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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 149800690534.png - ( 292.23 KB , 672x552 , perrine.png [iqdb] )
12683 No. 12683 ID: dff64041
SW Discord server for y'all that are interested. We are active, and would like new members to come and chat so we can grow over witches. We've been around for almost a year and have members, but unfortunately most of them aren't active and would like to have more active ones to chat with and play. Open to everyone.
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>> No. 12684 ID: 61e7153c
Why does everything need a fucking discord these days?
Besides you guys made a thread here already.. >>10718
>> No. 12685 ID: a2b33b70
File 149802266013.jpg - ( 85.97 KB , 400x460 , smeagle rage.jpg [iqdb] )

Are you even aware that Strike Witches fandom doesn't belong to you? How about you try doing something that shocks everyone, like not attacking other fans?
>> No. 12686 ID: ac747d03

Oh yeah thats true, but to be fair that was technically a different server altogether and is now gone. But regardless, helma.us isnt the only place for SW fans... nor should it be.
>> No. 12687 ID: 479c455a
Discord is for Neuroi.
>> No. 12688 ID: eefcda07
How on earth did you deduce that as attacking? You might want to read the whole post again.
You will never ever see me going to leddit or elsewhere 'attack' anyone either, but not like that you actually care about facts. Discord being cancer is an opinion towards the whole platform and many folks don't like it whatsoever.

So this is a different discord altogether that's being advertised now? Guess it'll never ends till discord fades to obscurity in some years.
>> No. 12689 ID: ac747d03
Except you guys think everything that isn't 4chan or Helma.us is cancer, lmao. So it kinda loses its meaning if you hate everything that doesn't cater towards only you.

I just find it hilarious that the western SW fanbase is so small, and within what little there is people decide to play favorites and fracture communities that extra bit more... its no wonder the fanbase is almost non-existent these days!
>> No. 12690 ID: eefcda07
>you guys
Nice going there generalizing everyone by the way. Personally I couldn't care less what exists and where, DeviantArt probably has some sort of community as a example and it's there and not my kind of place, and that's it. It could be cancer, but what do I know since I won't bother with it. That's called being indifferent.
Twitter has all the Nip artists and also a community, both western and eastern. I use the eastern one mainly but it won't make me think twitter is not cancer, it damn is and some artists are retarded for only uploading stuff there since twitter lowers the quality of all pictures by default.
But don't expect people not to tell their opinions regarding things on the internet.

Talking about 'fracturing communities' is amusing and laughable given discords don't help with that. I can count few communities on 4chan that were killed off by the creation of discords, one of the reasons it's cancer to me. It's a proprietary that offers nothing special yet it's somehow so popular these days, like the MySpace eons ago. Oh well.
But hey, anyone is free to join OP's discord who wants to, it just won't take my dismay and confusion towards discord away to which I still haven't gotten my initial question answered to even.
>> No. 12691 ID: 660a2633
Calm down fellas, I doubt the discord will take away anything from Helma, it's not exactly the fastest moving site especially these days. The threads here will still serve purpose and get the same regular posters
>> No. 12692 ID: eefcda07
Yeah, it won't here, given the last one didn't seem to either.
>> No. 12693 ID: 3e733e25
Alright, enough squabbling guys.

Personally, I support anything that would broaden and possibly strengthen fanbase. Though I don't use discord, I don't see any problem with people using it.

Eagle, there's no need to be so defensive about this place- it's been half dead for a long time, and a discord server isn't going to make it any deader.
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