No. 5933
ID: 3d9e9dc3
The Empire of Orussia is a large country, that stretches from Eastern Europe, all the way to the Fuso Sea in the far east. Orussia is a monarchy ruled by a Tsar or Tsaritsa, with a Parliament consisting of an upper house; the Imperial Council and a lower house; the State Duma. Though behind other countries in striker development, Orussias witches make up for this with their dogged determination and bravery. Many of Orussias witches have a lot of experience in fighting the Neuroi, because they fought alongside Fuso's Witches during the Fuso Sea Incident in 1937. A Neuroi hive appeared around the area of Moscow, and then the Neuroi besieged the city of Tsaritsyn and attacked Petersburg, though after half a year of fierce fighting the Neuroi were driven off. However the hive remained until late 1945.