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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 138014416924.jpg - ( 55.11KB , 283x400 , 51aydjqfsnl_sl500_aaa_zps3b0f770b.jpg [iqdb] )
6447 No. 6447 ID: 914c5fc9
Rightstuf has put up the Strike Witches:Maidens in the Sky (English) for pre-order, I know I will be picking it up. Any of you?
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>> No. 6448 ID: e65c7b80
Yes, even though I have no clue what it's about.
But if Humikane wrote it, then it shouldn't be terrible.
>> No. 6450 ID: ba07125c
It's a 2 volume alternate universe story, where Junko is the one who recruits Yoshika as a witch instead of Mio.
>> No. 6451 ID: ba07125c
The witches familiars are physically present and at least some of them can speak.
>> No. 6452 ID: 79aed9c2
I gotta say, this is probably the worst of SW manga up to date.
Even considering it's an early proto version, this is pretty shitty.
>> No. 6454 ID: e65c7b80
seems interesting.
and for ten bucks a pop, it's also reasonable.
>> No. 6455 ID: ba07125c
Keep in mind that this manga has alot of comedy and focuses on Yoshika's training to be a witch and has very little actual combat.It's tone is alot like a high school OVA's.
>> No. 6456 ID: e65c7b80
i'd figure after looking through some of the scans.
doesn't bother me at all.
is there yuri?
>> No. 6457 ID: 449dd67f
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It's a manga about Yoshika being useless and her familiar causing trouble.

This panel from the preview chapter is a pretty good way to describe the whole thing.
>> No. 6458 ID: ba07125c
Close girl friendships mostly, but at least several students obviously have a crush on Takei.
>> No. 6459 ID: e65c7b80
good enough for me.
>> No. 6461 ID: 9448f6cb
File 138024800092.jpg - ( 14.61KB , 188x268 , maidens in the sky 2.jpg [iqdb] )
I'll be waiting until Rightstuf has a Seven Seas sale. They're putting out a lot of books I want: Arpeggio of Blue Steel, Senran Kagura, A Centaur's Life (Centaur no Nayami), Gakuen Police.

As long as there's some Yoshika x Lynette interaction, it's worth it for me.
>> No. 6462 ID: ba07125c
501 doesn't appear until volume 2. Mio cameos before then though.
>> No. 6659 ID: 9e4731e2
I saw we are getting 3 more SW manga brought over, this is getting awesome :D
>> No. 6660 ID: 9e4731e2
Sorry I forgot the link....

>> No. 6661 ID: 9448f6cb
It was already mostly confirmed (they said they'd be releasing all the SW manga, in chronological order), but it's good to have a release date too.

And eventually we'll get the Eila and 504th (yay) manga.
>> No. 6662 ID: 39eabd36
Since Maidens in the Sky is such an old project and an AU to boot, I wonder if Junko's character is evenly remotely the same in the upcoming 504 manga.
>> No. 6667 ID: 9caa4daf
She wasn't drastically different in the 1st DS game from what she was in MitS.
Of course, there'll be author's interpretation and whatnot, but I don't think they'll have complete overhaul of the character or anything like it.
>> No. 6956 ID: ea2852cb
I just finished reading volume 2 of Maidens in the Sky which came in the mail today.


- This is somewhat fun as a "wacky shounen comedy" version of Strike Witches, but I'm glad the main series isn't like that. They even have Fourth Wall-breaking humor, ha. The cave episode reminded me of S2E9, with the booby traps and moving statue guardian (I hated that episode, though...poor Perrine getting the shaft).
- The "School Arc" and "Magical Girl Arc" at the end was hilarious, though.
- It seems like the 504th are getting a lot of push to be the new popular unit, so it's funny seeing them mentioned here from way back in 2008 (the volume's JP publication date). Was it planned even back then?
- You can tell this is from early in the franchise's development since Eila and Sanya aren't 100% lezzing out 24/7.
- I wonder where Eila had those doll-sized EGL-like clothes? Is this the reveal of an embarrassing hobby?
- Suwa Goshiki is actually really cute. I want to stroke her ears.

Now I can't till next month when the 1.5 manga comes out. Yay, Helma-chan!
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