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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 134017823340.png - ( 111.45KB , 547x1191 , Hernanda Valdez.png [iqdb] )
3667 No. 3667 ID: 43ab9163
What do you think?????
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>> No. 3668 ID: 43ab9163
File 134017927552.png - ( 114.15KB , 547x1191 , Hernanda Valdez 1.png [iqdb] )
It looks like Humikane's style
>> No. 3676 ID: 782c7972
no it doesn't
>> No. 3677 ID: 4991e412
File 134022552176.jpg - ( 59.53KB , 283x700 , 78174.jpg [iqdb] )
Her jacket needs some improvement, especially at the waist. It doesn't look good when her panties are completely exposed at the front like that.
>> No. 3678 ID: db47d245
Well, but I'm trying!!!!!
I know, but is my second work!!! I did it in Illustrator.
In time I'll do my best, OK?
>> No. 3680 ID: f703c9c2

Don't take things like >>3676 too harshly. Your art looks fine to me (far better than anything I could make myself), and it can only improve with time.

As for criticism, the things which stand out the most to me are the outlines on the face (left side in particular), and the chest area. Unfortunately, since I'm not an artist, I can't really explain what needs to be changed. All I can say is find an artist you like and compare your lines to his. I've heard that's a pretty good way to improve. It's kind of vague, but I hope that helps.

Keep up the good work.
>> No. 3690 ID: dc33d0a8
Thank you very much!!
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