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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 144780911825.png - ( 120.93 KB , 249x297 , swksnr4.png [iqdb] )
8557 No. 8557 ID: 10aacf1d
Anyone have the Shirley cards from the Kiseki no Rondo game in good quality?
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>> No. 8558 ID: 7b39c55a
File 144781250428.png - ( 637.34 KB , 640x800 , 0dbacd74-fb6e-4b63-cb3f-ff652fb79984.png [iqdb] )
An alternative, while you wait, is to enlarge the ones from http://waifu2x.udp.jp/ The pics that I enlarged from that pic aren't perfect but I'm happy enough with them.

If you do try that page and you are using Firefox, don't right-click and Save as or the pic will be corrupted. Hit Ctrl-S (assuming you're on Windows) and save each pic that way.
>> No. 8559 ID: 10aacf1d
>> No. 8560 ID: 10aacf1d
I'll use this until I'm able to find a larger version without an image enlarger.
>> No. 8561 ID: 7b39c55a
>The pics that I enlarged from that pic

I meant to say "from that Mediafire set".
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