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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 144842222366.png - ( 48.37 KB , 415x629 , someonehelp.png [iqdb] )
8619 No. 8619 ID: d00ada4e
Someone please help me with this . It's really getting on my nerves. I don't know where I'm not supposed to massage her but if I do find a spot I can't stay on it for too long or else the bar will just go down and I can barely find a right spot before it's too late the drag the bar up where I was. I can't find a guide for this anywhere either. Can someone tell me on what I'm doing wrong? Am I missing something?
>> No. 8655 ID: 85b75cad
Strike Witches 2: Iyasu, Naosu, Puni Puni Suru

I doubt many people have played it because it is translated, but this guy figured it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Zvbd06Ris
>> No. 8658 ID: faa47bd4
Idk how he did it
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