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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131510143862.jpg - ( 117.74KB , 500x500 , 18825006_p15.jpg [iqdb] )
771 No. 771 ID: 0b5d50e3
This thread is long overdue. Let the dumping commence!

Nudity is permissible, but keep it tasteful.
Expand all images
>> No. 772 ID: a782b825
File 131512055669.jpg - ( 185.27KB , 750x975 , Future Helma.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 774 ID: 7818690e
File 13151543437.jpg - ( 288.94KB , 827x600 , 19031958_big_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
I wonder if they'll ever do 1947 art of her.
>> No. 776 ID: 3773c6a7
File 131520709867.png - ( 89.15KB , 289x556 , einhorn303 - Helma Lennartz Strike Witches ヘルxe3.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 780 ID: 8f7848ca
File 131534494252.jpg - ( 189.46KB , 654x769 , 2c9b3c0cb163284882dacb981ef4dc97.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 781 ID: 7818690e
File 131535977425.jpg - ( 81.05KB , 800x800 , 6576343_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 782 ID: a782b825
File 131536450019.jpg - ( 501.08KB , 700x990 , 834f504e605aab1aa61571d807e4e793.jpg [iqdb] )
What..is that?

Also, Minna with glasses= BEST MINNA
>> No. 783 ID: 7818690e
File 131536476635.jpg - ( 27.98KB , 800x800 , 6576343_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
I think she's sitting on a grill as from this follow-up, also Minna with glasses and pantyhose is best
>> No. 818 ID: 0b5d50e3
File 131597701711.jpg - ( 145.01KB , 600x600 , 722b920f1af7c38a3fdd4521dcbde4e4.jpg [iqdb] )
dump bump
>> No. 827 ID: 3773c6a7
File 131613662021.jpg - ( 73.36KB , 551x628 , minna has a helma puppet.jpg [iqdb] )
there is no helma. it's all a conspiracy
>> No. 847 ID: 7818690e
File 13165356779.jpg - ( 302.37KB , 700x682 , 21171263.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 868 ID: 6868c208
Is there any reason why Helma tends to be portrayed as acting kiddish? I think that there was a reason, but I forget.
>> No. 875 ID: 7818690e
She's 9 and has relatively little combat experience but is more adept at Jet Strikers.
>> No. 876 ID: 62442a45
Maybe in 1940, but that isn't really the time she is active is it. Francesca was 9 in 1940 also.
Helma is 13 or 14 on the 1.5 manga
>> No. 879 ID: cd6a455d
File 131677037672.png - ( 374.33KB , 900x1072 , Helma fanart.png [iqdb] )
Fanart from a poster from 4chan
>> No. 891 ID: 1ac135c0
File 131680419993.jpg - ( 149.08KB , 700x700 , 21926541.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 896 ID: 8f329816
File 131694162256.jpg - ( 103.17KB , 582x750 , helma.jpg [iqdb] )
Always needs more helma.
>> No. 897 ID: 3247d9bb
i have aways wanted to grab someone on the back of the head like that
>> No. 963 ID: 7818690e
File 131820765257.jpg - ( 92.34KB , 600x752 , 22283937.jpg [iqdb] )
>No posts on her birthday
What the hell?
>> No. 964 ID: 7818690e
File 131820882083.jpg - ( 299.43KB , 750x1000 , 22287552.jpg [iqdb] )
You didn't get her a gift, did you?
>> No. 965 ID: 6548efb6
File 131821709754.jpg - ( 198.70KB , 600x600 , 21629021_p6.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 966 ID: 8e460985

Which reminds me that I'm probably going to write a huge speech once we hit 1000 posts.
>> No. 968 ID: dcc59b4a
File 131825661854.jpg - ( 142.04KB , 540x933 , 1255355122256.jpg [iqdb] )
Eh, who cares about Helma?
>> No. 976 ID: 522374b5
File 13183082741.jpg - ( 28.88KB , 800x600 , alive and well0.jpg [iqdb] )
its still her birthday in the civilized world
>> No. 977 ID: f4c933a6
File 131831294422.jpg - ( 227.36KB , 500x482 , 22295386 - (めた犬 - はぴばレンナルツxe6x9b.jpg [iqdb] )
Why is she blushing?
>> No. 1254 ID: 6548efb6
File 132026586717.jpg - ( 206.56KB , 551x815 , 21066783.jpg [iqdb] )
Rock on
>> No. 1255 ID: 6548efb6
File 132026590869.jpg - ( 311.92KB , 1181x1748 , 22807829.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1256 ID: c784b46e
>> No. 1268 ID: c998458e

shouldn't that be in the Null thread? I can totally see Helma's angus
>> No. 1292 ID: af8bddbf
Nothing like looking at your favourite character urinating herself, like a newborn kitten. Nothing is more kawaii than feeling warm piss run down your leg right?
>> No. 1325 ID: c998458e

you probably were in one of the drawings from the null thread, cause it seems your butt is aching
>> No. 1336 ID: d41e0e15
And do you know what causes my arse pains? This fandom.

And no, it wasn't in the Null thread, why would I want to look at graphical images of a series I like. Especially when most of them are of children?

In fact, Helma is pissing herself in this very thread. >>976
>> No. 1337 ID: 62442a45

Null joke
Your head
>> No. 1342 ID: e82324ef

You're just going to have to ignore the stuff you don't like. Believe me, I don't like the porn or the lolhelmapiss joke that much, but I know that bickering about it isn't going to make it stop. Some things just can't be helped.

You're more than welcome to stay, but instead of getting mad at content you don't like, try posting content that you -do- like? After all, it's the users that define what this site is.
>> No. 1343 ID: a66bb11a

To be fair, it wasn't a very good joke.
>> No. 1350 ID: db60eaff
I'll post something I like soon enough, just you wait and see...
>> No. 1353 ID: c998458e
File 132104843538.jpg - ( 35.73KB , 258x312 , Helma mad.jpg [iqdb] )

I prefer telling groaners.
>> No. 1364 ID: e82324ef

I hope this is sincere and not some sort of veiled threat.
>> No. 1462 ID: 6548efb6
File 132176644887.jpg - ( 200.82KB , 667x800 , 23154578.jpg [iqdb] )

Behave! All of you!
>> No. 1463 ID: 62442a45
That happened a week ago. I don't think you're comment really contributes anything anymore.
>> No. 1500 ID: 300ed598

a week between comments on this board is chuck fucking yeager fast.
>> No. 1519 ID: 41ef288b
You mean Charlotte fucking Yeager fast, right?
>> No. 1522 ID: 6548efb6
File 132219221469.jpg - ( 246.15KB , 800x800 , 23269046.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 6149 ID: c5364808
File 137260261520.jpg - ( 248.88KB , 588x600 , by ハトぽー 27713479_m.jpg [iqdb] )
Hey, I drew that. Feels good, man.
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