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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 135891699790.jpg - ( 123.56KB , 850x1275 , sample-cdf227b48b4ab8bc87469fbb44e26591.jpg [iqdb] )
5441 No. 5441 ID: e243011d
Which witch do you find underrated?
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>> No. 5442 ID: 2e6e08ef
Lucchini in terms of power. She showed good fighting skills but they're overwhelmed by her childish nature (lolis must be moe and not so destructive)

But in terms of popularity; Minna.
>> No. 5443 ID: e243011d
File 135892237577.jpg - ( 1.09MB , 1500x938 , Konachan_com - 122950 sample.jpg [iqdb] )
Lucchini's power can only become greater as she grows older.

As for Minna, she's the mother figure of the 501st, so not a lot of people can really relate to her as they can with most other witches.
I do love her leadership skills, though.
>> No. 5445 ID: fbb4505d
File 135895182346.jpg - ( 193.77KB , 728x850 , 94ad8cb21d856fb9cf3b231acd9c2780.jpg [iqdb] )
Luchinni's power is often misinterpreted.

Her magic is actually the ability to jump into any striker unit from any height.
>> No. 5446 ID: 9cf9ef2d
File 135896269428.jpg - ( 36.40KB , 310x708 , rall.jpg [iqdb] )
Third highest kills in the world
Great deflection shooter
Commander of III./JG52 with both Hartmann and Marseille under her command
Suffered life threatening injury and rehabilitation
Organized 502 and is a commander of it

Gundula is so awesome but rarely gets any mention.....
>> No. 5447 ID: 1a8df959
Maybe because of the corset.
>> No. 5448 ID: 24728a10
Don't forget her hair.
Her hair is muy caliente.
>> No. 5449 ID: 9c290ab6
File 135898124694.jpg - ( 120.43KB , 680x1000 , SW_vol1c06_01.jpg [iqdb] )
Tomoko needs more love.
>> No. 5450 ID: e243011d
File 135926785288.jpg - ( 299.99KB , 750x1059 , 5f1190674e27e5e7f56c82e3ab87b432.jpg [iqdb] )
I feel like Shirley is under-appreciated within her squad.
She doesn't get as much responsibilities as Trudy, even though they're the same rank.
>> No. 5493 ID: 37bcc43f

That might have something to do with the fact Trude embraces the responsibilities because KARSLAND WORRIOR STRONG! ... Whereas Shirley just wants to go fast and flaunt her enormous breasts.
>> No. 5496 ID: 690a50f6
File 135983327347.png - ( 406.88KB , 612x606 , Charlotte_Cereal.png [iqdb] )
See, it's that kind of mindset they have that keeps her from leading.
>> No. 5501 ID: f7526673
sharkhorn, we meet again
>> No. 5522 ID: f2b80c5d

Lucchini and Mio. Both are consistently at the bottom of Japanese popularity polls, and both are pretty damn good.
>> No. 5524 ID: e243011d
File 136043967391.png - ( 35.03KB , 318x407 , 13121833417.png [iqdb] )
Mio at the bottom?!
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