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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 146236149370.jpg - ( 470.60 KB , 1200x1720 , renvjap.jpg [iqdb] )
10236 No. 10236 ID: 9122a722
In honor of helma reuniting with us post OTP
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>> No. 10269 ID: bee52254
File 146242431048.jpg - ( 208.68 KB , 800x1130 , 0e3f96bf9896ee802d339cb1c2637eacbea38c53.jpg [iqdb] )

You already posted my best OTP. Here's my second.
>> No. 10271 ID: 49d36464

Witches x me
>> No. 10273 ID: 893f69f1
File 146243269210.jpg - ( 49.78 KB , 854x480 , 1219707790993.jpg [iqdb] )
I'll never forget you, nameless youth.
>> No. 10326 ID: 967f407c
File 146284563428.jpg - ( 93.77 KB , 500x750 , Helma_Cheerleader.jpg [iqdb] )
Do Unrequited Love OTPs count?
>> No. 10327 ID: 3577cc6f
Why doesn't Trude view Helma as a little sister?
>> No. 10334 ID: a9c20b04
File 146290589699.jpg - ( 85.40 KB , 679x960 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
My best OTP!
Yoshika x Perrine!
>> No. 10335 ID: a9c20b04
File 146290607147.jpg - ( 196.90 KB , 662x1000 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
My second OTP!
Hanna x Trude!
>> No. 10337 ID: e5ae6efa
>That picture
¿Qué and why are they stoned?
>> No. 10339 ID: a9c20b04
Do you have any problem? Loser
>> No. 10340 ID: e5ae6efa
It's the.. proportions. They're all weird. Their hips and butts are oversized in comparison to torso.
That and Perrine is wearing her underwear to a beach and the way they're looking at the sky all glassed while hand holding.
Rather amusing fanart to me.
>> No. 10342 ID: a9c20b04
I repeat again. Any problem with that???
Sometimes I've seen fanarts with disproportionate bodies worse than this picture.
And it's his style, you have to respect it!
>> No. 10344 ID: e5ae6efa
File 146294312779.jpg - ( 468.42 KB , 830x1188 , dance of the night.jpg [iqdb] )
Not really my problem, but the problem lies in the proportions, that's about it.
Aye, there far worse than that for sure.
>> No. 10347 ID: a9c20b04
But did you have any problem with the fanart? Proportions? I found the artist and It is his first work.
Just don't be so rude to critic
>> No. 10384 ID: 35fc4ba1
File 146334597131.jpg - ( 153.26 KB , 779x1000 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
Hanna x Trude!
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