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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131376739633.jpg - ( 47.45KB , 640x463 , Das Boot.jpg [iqdb] )
3034 No. 3034 ID: 166dee7d
I am requesting an image of Trude holding a Das Beer Boot saying "So very totally cool" like in this video:


Bonus points of you give her the glasses too.
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>> No. 3035 ID: c3e3cd90
A bit late, but I'm bored and I have Illustrator open. I may not finish tonight.
>> No. 3036 ID: c3e3cd90
Drawing trude kinda looks like drawing miyafuji…
>> No. 3037 ID: c3e3cd90
File 132288526616.png - ( 169.31KB , 640x360 , preview.png [iqdb] )
A bit of a preview. She may or may not be wearing her typical uniform in the end pic.

I'm not much of an Illustrator, but it seems to be working out so far.
>> No. 3038 ID: c3e3cd90
File 132289746385.png - ( 89.22KB , 693x554 , so_very_totally_cool.png [iqdb] )
Well, fur coats are hard to draw, so I didn't. Here's the end result:
>> No. 3039 ID: 0af772a1
Nice job!
>> No. 3040 ID: f7dab1b4
Very nice!
>> No. 3041 ID: ed7e0965
Ah, perfect!
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