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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 151211521343.jpg - ( 89.84 KB , 697x1000 , 1st.jpg [iqdb] )
13259 No. 13259 ID: bf4b6013
The by now traditional Helma advent calendar continues this Christmas as well, so decorate those trees and prepare the treats.
Thus you probably know the drill by now, everyday around UTC midnight as the day changes, there'll be a fresh festive witchy picture to warm up with into the holiday spirits.

- Door 1 -
Expand all images
>> No. 13292 ID: 85a54e2f
File 151217280372.png - ( 1.11 MB , 1412x1541 , 2nd.png [iqdb] )
- Door 2 -
>> No. 13294 ID: 06837a07
File 15122592082.jpg - ( 144.56 KB , 588x832 , 3rd.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 3 -

Edy-sensei walking through the beautifully snowing night streets with lil supplies.
Really love the artwork in this one.
>> No. 13318 ID: 5f84bde0
File 151234560843.jpg - ( 654.41 KB , 800x1067 , 4th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 4 -

Trudie and Erica with some very big loose socks.
>> No. 13322 ID: 1cde7fd0
File 151243226076.jpg - ( 82.78 KB , 598x891 , 5th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 5 -
>> No. 13323 ID: 5dbe40d1
File 151244646359.jpg - ( 65.48 KB , 620x900 , DQMnBm5VoAEcVR1_jpg orig.jpg [iqdb] )
Ursula knows if you're awake.
>> No. 13326 ID: 3f448bde
File 15125184193.jpg - ( 40.90 KB , 447x600 , 6th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 6 -

Eila and Sanya enjoying the winter together with a long shared scarf.
>> No. 13332 ID: febd96ba
File 151260491921.jpg - ( 239.84 KB , 1733x2048 , 7th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 7 -

Santa Shirley ready to deliver presents fast.
>> No. 13333 ID: 4ceaabb2
File 151269120497.jpg - ( 176.85 KB , 1561x2048 , 8th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 8 -

Krupi's turn to enjoy the winter in a nice warm scarf.
>> No. 13335 ID: 75e2f46d
I want to live in this door.
>> No. 13338 ID: 27935cca
File 151277760226.jpg - ( 87.12 KB , 500x699 , 9th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 9 -

Uh oh, Edy caught on trying out the cute Santa costume she meant to wear for Krupi later.

Don't we all.
>> No. 13343 ID: fcb5783c
File 151286400721.jpg - ( 469.14 KB , 600x1000 , 10th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 10 -

Perrine in blue festive mood.
>> No. 13344 ID: 74550fe4
File 151295040786.jpg - ( 231.74 KB , 1080x1440 , 11th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 11 -

Heidemarie's thinking about wanting some curry while doing the Santa tour in the night.

Speaking of, anyone taken part in the /ss/ this Christmas?
Now's a good reminder to send your /ss/ gifts and cards out this week if you haven't already.
>> No. 13347 ID: f1348ef2
File 151303680412.png - ( 490.85 KB , 800x1000 , 12th.png [iqdb] )
- Door 12 -

This time it's cute Santa Hikari's turn.
And we're now halfway there!
>> No. 13348 ID: 63aa281b
File 151312320715.png - ( 1.50 MB , 1259x1305 , 13th.png [iqdb] )
- Door 13 -

Lucchini on ice enjoying a nice winter weather.
>> No. 13351 ID: 889021a4
File 151315858666.jpg - ( 508.60 KB , 640x913 , __eila_ilmatar_juutilainen_and_sanya_v_litvyak_str.jpg [iqdb] )
I took part in it this year and I already sent everything early this month.
A lot of effort, but it was fun making someone's Christmas, hopefully.
>> No. 13352 ID: ab8910cd
File 15132096033.jpg - ( 84.62 KB , 587x1000 , 14th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 14 -

A very cute festive Georgette.
>> No. 13353 ID: e22ac2e4
File 151329961363.jpg - ( 159.18 KB , 768x1024 , 15th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 15 -

Hikari and the reindeer Naoe-chang.
>> No. 13355 ID: 5478488c
File 151338240343.jpg - ( 615.51 KB , 1224x1632 , 16th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 16 -

Shirley holding Lucchini up and all's very golly.
>> No. 13356 ID: 45a70302
File 151346880897.jpg - ( 2.43 MB , 2891x4077 , 17th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 17 -

Erica and Trude having some minor environmental hazards with the nature whilst preparing for the upcoming present spree.
>> No. 13359 ID: 5c42aa01
File 151355520656.jpg - ( 71.33 KB , 640x903 , 18th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 18 -

Santa Nipa-chang!
>> No. 13361 ID: db20e580
File 151364160591.jpg - ( 754.56 KB , 3548x2805 , 19th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 19 -

Elegant Santa Rall ready for the holiday party.
>> No. 13363 ID: 87ef680f
File 151372802524.jpg - ( 75.81 KB , 940x750 , 20th.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 20 -

Reindeer costume switched to a Santa one for the big day.
And with that only few more days left.
>> No. 13404 ID: 14bc78ef
File 151381441422.png - ( 1.42 MB , 1468x1000 , 21st.png [iqdb] )
- Door 21 -

Comfy and peaceful holiday night with friends and good mood. But just what is Hikari holding?
>> No. 13406 ID: a1376fbc
File 151390085327.jpg - ( 150.58 KB , 727x900 , 22nd.jpg [iqdb] )
- Door 22 -

Christmas without the board's main Santa witch Helma making an appearance would be no Christmas!
>> No. 13409 ID: d5669eda
File 151398720278.png - ( 387.95 KB , 540x720 , 23rd.png [iqdb] )
- Door 23 -

Lil Santa Lucchini has taken a false start to her birthday! And seemingly taken all the presents with her too.
Then again there's only one day to go till party.
>> No. 13412 ID: cfe240ab
File 151407360589.jpg - ( 1.35 MB , 3541x2507 , 24th.jpg [iqdb] )
*- Door 24 -*

Merry Christmas eve 2017!

Santa witches sure got lots of presents to give out tonight, with Trude having a very special one to Chris, Mio rocking a biplane full of them and Miyafuji not slacking off either.
Really feel like this month flew by in the blink of an eye and as such we've come to the end of advent calendar already.
However you may celebrate the big days this Christmas, may you all have pleasant peaceful, warm and hopefully white Christmas with good food no matter how cliche it may sound like always.
>> No. 13419 ID: 6e745098
File 151416002047.jpg - ( 1.83 MB , 2541x1500 , Christmas Day.jpg [iqdb] )
*** Christmas Day ***


Another year's end with Christmas, this time a ton whiter than the previous (at least here). Few mango series keep on witching and have been great along with the fanart, not forgetting the fact we have a translator and now even a old typesetter with us to keep company from time to time!
Thank you for the great all year around Christmas gifts and everyone else who have contributed. Here's to further serializations, their translations for another year and more art to come.

A old reminder by now to post them /ss/ gifts here if you got any or cards since now's the best time, that is if you're up to sharing them for that festive spirit or whatever else that comes to mind!
With that, happy Merry Christmas to all Helmanons, may the holidays be ever so kind and rich to you.
>> No. 13424 ID: 5dbe40d1
File 151423115617.jpg - ( 207.07 KB , 1024x910 , 47731551_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
Merry Christmas everyone! I wish you a comfy day full of white snow and warm witches.
>> No. 13425 ID: 19fc98b6
File 15142485001.jpg - ( 408.42 KB , 968x1203 , godly photoshop skill.jpg [iqdb] )
Merry Christmas Helma! Thank you for continuing to love the witches, and please continue to do so in the new year!
>> No. 13426 ID: 30eb545b
File 151425894572.jpg - ( 2.85 MB , 2500x3669 , GWSS1.jpg [iqdb] )
Merry Christmas you guys!

>post them /ss/ gifts here
Well considering I got a good amount of Witch stuff sure I'll post here too.

This was $10-25 tier and I got an official Daki which along with the mug just brought the biggest smile to my face.
>> No. 13427 ID: 30eb545b
File 151425918643.jpg - ( 3.19 MB , 2500x3387 , GWSS2.jpg [iqdb] )
This too. Some more Fumi art books for my collection, Lucchini nendo, and the other Hanna scale which is just as good if not better than Alter's. Also the nice really nice GuP stuff.
>> No. 13428 ID: 30eb545b
File 151425934312.jpg - ( 1.87 MB , 6000x2045 , GWSS3.jpg [iqdb] )
And just everything set up. Been always thinking hey the nendo's would look nice next to the scales so guess here's the gateway to that. Overall a great /ss/ year. I had another Santa too, but he said he'd be a bit late so maybe some more nice witchy stuff will come.

Again love you all, Merry Witchmas!
>> No. 13429 ID: 443b700a
File 151427168034.jpg - ( 162.39 KB , 1000x1400 , __sanya_v_litvyak_strike_witches_and_world_witches.jpg [iqdb] )
Merry Witchmas everyone! May the next year be filled with comfiness and even more witch love!
>> No. 13431 ID: 0ecd07b2
File 151442716746.jpg - ( 1.92 MB , 3707x2485 , 4.jpg [iqdb] )
Here are muh /ss/ Christmas presents from this time around. Took part in the 50-75 bracket for the first time.
Made in Abyss OST, a hand exerciser device and a Miyafuji fig! Exactly the things I hoped for, well save for the hand exerciser, anon just put it there since his hands got busted by work or something.
Considering the fig price, he splurged on me a bit since I wasn't really expecting to get both fig and the OST with the bracket limit being 75, but it sure made me happi in the end.

Oh, that was your haul? Your anon sure splurged on ya big time with the daki. Well, the same happened to me last year exactly in the same bracket where anon gave figs worth 140€ away to me.
Looks like some people enjoy going to 25-50$ and just go over 100$ with the gifts, not that I'm complaining but it slightly also makes me feel bad about my own gifts while of course giving the best Christmas too at the same time.
This Christmas I managed to splurge on my anon at least a little bit so that was fun. Excellent wrapping paper I must say you got there. What bracket was your multiple figs presents if I may ask?
>> No. 13458 ID: 30eb545b
File 151451056343.png - ( 1.17 MB , 900x1305 , __karibuchi_hikari_brave_witches_and_world_witches.png [iqdb] )
Good Stuff there. Yeah I admit to spending well over my lower brackets. Felt it would be fun doing some small gifts as well this year. I kinda doubled my $50-75 since they were a big fan of Sanya, but haven't seen them in the threads. I'm 99% sure that second one was my $150+.
>> No. 13459 ID: c11182dd
File 151452542521.jpg - ( 142.00 KB , 625x600 , __eila_ilmatar_juutilainen_and_sanya_v_litvyak_str.jpg [iqdb] )
Just curious, but did you send out your 50-$75 gift yet?
>> No. 13461 ID: 30eb545b
File 151455774068.jpg - ( 109.92 KB , 685x1014 , __perrine_h_clostermann_strike_witches_and_world_w.jpg [iqdb] )
Yeah all my gifts went out around the beginning of the month.
>> No. 13464 ID: d03b64ef
File 151457769342.jpg - ( 275.97 KB , 1000x1600 , __sanya_v_litvyak_strike_witches_and_world_witches.jpg [iqdb] )
Ah, for a moment I thought I was one of your assignments. Your anons must be really happy with you splurging on them like that.
My gifts are arriving late as I was told, but I'll keep waiting warmly. I have faith in my santa.
>> No. 13471 ID: 75b036be
File 151479436912.jpg - ( 123.96 KB , 1920x1080 , [Eila] Brave Witches - Petersburg Daisenryaku v2 [.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy New Year Helma!
>> No. 13472 ID: b9f29cfd
File 151479712115.jpg - ( 348.95 KB , 640x800 , Card Miyafuji Eila and Sanya New Years kimono 2017.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy New Year 2018 Helma and welcome year of the doggo!
This should be at least a fluffy one if anything, I hope.
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