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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 138403728712.jpg - ( 81.13KB , 400x160 , 1383976145972.jpg [iqdb] )
6601 No. 6601 ID: 2fbed599
A new manga???
About 504th????
Expand all images
>> No. 6602 ID: 6eaa7e10
Seems like it.

They're really pushing new SW stuff out, huh.
>> No. 6603 ID: 1d6e66c5
File 138404762623.jpg - ( 275.24KB , 600x500 , 1288545189261.jpg [iqdb] )
Yay! My favorite JFW!

I honestly think they're the most likely candidate for the 3rd TV anime season now.
>> No. 6604 ID: 1d6e66c5
I think 504th is the best JFW for addressing the problems with S1 and S2. Namely, that squad doesn't really have a main character, so it can really focus on the ensemble cast evenly, and not run into the "Miyafuji Jesus" problems of S2's main plot arc. Also, they've already lost a major conflict, which provides a basis for their story to be be more realistic and less generic-ly "fuck logic, power of friendship saves the day."
>> No. 6638 ID: 5789109e
I wonder when it will be set? Before and during their failed operation at the start of season 2? Or after the movie?
>> No. 6640 ID: 1d6e66c5
Based on a lot of the other manga popping up, I reckon it'll be a prequel. When they first met and all.
>> No. 6641 ID: 76521855
Starting with Junko's transfer and being instated as their Field Commander I suppose.
>> No. 6642 ID: 5789109e
That would be interesting. From what I've heard about the untranslated part of the 504 twitter story, apparently Fernandia was upset about Junko's appointment, since Fernandia believes that Romagnans should be the ones to protect Romagna.
>> No. 6746 ID: 8ba201a0
File 138940289312.jpg - ( 62.38KB , 591x542 , 1545665_10202974889798290_360259811_n.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 6747 ID: 8ba201a0
File 138940294689.jpg - ( 152.19KB , 757x541 , 1389331107422.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 6770 ID: 39bea660
Speaking of new manga, Seven Seas just posted this on their tumblr:

>STAY TUNED: Upcoming license-related doujinshi announcement on Monday. Here’s a hint—it’s related to something in our current catalog.

Quite possibly it'll be an English license of "Witches of Africa," and Nogami Takeshi's other official doujinshi.
>> No. 6771 ID: ffd5377f
File 13908306661.jpg - ( 721.94KB , 1280x960 , 1390481164144.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 6805 ID: 4ab15ce9
File 139221605423.jpg - ( 137.05KB , 740x519 , ArdorWitches5.jpg [iqdb] )
Clean version.
>> No. 6807 ID: 4ab15ce9
Almost forgot, the first preview: http://beatarai.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-3057.html
>> No. 6856 ID: 5789109e
Second chapter preview: http://beatarai.blog90.fc2.com/blog-date-20140312.html
>> No. 6883 ID: 5789109e
File 139550374451.jpg - ( 471.35KB , 1200x1718 , Don&Jane29.jpg [iqdb] )
The married couple.
>> No. 6885 ID: 64bbb506
Anyone have a link to raw scans?
I'm trying to translate it but no luck finding the actual scans.
>> No. 6886 ID: 5789109e
I've found links to the Chinese scans.
pan.baidu.com/s/1mgHPcRu and pan.baidu.com/s/1mg2qRmK

If you know Japanese, but not Chinese, you can try contacting the Chinese translator, ginger_king, on his blog at: myginger.blog.fc2.com
>> No. 6888 ID: f9f613d5
I can not download, how?
>> No. 6891 ID: 5789109e
The download button only seems to work some of the time. I had to wait a while and come back to the site in order to download chapter 1. Also make sure the page is fully loaded before starting the download.
>> No. 6901 ID: 5789109e
Chapter 3 previews are out. Don and Jane have finally arrived in Romagna.

Better links for the first two chapters can be found here: http://highfox.wordpress.com/tag/strike-witches-kurenai-no-majo-tachi/
>> No. 6902 ID: 1dea06a8
File 139737966960.jpg - ( 93.29KB , 396x364 , 1274926245199.jpg [iqdb] )
>Chapters 1-4 of Witches of Aurora
>> No. 6939 ID: 630a6678

Only in Chinese, unfortunately.

I wish these chinese pirates had the decency to upload the raws for the benefit of us foreigners.
>> No. 6940 ID: a806ce8a
It's illegal in Japan to upload raws, I believe. And China/Taiwan are cracking down on stuff like this too. The groups may want to protect the identity of their scanners to avoid trouble.

The best way to go about it might be to contact them through their recruitment info and see if they're willing to let an English-medium scanlator work on their raws.
>> No. 6941 ID: 5789109e
File 139975030143.jpg - ( 53.14KB , 388x333 , Chapter4.jpg [iqdb] )
Chapter 4 of Red Witches is out now.
>> No. 6942 ID: 1dea06a8
Looks like someone dumped raws on Karlsland
>> No. 6985 ID: 99596a8d
Scans of chapters 3 and 4:


The chapter 4 scan is cleaner than the raws that were dumped earlier.
>> No. 7007 ID: 99596a8d
File 14027271357.jpg - ( 87.80KB , 495x481 , kurenai140613.jpg [iqdb] )
Preview of chapter 5:

>> No. 7008 ID: c0b5ff63
Is it wrong that I might like their ship even more than Don & Jane?
>> No. 7009 ID: defa57f6
All ships are wonderful.
>> No. 7038 ID: 99596a8d
Here are the chapter 4 raws:

>> No. 7084 ID: 99596a8d
File 140547085175.jpg - ( 55.20KB , 395x366 , kurenai140715.jpg [iqdb] )
Preview of Chapter 6:

>> No. 7162 ID: fa778d1c
File 140980178967.jpg - ( 1.31MB , 1200x1721 , 02.jpg [iqdb] )
Scans of chapters 5 and 6 http://highfox.wordpress.com/2014/09/03/v-china-strike-witches-kurenai-no-majo-tachi-capitulos-5-y-6/
>> No. 7167 ID: 99596a8d
I don't know what this says, but I'm guessing its the uncensored volume release.

>> No. 7184 ID: fa778d1c
File 141096261719.jpg - ( 68.23KB , 510x355 , kurenai140915.jpg [iqdb] )
Preview of Chapter 7: http://beatarai.blog90.fc2.com/blog-entry-3240.html
>> No. 7224 ID: 99596a8d
There is a chapter scan on Karlsland.net.
>> No. 7230 ID: 99596a8d
Here is an archive:

>> No. 7241 ID: 99596a8d
File 141318359634.jpg - ( 39.07KB , 406x280 , Spoiler Picture.jpg [iqdb] )
Preview of Chapter 8:


Guess who makes an appearance.
>> No. 7242 ID: a9c2e50c
Time for the 504th to get raped at Trajanus?
>> No. 7243 ID: ff7ef134
The mangaka challenge: drawing Piazza San Marco as good as Kozue Amano does in ARIA..xD

I wonder if they'll have some casualities (from the male troops obviously)
>> No. 7246 ID: ebf7b13f
Looks like Crimson Witches has been picked up by Yuriproject.

First Chapter is out.
>> No. 7250 ID: ceb2011b
I'm completely okay with this. I could use some more Junko.
>> No. 7285 ID: 99596a8d
File 141577683230.jpg - ( 52.74KB , 510x270 , kurenai141110.jpg [iqdb] )
Next chapter preview:

>> No. 8084 ID: 99596a8d
File 143752210452.jpg - ( 51.23 KB , 392x338 , kurenai150712.jpg [iqdb] )
Another new chapter:

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