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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 145647130594.jpg - ( 188.00 KB , 378x550 , ac817cb1.jpg [iqdb] )
9488 No. 9488 ID: 9ac199b3
Our favorite artist Sandwich has put aside the fanart and is now doing a new official manga series starring 13-Year old Erica in her JG52 days! To be published starting next month in Monthly Comp Ace.


I used to joke about this being the premise for S3. By some miracle we're getting the absolute next best thing.

I know some wonderful anons pulled together and got the Aurora manga scanned and mostly translated. I hope the same can be done here.
Expand all images
>> No. 9497 ID: c35b8a3f
File 145652672932.jpg - ( 62.46 KB , 300x812 , cb59cac23f419d18178ac1cbe200753a.jpg [iqdb] )
absolutely can't wait for this
sandwich is a bro upon bros, can't wait to import.

hoping it has pic related since trude was 14 when she wore it.
oh and some wiese would be great too
>> No. 9879 ID: 9ac199b3
File 145898485133.jpg - ( 235.84 KB , 750x1050 , ca_201605.jpg [iqdb] )
Issue one is now out in this month's Comp Ace! I'll be ordering it soon, but won't be able to scan. Hopefully some heroic anon will be able to do so instead.
>> No. 9880 ID: c35b8a3f
where can you import comp ace
i saw humi's thing and there's an article with dirndl trude so i need it
>> No. 9882 ID: 4997f7b2
>New manga starts
>Doesn't get any sort of cover image besides text headline
>> No. 9886 ID: 41df57dd
With Lucchini Kuro & Sanya Illya on the front cover.
>> No. 9889 ID: b6ab77ba
Chapter 1 might be on Karlsland's board.
>> No. 9892 ID: 4997f7b2
File 145901807562.jpg - ( 482.43 KB , 1600x1279 , JG52.jpg [iqdb] )
Oh, danke for the tip.

Wonder if those two will be new witches for the story. The kind of an older looking grey haired witch with braids looks cute.
>> No. 9893 ID: 6f893e41
What if...

...it's either Erica's or Trude's mom?
>> No. 9895 ID: 9ac199b3

Mama Hartmann's hair has to be as gold as the sun, so not possible.
>> No. 9897 ID: 4997f7b2
File 145903670785.jpg - ( 293.34 KB , 801x1279 , Minna 15.jpg [iqdb] )
Maybe, but she actually looks like she could be Minna's.
Also Minna and Trude look absolutely no different as 15 year old's. Well Erica neither. They're all pretty much the same looking, not that I was really expecting much difference.

You just watch how they'll reveal mother Hartmann to be jet black haired.
>> No. 9898 ID: 9ac199b3

You need sunglasses in order to safely look at Mama Hartmann's beautiful golden radiance.
>> No. 9899 ID: 5c051cc0
>Minna's mom

I don't think I'm ready for all those "Ara Ara"s and "Ufufu"s.
>> No. 9900 ID: 506950fe
LOL. That's Alicia..
>> No. 9901 ID: cbe47cc0

Looks like she has some Polish insignia.
>> No. 9902 ID: c35b8a3f
File 145904244021.png - ( 1.06 MB , 800x1280 , 1459000951614.png [iqdb] )
it's not a prequel manga without adolphine i guess
>> No. 9903 ID: 4997f7b2

You're right, that does look like one.
I hope we do get more Polish ace witches.
And the girl to her left gives off 'Lynneish' vibes with her appearance, but I wonder what sort of nation composition JG52 truly has in witch-verse.
>> No. 9905 ID: 6bcdad99
Did you watch/read ARIA..?
>> No. 9907 ID: 4997f7b2
Ah, unfortunately no, I haven't yet.
>> No. 9910 ID: 4997f7b2
File 145917128030.gif - ( 94.38 KB , 400x373 , Kraut potatoes.gif [iqdb] )
>> No. 9914 ID: 9ac199b3
File 145929231898.png - ( 291.30 KB , 500x742 , Ceuhx5PW8AQWsgT_png orig.png [iqdb] )
Show stealers!
>> No. 9917 ID: 4997f7b2
File 145930766915.jpg - ( 230.68 KB , 300x178 , JG52 witches.jpg [iqdb] )
So I'm not the only one who thought Britannia first.

Also the Polish witch is cute. A cute! But really both of them are.
>> No. 9918 ID: 9ac199b3

I want to buy her a hairbrush.
>> No. 9923 ID: 325d60f5
Winkle Brown..?
>> No. 9950 ID: 8f533216
I think the 'Polish' witch might actually be from the Croatian 15(Kroat.)/JG52, a highly successful foreign contingent Staffel within JG52.

They adorned the majority of their Bf109s with the Winged Red & White checkerboard shield of the Croatian Air Force Legion. This also fits with the story being about JG52.
>> No. 9951 ID: 4997f7b2
Interesting. Are there any particular aces that would fit the narrative above others?
>> No. 9984 ID: 8f533216
I can't find reference to any of them having any kind of friendship with German aces such as Hartmann or Barkhorn, However being in the same JG on the same front it is likely they may have met at least.

Although they don't have the kind of scores that the German 'super-aces' have some of the Croatian pilot scores are still very respectable.
The most likely would be either Mato Dukovac (44 Kills), Cvitan Galic (38 Kills & highest scorer of 15/(Kroat).'s first tour) or perhaps Franjo Dzal (16 Kills & the Staffel's Commanding Officer) However there are another 20 or so pilots with the unit that achieved 'ace' status so any of those could be a possibility.
>> No. 9986 ID: 9ac199b3

Wasn't there some anon in the /a/ threads always wishing there was a Croatian witch?
>> No. 10033 ID: e93e29a1
We lost quite a bunch of guys in the threads it seems.

The anon who wanted to impregnate Lynne.
The other anon who wanted Prinzessin to step on him.
Last but not least WPG.

Those guys' posts might not have been to everyone's liking but they were still part of the community.
>> No. 10042 ID: 4997f7b2
Thanks for the informative input. Next chapter probably highlights these new witches, hopefully.
>> No. 10043 ID: 6353eab5
I bet it's Dukovac.
>> No. 10044 ID: 4997f7b2
In somewhat related ace stories, War Thunder has quite interesting ace of the month too. A Greek ace who downed an Italian bomber by destroying its rudder with his propeller and then gliding to a field and taking the crew as POW's with his handgun.
>> No. 10519 ID: 0d33e6f4
Reposting, but this is likely the new Britainnian witches archetype:

>> No. 10881 ID: a29e765c
The page content was gone
Does anyone got a backup of it?
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