iqdb] )
First of two WIP images. This one is an upcoming 4-part commission.
>> No. 14317 ID: aff6afa8
File 154555999326.jpg - ( 270.45 KB , 2000x1165 , BAPLd8x.jpg [iqdb] )
And second. This one is especially fun to direct.
>> No. 14319 ID: aff6afa8
File 154559618216.jpg - ( 87.95 KB , 1102x552 , SMx9mn0Q.jpg [iqdb] )
Future techwear Eila coming along nicely.
>> No. 14321 ID: 057b0932
File 154569366893.jpg - ( 223.47 KB , 881x1200 , DvNl-H5UYAARGXk.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14338 ID: 264c8be2
File 154598315569.jpg - ( 194.46 KB , 1768x2946 , ooiiii.jpg [iqdb] )
Update on the first part of the 4 part Eila commission. Currently assembling the final composition.
>> No. 14339 ID: 41fce3dc
File 15460522158.jpg - ( 104.27 KB , 1076x1504 , 658489419874.jpg [iqdb] )
That looks fantastic!
>> No. 14340 ID: 23949341
File 15460827979.png - ( 843.55 KB , 1200x1065 , Commission-Final-Image-Small.png [iqdb] )
Another commission just came in finished. A very relevant crossover with Girls' Frontline MG42.
>> No. 14343 ID: 0f3e6989
File 15467600967.png - ( 1.54 MB , 1600x819 , progression1-assemble-small.png [iqdb] )
Commission is progressing nicely. Almost done.
>> No. 14353 ID: aea39351
File 154826895189.jpg - ( 108.96 KB , 1000x562 , commission_finished.jpg [iqdb] )
Techwear Eila!
>> No. 14356 ID: 5340820b
File 15486463138.png - ( 490.88 KB , 1227x754 , jacketcapture.png [iqdb] )
Links to the 3D models used are right here.


S2 Runway:
>> No. 14357 ID: 8a99c3c6
File 154894465097.jpg - ( 414.24 KB , 680x1477 , 20101231-460.jpg [iqdb] )
I think she forgot something.
>> No. 14358 ID: 9b22fa2b
Not the worst edit I've seen, but the lines look a little rough.
>> No. 14362 ID: e1f8d4db
File 154930047084.jpg - ( 65.96 KB , 800x705 , Eila thumbs up - mozixya.jpg [iqdb] )
I can't help but think the mouth should be much lower there for Eila, it looks a tad bit weird but regardless good fun fanart.
Princess carrying is after all one of the best things out there.

That one's cool as heck.
>> No. 14364 ID: 0ad9ffb4
Ah the mouth thing is just koreans being koreans. Exaggerated smugness.
>> No. 14373 ID: 290abede
Happy Birthday Illu!
>> No. 14913 ID: 6cec7213
File 157735237266.png - ( 133.39 KB , 457x695 , sleepo_progress_3_variant_1.png [iqdb] )
Been a while, but there's a commission in the works. Underwear is based on Kurashima Tomoyasu's designs in the doujin art books he put out a while back. Will eventually be fully colored.
>> No. 14915 ID: b3362ea2
I'm having trouble recognize the one on the right. Excellent underwear inspiration though.
>> No. 14919 ID: 00f4f7e0
File 157738796987.png - ( 1.59 MB , 1280x905 , underwear inspiration.png [iqdb] )
It's Nipa hahaha. The designs from these art books are so great. As expected of S2's chief animation director.
>> No. 14921 ID: 6c70a11c
File 157742265663.jpg - ( 870.95 KB , 2518x3752 , EMxGVrCUcAEigML.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14922 ID: bcc79375
I can see why one would have trouble,the artist made her hair a bit longer in the front. Still, Eila doesn't have too many large sized, short haired blondes she's comfortable sleeping with.
>> No. 14924 ID: 9e651010
Ahh, of course. I'm feeling a bit dumb now but as >>14922 said the front bangs are massive and threw me off completely with how fluffy she's looking.
Also the ears look a bit different too.
>> No. 14926 ID: 2434065a

Yeah I can see now why you were initially confused. Welp, probably can’t go back and have that fixed now since things are already in the color stage, and I’d feel bad asking for edits this deep into the commission. I was a bit too focused on getting the body positioning just right.
>> No. 14927 ID: 2434065a
File 157762220929.jpg - ( 331.12 KB , 1536x2048 , 92C95CD9-B874-4961-966D-D1232709C1C6.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14928 ID: bcc79375
Lets just say it's some time after Eila returns to Suomus and that happened after a lengthy catching up session, that may have involved some enthusiastic clothing removal and wrestling.
>> No. 14942 ID: ddb8b609
File 157826268456.jpg - ( 133.43 KB , 1920x1080 , ENiKC8JUcAAutCr.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14946 ID: 346626f2
File 157862492618.png - ( 2.94 MB , 2372x3343 , 11.png [iqdb] )
Commission came out pretty nice.
>> No. 14947 ID: f2faa664
Looks fantastic! Who was the artist for this one anyway?
>> No. 14948 ID: d5602d86
File 157879112013.png - ( 2.93 MB , 2372x3343 , 33.png [iqdb] )
The artist is Tiltshift/Azalanz (https://twitter.com/Azalanz). They're a fan of the series too so it is pretty fun getting commissions from them.
>> No. 14949 ID: 06ff39e8
Huh, I don't know if it was the color, shading, or just the fact that they have their eyes closed but I couldn't tell it was them. Makes sense though.
Regardless, nice followup pic.
>> No. 14988 ID: 20dd9500
File 158222280419.png - ( 3.82 MB , 2250x1285 , Chzcommission_small.png [iqdb] )
Eila commission I got done for her birthday.
Artist: https://twitter.com/Riflema19449003
>> No. 14992 ID: 58f900d3
File 158233067332.png - ( 3.39 MB , 3267x4627 , Eila.png [iqdb] )
My contribution for Eila's birthday.
>> No. 14997 ID: 685a0ca0
are there more like this from the other witches?
>> No. 14998 ID: 9fa60274
File 158276977864.jpg - ( 2.52 MB , 3235x4635 , img0019.jpg [iqdb] )
It's from Humikane's The World Witches 2018 artbook. You can find it in full on exhentai.
I translated Eila's page for her birthday, the rest of them are untranslated to my knowledge.
However, most, I assume, are just taken from their respective World Witches articles (e.g., >>10957).
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