No. 13431
ID: 0ecd07b2
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Here are muh /ss/ Christmas presents from this time around. Took part in the 50-75 bracket for the first time. Made in Abyss OST, a hand exerciser device and a Miyafuji fig! Exactly the things I hoped for, well save for the hand exerciser, anon just put it there since his hands got busted by work or something. Considering the fig price, he splurged on me a bit since I wasn't really expecting to get both fig and the OST with the bracket limit being 75, but it sure made me happi in the end.>>13426 Oh, that was your haul? Your anon sure splurged on ya big time with the daki. Well, the same happened to me last year exactly in the same bracket where anon gave figs worth 140€ away to me. Looks like some people enjoy going to 25-50$ and just go over 100$ with the gifts, not that I'm complaining but it slightly also makes me feel bad about my own gifts while of course giving the best Christmas too at the same time. This Christmas I managed to splurge on my anon at least a little bit so that was fun. Excellent wrapping paper I must say you got there. What bracket was your multiple figs presents if I may ask?