No. 7195
ID: 9e9e105b
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>>7194 >I'm pretty sure neither Humikane nor Suzuki would let it slip past them. I'm pretty sure they could. When I talked to SWYattuke about this, he linked a japanese site listing finnish names and it had Antia in it, lol. Human error is a very real thing - and also a very likely explanation when it comes to Japanese working with latin alphabet.>And if you know anything about Japanese phonetic system, there's no way to misspell Anita and Antia. I know what you mean. You can't really accidentally write アンチア instead of アニタ. It's not really a typo per se. But consider this possibility: They looked up finnish female names similar to Antero, written in latin alphabet. They found Anita, they accidentally copied it as Antia and at that point the damage was already done. Or alternatively, they used a faulty name list as explained earlier.