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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131842286983.jpg - ( 184.18KB , 619x1238 , helmanight.jpg [iqdb] )
1020 No. 1020 ID: 6aaa913a
First of all, I would like to start off by thanking the admins for their continued support and staying with the site despite the rough launch of the website earlier this year. I really appreciate it, and if it wasn't for their advice in the tumultuous early days of the forum I probably would've given up and blanked the site.

I would also like to thank all of the posters and lurkers on this board for sticking around for all these months despite the various rough patches we've had, such as the downtime and that old 404 error, and the relative slowness of the site in comparison to our origin board. If it wasn't for you guys, the love wouldn't be alive and well here, and this site would just be another monument to failed ambitions. Thanks.

Anyhow, on to business.

While 1000 posts are but a mere drop in the water in comparison to other forums, I believe that for this forum it marks the beginning of a new era, "the era of progress", and the closing of the "era of uncertainty". What this means is that I am now far more confident in the sustainability of the website, and now that the board is in good running condition I have begun laying out the framework for various improvements and additions to the site. The board will largely remain the same, but in the future it will be but one part (albeit, a very important one) of a larger site.

It was frequently suggested in the early days of the site that it be made into a more general Strike Witches fan-site, containing various news updates and basic information and what not. I have come to believe that this idea may be the best option for the future of the site, and I have started making plans for the transition from a board only site, to a larger general purpose site.

Right now I envision the site as having a prominent news section on the main page, where members of the community, such as those that make translations or scrounge twitter for updates and rumors, are able to post news updates for everyone to see. I would also like an option for anyone to submit Strike Witches related news, which upon review by a designated news-poster, will be able to be posted.

There would also be a information section, which would contain information on the series, characters, etc. This would be done in a way as to not step on the wikis toes, as a lot of hard work went into the wiki. I imagine a page with basic information on each subject, with a link at the bottom to the wiki for further reading would work fine.

The board would still be the main attraction, and will be the very first item linked in the menu. There won't be many changes to the board. In the short run, there may be some visual changes. More styles, better graphics. In the long run, Wakaba may replace Kusaba X.

And of course there would be a links section that would contain links to the official sites and the sites of our friends overseas (Karlsland, etc).

The website will definitely remain advertisement free. And in the unlikely event that I am unable to pay the hosting bills due to a massive traffic increase or some other unforeseen event, I would rather use a donation system, with myself also contributing to the fund. This is an unlikely scenario, but I figured I would detail what the procedure would be should all of my funds somehow vanish.

As of right now, I have what I want the website to look like visualized in my mind for the most part. However, due to my job I haven't had as much free time to work on the site as I had hoped. When I had bought the site, work was slow and infrequent, but recently things have been more active and I've been kept busy.

Making the art and flash menus shouldn't be too hard, but coding the actual website will probably be the biggest problem at the moment, as right now I'm not much better than 1990s Geo-cities tier. But I can probably learn to do what I want quickly enough, free time willing.

As stated before, these changes will not be immediate, but they are my current goals for the site. The earliest to begin expecting any significant changes will probably be sometime after December. Until then, I'll keep everything up and running as is, with maybe a minor change here and there.

In closing, thank you all for keeping the love alive and well in the present, as well as in the future.
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>> No. 1022 ID: 6aaa913a
File 131842292199.png - ( 172.51KB , 1010x3490 , variousstatistics.png [iqdb] )
And here's some statistics if anyone's interested.
>> No. 1024 ID: 8dfbd314
That news feed idea sounds like just what I am looking for. Aside from IRC, it ain't easy keeping track of translations and scans.

Have you tried Google Analytics?
>> No. 1036 ID: 33e4095d

There was a page somewhere on the wiki keeping track of translations, but it looks like it doesn't get updated anymore...
>> No. 1037 ID: 8ffe808d
It doesn't get updated? Or nothing noteworthy has been translated?
>> No. 1042 ID: 2385f56c
There is also the dropbox page, with a link to it on the Helma.us links page. I haven't seen that updated in a good while. I have been waiting patiently for the new character CDs to be out, but the status for their release date hasn't been updated in a very long time (I'm not sure they even exist?).

I love the idea of a Strike Witches news posting area. It would definitely benefit those who like to keep up with new SW content. Admin's new board idea sounds great as well. Please keep up the outstanding! I can't wait to see this community expand further!

I whole heartily thank everyone involved in creating and supporting this site. It makes me extremely happy to share my love for the series with other fans.

Congratulations helma.us on +1000 posts!
>> No. 1044 ID: 2385f56c
>> No. 1045 ID: 6aaa913a
>Have you tried Google Analytics?

Nah, as I've already got access to a large pile of statistics. I only posted the interesting ones.


Thanks! I'll be sure to do my best when it comes time to renovate the site.
>> No. 1064 ID: 8f905a52

I update the dropbox page sparingly from time to time, it's just that not a lot of things happened recently that aren't posted here >>406

As for the upcoming drama albums, they should have been all released by now, but they got pushed back indeterminately to the point where they aren't listed on amazon.jp or CDJjapan anymore.


Grats on 1000+ posts and having at least a few search keyphrases not dedicated to porn.
>> No. 1065 ID: cd98d955
Wow, this is awesome
>> No. 1066 ID: 6aaa913a
>Grats on 1000+ posts and having at least a few search keyphrases not dedicated to porn.

Ha ha, yeah. Seeing all those search keywords like "anal pic" kind of made me think "Seriously?" to myself. But a hit's a hit I suppose.
>> No. 1068 ID: 8dfbd314
Ah, okay. It can be nice if you are monitoring multiple domains. Nice work on the uptime so far.
>> No. 1100 ID: 842d11bf
File 131882083090.jpg - ( 56.43KB , 864x480 , impressive.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1121 ID: 031d6ad7

759 hits from the Philippines. Cool.
>> No. 1194 ID: 4a5ed355
Well, since I figured out how to add new styles, I can add whatever ones that you guys want for the board.

The board came with the following styles if anyone's interested:


I haven't tested them, but since they came with the board software they should all work fine.

And speaking of styles, I just might get around to making a "Helma grey" style if I can find the time.
>> No. 1237 ID: 842d11bf
Well, this sounds interesting...
>> No. 1239 ID: 4a5ed355

It's just a color scheme. It's pretty similar to futaba, except the background is pinker. Nothing objectionable.
>> No. 1279 ID: a41bcf0a
Just added all of the styles.

Burichan is blue.
Futaba is orange.
Halloween is.. Halloween.
Fuhrerchan is grey.
Gurochan is pinkish.
Harrischan is black.
Kusaba is green.
Photon is light grey.
>> No. 1335 ID: a41bcf0a
File 132098596527.png - ( 617.00KB , 1280x1024 , mockup.png [iqdb] )
Since I had some free time, I tossed together an -extremely- rough mockup image to give a general idea as to what the main page -may- look like in the future.

Since this was done fairly quickly, I didn't use any measurements so some things are a tad bigger than they should be, like the logo and various parts of the news boxes.

Anyhow, the buttons on the left side, the fancy trim, and the logo, will function similarly to the menu on the left side of this image board, in that it will stay in a fixed position and won't move when the site scrolls. Or something similar to that. It all depends on if I go for compact "modern" scrolling, or go for the classic "scroll to the bottom" approach.

The news section will look far less derped than it does in the mockup because chances are I'll use an already tried and true news posting script. I was thinking maybe each news post is contained in its own scrolling box to keep things tidy, with numerous keywords links for each newspost to make searching though old news easier. For example a news update about a new character in the movie would have keywords like "Strike Witches, Movie, New Witch" site updates would probably just be a single keyword like "website".

Anyhow, I know the mockup looks like ass right now, so there's no real need to tear it apart. When I gain the skill I'll setup a test page with this design and present it to the community to see just how bad it really looks in practice, and amend the design from there.

And no, I didn't write the text in the mock updates. I just used a generator.
>> No. 1358 ID: d0870121
looks pretty good
>> No. 2155 ID: 94f5b27f
This site exists?
>> No. 2164 ID: cb2355cf
well obviously, you are here right?
>> No. 2166 ID: cf5f8ee7

If by site you mean the new one.. Well..

I'm not going to lie. I haven't made any progress. I still have to learn HTML and my art asset making skills are still subpar.

This will happen eventually, but I've got a load of other things happening right now, so I'm too stressed to sit down and learn the code. Sorry.
>> No. 2261 ID: f7f9155d
The site mockup looks alright, although it could probably do without the usage of templated image buttons for navigation on the left side, at least.

(Horribly late, I know, but I haven't been going to the site as often as I should.)
>> No. 2266 ID: cb2355cf
One thing that has been annoying me is the "duplicate file entry" after i try to post a pic that has already been posted before, I have reaction pics I use and other pics I like that I want to post but if they have already been posted here it says "duplicate file entry" and will not let me post them. I'm sure I could probably just change the file type and it would let me post it but I'm to lazy to do that.
>> No. 2271 ID: cf5f8ee7

Yeah, this is something that I was concerned about a while ago. I asked for opinions, and if I recall people were partially against it.

Anyhow, I think I'm going to mess with the coding and remove the duplicate file check regardless. This should be "simple" so I'll try to get it handled tonight.

>it could probably do without the usage of templated image buttons for navigation on the left side

Yeah I agree. It was all I could come up with though. I'm also a total novice at photoshop so those took a silly amount of time to make.

Honestly, I would just pay someone to get this site up and running, but I'm also all "nobody must know my secret" about Strike Witches.

>(Horribly late, I know, but I haven't been going to the site as often as I should.)

Don't worry about it. This place is pretty calm, and I check it several times a day to make sure it's not getting burned to the ground or anything.
>> No. 2273 ID: cf5f8ee7
File 132815455234.jpg - ( 184.18KB , 619x1238 , helmanight.jpg [iqdb] )
Alright, I just made it possible to post duplicate images. If this gets abused, I can just change 5 lines of code and go back to the old version.
>> No. 2281 ID: cb2355cf
File 132817130634.png - ( 613.44KB , 853x480 , 1322789708657.png [iqdb] )
Hey thank you very much.
>> No. 2285 ID: 324177f5
File 132818102292.jpg - ( 1.29MB , 1920x1200 , 16358862.jpg [iqdb] )

Thanks, now I can use my favorite reaction pics *everywhere*!
>> No. 2287 ID: cf5f8ee7

As long as the same image isn't getting posted 5 times a day I don't mind.
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