## Admin ##
No. 4949
ID: 40b9b683
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, Countries.jpg
>>4945 /k/ threads can go into /ot/. Really, anything at all can go in /ot/ as long as it's not illegal. Car threads, train threads, computer threads, the more the better. No real content rules there.>>4946 The reason I'm considering the /int/ board is because for several months some of the top visiting countries to this site aren't English speaking ones. Namely: Russia, Japan, and Taiwan. All three of these countries have been consistently at the top of my visitors list. I figure a place where the Asian and European users can discuss the show freely without having to worry about their English would encourage some growth. I imagine some of them would eventually trickle to the main /sw/ board as well once they gain some confidence in the site or something, I don't know. Getting them here (and to stay) is the first step.>>4947 The more languages the better! If anyone wants to translate some rules, they would basically be along the lines of this: 1:) Be nice to eachother. No hate towards language or nationality. All languages are allowed. 2:) NSFW/R18/Lewd pictures belong in /nsfw/. 3:) Off topic threads are allowed (for now). The languages I need translated the most are Japanese, Russian, and Chinese/Taiwanese. If we can get those 3, we should be good to go.