No. 2290
ID: 6dccc785
>>2288 Isn't that what this is all about? Claiming>that the director of the anime adaptions don't know a shit worth about the other Fighter Wings when it's clearly not the case could make one think it is... The 501st, and especially Yoshika, were and still are the face of the franchise, like it or not. Throwing a full cast of completely new characters nobody but a bunch of otaku know into a movie sounds like a rather bad business strategy. Saying you'd rather take a movie about the shenanigans of the 50xndrdth, a bunch of witches you know next to nothing about and that only *might* be better, than a movie with with the 501st about something you know next to nothing about with a new character you know next to nothing about sounds foolish. For all you know they could cram every single named witch into the final showdown just because they can and to set up a third season about anything but the 501st. Kadokawa being all like>The girls that were awesome at the end of that movie? Have a whole show about them. sounds more viable than>The girls you watched for 25 episodes? Yeah, they didn't make it into the movie that's called just like their show, sorry about that...