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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 131156851137.jpg - ( 591.62KB , 1280x720 , FusoShield.jpg [iqdb] )
354 No. 354 ID: 32894f7b
Does anyone have pics of individual Witch shields?
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>> No. 355 ID: 2bf77cf9
Pretty sure the designs aren't witch specific, just a more basic East vs West.
>> No. 356 ID: ce7c6bb3
File 131157578263.jpg - ( 175.91KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater] Strike Witches 2 - 02 [720p][59BC29E8.jpg [iqdb] )
Well here's Yoshika's
>> No. 357 ID: ce7c6bb3
File 131157580129.jpg - ( 130.92KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater] Strike Witches 2 - 06 [720p][D2F927BA.jpg [iqdb] )
And here's Perrine's
>> No. 358 ID: ce7c6bb3
File 131157584984.jpg - ( 100.05KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater] Strike Witches 2 - 08 [720p][2B513ECD.jpg [iqdb] )
Lynette's as well, see if there's a difference.
>> No. 359 ID: ce7c6bb3
She looks like she has an ahego in the thumb
>> No. 361 ID: f842df98
File 131160811399.png - ( 891.34KB , 1553x3000 , Shields.png [iqdb] )
Just eastern and western shields.
And the magical vroom-vroom-circle that appears when they put on their Strikers.
>> No. 362 ID: f842df98
File 13116081871.gif - ( 84.91KB , 581x337 , Shields.gif [iqdb] )
Also another picture I forgot I had before scanning half a page from the first fanbook.
>> No. 363 ID: b66cd1ec
File 131161254211.jpg - ( 430.94KB , 1114x1400 , 1310874899015.jpg [iqdb] )
Very vague but looks very similar, if not the same, to the Western style...
>> No. 375 ID: 704e1860
Patty is a western-style witch. Of course her shields are going to look like western shields.
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