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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131744446834.jpg - ( 313.85KB , 800x1100 , 1300982252365.jpg [iqdb] )
918 No. 918 ID: ca0f8537
Btw, how can I repost the images that have been posted before?
I actually want to post this >>689
Expand all images
>> No. 919 ID: f0e130b3
File 13174509593.jpg - ( 184.08KB , 750x750 , 21914838 - (___φ(-`Д´-*.jpg [iqdb] )
>Btw, how can I repost the images that have been posted before?

Can't, that's not how the boards works. I'll help you though!
>> No. 921 ID: e69a4b75
>>Btw, how can I repost the images that have been posted before?

I could tweak the php files to allow duplicate image posting, but when I presented the idea to the IRC a couple months ago the general consensus was "don't do it".

I think the disabling of it is an inevitability however.
>> No. 923 ID: 64baaa0b
File 131748574839.jpg - ( 467.79KB , 934x661 , 14603675_big_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
Dump dump dump
>> No. 925 ID: 9f734a93
File 131748897749.jpg - ( 210.14KB , 664x983 , 411769340.jpg [iqdb] )
So, whatever happened to her having her birthday on the 10th?
>> No. 926 ID: f99e1373
If you're getting that from the wiki it's probably just a mistake. Should be 1st
>> No. 927 ID: 9f734a93
File 131750925568.jpg - ( 169.19KB , 713x1150 , 1285103453147.jpg [iqdb] )

I'm referring to the birthday of the archetype, stated on the page linked on the wiki.
I'm aware her birthday was listed as October 1st in one of the BD booklets.
>> No. 928 ID: f99e1373
That page linked on her article is also wrong in that area. Wikipedia says that her archetype had his birthday on 1st http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ángel_Salas_Larrazábal
>> No. 929 ID: 6bc6cf88
File 131753761176.jpg - ( 111.50KB , 469x800 , 22118252_big_p18.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 930 ID: f0e130b3
File 131754086486.png - ( 39.76KB , 700x700 , 22079674 - (ありがとう浜村淳です - かxe3x81.png [iqdb] )
omfg, I just recognized this scene.
>> No. 932 ID: 2041443c
File 131761474552.png - ( 40.06KB , 500x630 , 19569160_p0.png [iqdb] )
What scene is that referring to?
I love that artist by the way.
>> No. 934 ID: f0e130b3
Pron scene. nsfw obviously:
>> No. 936 ID: 99846232
Oh hell, I didn't even have to open the link, as soon as you said "pron" I instantly recognized it too. Always gets a laugh.
>> No. 11207 ID: 9a31a3b2
>> No. 11208 ID: acfe1bed
You probably already know it but I can't help myself. I want to say it. Red Dead Redemption
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