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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 132860940053.jpg - ( 143.00KB , 500x666 , 1326777682679.jpg [iqdb] )
2309 No. 2309 ID: 33b144ba
There is no Helma, only Minna.
Expand all images
>> No. 2311 ID: 006c1d16
You know what?
Everyone in this fandom is genuinely a massive faggot.
Please stop wasting my time and everyone elses, threads like this don't contribute to any kind of serious discussion.
>> No. 2314 ID: 24f7cad8
File 13286440417.jpg - ( 170.07KB , 631x800 , 207d04a8146fb720e03d3c40661eb172.jpg [iqdb] )

I am a famous tripfag and I agree with both of these posts.
>> No. 2319 ID: 1e9571fe

(This post isn't directed specifically at you, but at the temperament I've been seeing lately.)

We don't have enough people on the board right now to be lynching them the second a imagedump thread is made.

I love serious discussion as much as anyone else does, and a board where serious discussion is the main attraction is what I'm hoping and striving for.

But first we need an actual userbase. Even if it's just an imagedump thread, or a couple insignificant posts, it keeps the board MOVING and gives the illusion of an active board, which entices new members to actually post.

When someone stumbles upon this site, and sees that the last post is even so much as 1 day ago, on average they'll more or less go "Lol this place is dead why should I even bother posting?". This continues on and on person to person. A self-continuing cycle that could be broken if every one of them made a post instead of xing out the site and never coming back.

Occasionally one of those people do make a post. Maybe it's a one liner, an image, or a simple thread. That simple post makes this board seem that much faster, and makes it that much more appealing to any outsiders watching.

Attacking them in essence not only drives them away, it may also drive away potential posters who may see this entire community as a try-hard "assimilate or gtfo" secret club. Just because we migrated from 4chan doesn't mean we need to bring the irritability and hatred over too. This board was created to get away from all of that. A place where you can discuss Strike Witches without the fear of being insulted for the reasons you enjoy the series.

While I may seem absent from the site, I am here all the time. While I have been very lenient, I'm also getting tired of the rage-posts I've been seeing in certain topics. Save them for when this place gets 100 posts a day and is actually an active board.

Hell, when this does become an active board I will probably make a section dedicated to image dumps, to keep them out of general which should make both parties happy. But until that time, these threads are to be either ignored, or participated in for the greater good.

In fact, this thread isn't even specifically stated as being an image dump thread. Why not turn it into a discussion about Minna and her motivations for joining the witches? Or anything else about her past or exploits?

The users are what will make this site. But if the users turn this into yet another hive of hatred, then this board will have no future. For now, we have to be more easy going and accepting of things as they are. Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.
>> No. 2321 ID: 85ffa052
4chan attitude much?

I so agree.
>> No. 2328 ID: 06a99a04
File 132870495093.png - ( 65.64KB , 422x147 , Wiki.png [iqdb] )

>The users are what will make this site. But if the users turn this into yet another hive of hatred, then this board will have no future. For now, we have to be more easy going and accepting of things as they are. Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.
>Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.
>Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.
>Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.

If only other /sw/ related sites would care about crap like this...
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