No. 638
ID: d4d4ee89
>>635 Skirt =/= long shirt. Many current witches have shirts that don't show panties if the angle is normal.>while on the ground In the ova they do not change their clothing depending on whether they are on the ground or if they are in flight. Hartmann has those dumb shorts on all the time and Lynette has skirt on all the time. So the "they wore skirts when they weren't flying" is false, some of them wore skirts, but they wore them all the time, and no one changed their clothing for battle. And I still don't see any indication to believe that trousers would necessarily obstruct the strikers. It might be "true", but it's still something the fans just made up, not something entirely canon the series creators told us. As >>572 said, we have never been given an explanation, and that's the point of it all.