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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 145729616882.jpg - ( 298.30 KB , 800x733 , 83fddb138eda79944adf7f59bc96358c.jpg [iqdb] )
9644 No. 9644 ID: c31ec57f
Do you guys give any nicknames to your favorite witches? Or just Witches in general?
My Girlfriend and I have given them quite a few over the years.

Yoshika: Shibby, Yoshibe, Master Chef Doggo

Lynette: Milquetoast, Tiddums, Bishope

Lucchini: Pizza-Pasta, Linguine

Trude: Gert, Trudey, Trud, T-Rude

Erica: Doxie

Shirley: Shoiley, Great Stinkin' Tots

Perrine: Perriney, Lobstermann,

Aleksandra: Polar Bear/Polar Bear-Chan,

Nipa/Nikka: Nips, Stoat, Various names involving breasts

Rall: Spinal Tap

Waltrud: Krups, Kruprinceki

Sadako: Sadistic Sadako,

Naoe: "Can I have it Naoe"

Angela Salas Larrazabal: Angela Salamander Lesbian

Luciana Mazzei: Luscious Luciana

Martina Crespi: Martini Crispy

Constantia Cantacuzino: Constantino Cappuccino

Carla Luksic: Fuksic

Amelie: Bunny-Butt, Down the Rabbit's Hole

Giuseppina Cenni: Cannoli Spagoli

Helma: Helmad/Helglad/Helsad

What do you guys call them?
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>> No. 9645 ID: 3aab020c
Great Stinkin Tots?
>> No. 9646 ID: 3aab020c
>> No. 9648 ID: c31ec57f
File 145729937037.jpg - ( 117.29 KB , 500x737 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
We got it from a gif of Yoshika yelling about breasts, just kind of stuck for some reason.
>> No. 9649 ID: 691eaccb
File 145729980343.png - ( 97.27 KB , 207x241 , GermanDog.png [iqdb] )

I call Erica my little spätzle or usually just angel, as generic as that is.

Doxie is a good one though. Never thought of that.
>> No. 9651 ID: 3aab020c
This is going to sound really cheesy but I call Shirley "love bunny" or "honey bunny". I got the latter from an awful fanfic.
>> No. 9653 ID: c31ec57f
File 145730622123.jpg - ( 33.87 KB , 321x281 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
Oh yeah, I forgot one of my nicknames for Perrine: Perfection. Although that nickname also covers Erica and Trude too.
>> No. 9657 ID: 261866b1
Heinrike Prinzessin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein: heini
>> No. 9756 ID: e4fed322
>a gif
why not swf?
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