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File 132138569341.jpg - ( 272.46KB , 885x719 , 447757125.jpg [iqdb] )
1404 No. 1404 ID: aa9130f5
Nipa got indoor cleaning duty beacuse of broken strikers, and Lapra and Hasse thought it would be fun so they joined in with her

Non-Eila Suomus witches thread
Eila is allowed to appear too
Expand all images
>> No. 1407 ID: 6b088cf4
File 132139045171.png - ( 31.92KB , 550x550 , Suomus Icon.png [iqdb] )
I made this icon by eying artist's depictions of the Suomus air force logo and spending over 9000 hours in paint. I had it made into a pin and it worked out nicely. I think the black edging is supposed to be thicker, but I didn't think of it at the time. Anyways, here it is if anyone wants it.
>> No. 1412 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132144878642.jpg - ( 183.56KB , 1067x600 , 21613284_p5.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1421 ID: e4056998
File 132150555874.jpg - ( 727.79KB , 1003x1505 , 1307375897911.jpg [iqdb] )
I like it
>> No. 1430 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132161740866.jpg - ( 169.74KB , 585x840 , 22124046_big_p4.jpg [iqdb] )
From Ningen (Zero's author)
>> No. 1431 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132161748424.jpg - ( 417.47KB , 906x1295 , 1301826616202.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1432 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132161764222.jpg - ( 272.15KB , 480x660 , 13882530.jpg [iqdb] )
Nipa doesn't notice.
>> No. 1433 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132161769366.jpg - ( 209.67KB , 644x910 , 17030452_big_p2.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1434 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132161816987.jpg - ( 375.79KB , 661x850 , 14603675_big_p4.jpg [iqdb] )
I personally think the Suomus uniform was the best among all.
>> No. 1435 ID: 6a380ed6
File 13216429373.jpg - ( 151.37KB , 566x800 , 14cf8f10be5a830aa7a669daac3b1bda.jpg [iqdb] )
No contest.
>> No. 1437 ID: e4056998
File 132166066576.jpg - ( 114.61KB , 750x600 , 1321050932615.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1438 ID: 471e1d95
File 132166721774.jpg - ( 206.75KB , 1213x1600 , ekman_vainamoinen_restaurado.jpg [iqdb] )

Is that Väinämöinen at the right?
>> No. 1439 ID: bb2af901
File 132168888650.jpg - ( 314.92KB , 750x1245 , 19780588.jpg [iqdb] )

Then why aren't you posting someone in the proper uniform?
>> No. 1440 ID: aa9130f5
That picture is a parody of a finnish folk metal band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIc4VHxU7iM

And that guy is the violinist you see in the video
>> No. 1441 ID: aa9130f5
File 132169502556.jpg - ( 69.28KB , 650x600 , 21497150_p7.jpg [iqdb] )
The Sweater is totally a proper uniform
>> No. 1442 ID: bb2af901
File 132169626246.jpg - ( 20.42KB , 400x400 , 14799983_p0.jpg [iqdb] )

Four out of six Suomi Witches would like to disagree.
It's not more of a proper uniform than Eila's hoody.
Hanna only wears it to fuck with people having trouble telling her apart from Nipa.
Nipa only wears it because she's supposed to be on hangar sweeping duty instead of breaking more strikers.
>> No. 1443 ID: c8ecc33c
That sweater is part of the uniform, just like those sweater worn by most military units during winter or extreme weather.

Try google "Military Sweater".
>> No. 1454 ID: 6a380ed6
Why would I need to post another witch in a military uniform if I was just agreeing with you? Read the first post of this thread again, because you seem to have forgotten what it's about. I'll give you a hint: it's about Suomi witches. You're looking to create conflict somewhere where there shouldn't be any.
>> No. 1459 ID: e4056998
File 132172229449.jpg - ( 128.10KB , 673x1000 , 1296907922661.jpg [iqdb] )
Arguing about military uniforms in Strike Witches is pretty pointless. Most of them wear different clothes anyway. Hell, look at the Karlsland Witches, three different uniforms between them.

Anyway, Suomi witches
>> No. 1460 ID: aa9130f5
True, Humikane even said in his tweet that Barkhorn and Johanna went to a tailor and just picked the uniform they wanted >>1298
>> No. 1464 ID: e4056998
File 132183257117.jpg - ( 633.72KB , 1500x1102 , 19763585.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1472 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132190014452.jpg - ( 97.41KB , 551x413 , 22670317_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1473 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132190019179.jpg - ( 188.96KB , 480x640 , 16571437.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1475 ID: 471e1d95
File 13219289732.jpg - ( 446.18KB , 1000x1000 , 19643706.jpg [iqdb] )
Uralic Witches are the Best Witches
>> No. 1496 ID: c8ecc33c
File 132204532930.jpg - ( 339.13KB , 650x1070 , 20024243.jpg [iqdb] )
I love Suomus and Ruskie witches more ;-)
>> No. 1497 ID: 5d994858
File 132205920099.jpg - ( 105.42KB , 600x600 , 14103775_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
We need more Hasse pics
>> No. 1652 ID: e4056998
File 132315958948.jpg - ( 396.96KB , 1000x850 , the continuation war.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy Independence Day, Suomus witches.

Now get out there and keep that independence!
>> No. 1655 ID: aa9130f5
File 132317062637.jpg - ( 112.01KB , 576x700 , 416686879.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy Suomus Day
>> No. 1656 ID: aa9130f5
File 13231706446.png - ( 175.63KB , 600x510 , 22871482_p5.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 1714 ID: 9a6a3531
File 132370218511.jpg - ( 102.41KB , 680x834 , 23610601_p2.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1764 ID: d30320c5
File 132382762548.jpg - ( 214.69KB , 1000x643 , file973.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1821 ID: aa9130f5
File 132456840838.jpg - ( 25.50KB , 600x489 , 1324567975269.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1894 ID: aa9130f5
File 132499917385.png - ( 840.59KB , 1200x849 , 23937784.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 1896 ID: 889ca169
File 132501631715.jpg - ( 256.02KB , 500x769 , 85a68cdad321d8dada665ff889477eb4aa1e68ab.jpg [iqdb] )
I wonder if someday we´ll see an ova or a special from Suomus witches, i love Nikka.
>> No. 1898 ID: e4056998
File 132506126236.jpg - ( 419.44KB , 825x825 , 23945782.jpg [iqdb] )
Laura is my favorite witch
>> No. 1909 ID: e4056998
File 132514916922.jpg - ( 421.30KB , 850x770 , 23979264.jpg [iqdb] )
Apparently this artist has been shipping the two a bit
>> No. 1910 ID: e4056998
File 132514933422.jpg - ( 275.59KB , 700x700 , 23864060.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1911 ID: e4056998
File 132514934750.jpg - ( 288.16KB , 700x700 , 23889463.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1970 ID: d74ca79a
File 13254274905.jpg - ( 157.51KB , 700x850 , 1288426367959.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2022 ID: e4056998
File 132580665453.jpg - ( 275.54KB , 600x540 , 24185391.jpg [iqdb] )
An outfit swap of the two
>> No. 2026 ID: 5489047a
That's... really good. Nipa looks good in the more formal uniform, and Laura's ponytail is a perfect match for dat sweater.
>> No. 2071 ID: e4056998
File 132665064667.jpg - ( 692.96KB , 1200x629 , 24381895.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2072 ID: 5d994858
This guy needs to learn about sizing...
>> No. 2107 ID: e4056998
File 132698858078.jpg - ( 84.58KB , 384x512 , 1321048975870.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2127 ID: aa9130f5
File 132713779551.jpg - ( 73.74KB , 415x481 , 24468921.jpg [iqdb] )
Some Aurora
>> No. 2128 ID: aa9130f5
File 13271378831.jpg - ( 358.47KB , 1024x768 , 24508202.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2133 ID: aa9130f5
File 132715279691.jpg - ( 319.36KB , 600x900 , 1327152371132.jpg [iqdb] )
Aurora with the ultimate Neuroi busting weapon invented in Suomus
>> No. 2141 ID: e4056998
File 132718043320.jpg - ( 85.88KB , 1200x1339 , 1286737976208.jpg [iqdb] )
I like fan-design Aurora too, I hope Fumikane draws her with that coat.
>> No. 2143 ID: aa9130f5
File 132722581782.jpg - ( 149.28KB , 1500x1714 , Aurora snow.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2144 ID: aa9130f5
File 132723208542.jpg - ( 110.69KB , 785x1059 , 24539805_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
In some pictures she is shown having a shovel
>> No. 2145 ID: aa9130f5
File 132723210751.jpg - ( 205.66KB , 1000x800 , 65165.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2147 ID: aa9130f5
File 132725423761.jpg - ( 98.93KB , 752x518 , 501162785.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2148 ID: aa9130f5
File 132727131257.jpg - ( 135.04KB , 650x875 , 74fb13a35e677fd3d286e158f7f159f0.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2149 ID: e4056998
File 132727583941.jpg - ( 482.67KB , 666x800 , 24533834.jpg [iqdb] )
Aarne Juutilainen, who Aurora is based on, was well known for using both guerrilla tactics he learned while fighting with the French Foreign Legion in Morocco and for holding an important line during the Winter War. He famously said that he would hold it until ordered to run, and he kept that by refusing the leave when ordered to withdraw, not run.
>> No. 2150 ID: e4056998
File 132727601976.jpg - ( 155.24KB , 1000x900 , 24281736.jpg [iqdb] )
And some Laura as well
>> No. 2165 ID: e4056998
File 132734698366.jpg - ( 100.44KB , 1000x1500 , 24568101.jpg [iqdb] )
Everyone loves her and that shovel.
>> No. 2168 ID: 39269ea4

Perfection runs in the family, it seems.
>> No. 2169 ID: 39269ea4
>Aarne Edward Juutilainen
>Nicknamed "Terror of Morocco" from his French Foreign Legion days
>Utterly cold-blooded and fearless
>Led the unit whose most famous member was Simo Häyhä, the deadliest infantry soldier in history
>Known for heavy drinking and getting into fights
>At least once got punished for beating the shit out of one of his underlings
>Rumor says that when Aarne was given command of a unit consisting of pardoned criminals, he promoted the murderers for "having experience"

Best oneechan ever.
>> No. 2170 ID: e4056998
File 13274718204.png - ( 358.50KB , 1000x695 , 24585478.png [iqdb] )
Damn right
>> No. 2171 ID: e4056998
File 132747184172.jpg - ( 117.68KB , 1000x1500 , 24587494.jpg [iqdb] )
Also a follow up.
>> No. 2207 ID: aa9130f5
File 132783130446.png - ( 313.09KB , 1054x710 , 24685613_p0.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 2208 ID: aa9130f5
File 132783133395.png - ( 871.83KB , 1020x1020 , 24685613_p1.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 2209 ID: aa9130f5
File 132783135223.png - ( 930.37KB , 1020x1020 , 24685613_p2.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 2210 ID: aa9130f5
File 132783137470.png - ( 940.74KB , 1020x1020 , 24685613_p3.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 2211 ID: aa9130f5
File 132783139452.png - ( 210.35KB , 1169x750 , 24685613_p4.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 2221 ID: a3615a8e
File 132793190238.jpg - ( 180.91KB , 512x962 , 24697100.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2222 ID: a3615a8e
File 132793196362.jpg - ( 184.21KB , 1024x1024 , 24719973.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2242 ID: e4056998
File 132807949486.jpg - ( 156.06KB , 650x650 , 24752561.jpg [iqdb] )
Have some Laura.
>> No. 2254 ID: e4056998
File 132808017822.png - ( 890.93KB , 1200x786 , 24690051.png [iqdb] )
Uh-oh Nipa.
>> No. 2306 ID: e4056998
File 132855532949.jpg - ( 86.29KB , 574x866 , 24894828.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2307 ID: a3615a8e
File 132858251830.jpg - ( 226.97KB , 620x877 , ningen96_511712415.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2522 ID: e4056998
File 133033815079.png - ( 868.40KB , 1200x846 , 25399828.png [iqdb] )
I wonder who could do Aurora's voice.
>> No. 2529 ID: 06fbeb27
File 133037877699.jpg - ( 279.95KB , 1200x846 , THEN WHO WAS PHONE.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2532 ID: 39269ea4

Whoever it is needs to have a low and breathy voice, no squeaking.
>> No. 2533 ID: 5489047a
Also, if Eila's that young, then shouldn't Suomus be using the Buffalo instead of the 109? Not too sure on the timeline here.
>> No. 2534 ID: e4056998
You're right actually, but I doubt the artist is going to know that.
>> No. 2582 ID: 39269ea4
File 133096284558.jpg - ( 641.86KB , 2000x1119 , 25569553.jpg [iqdb] )
holy goddamn
>> No. 2591 ID: eeb4d269

Damn, that looks really g--

>holding PPSh by the barrel

Tab closed, page history deleted, bookmarks removed.
>> No. 2593 ID: 5d994858
Who needs a Panzerfaust when you have some molotovs?
Or better yet, some logs!
>> No. 2655 ID: e4056998
File 133141131237.png - ( 259.29KB , 540x800 , 1331404694583.png [iqdb] )
Not my thing (I like seeing witches grown up) but interesting.
>> No. 2665 ID: 1d0e2075

Aurora is just amazing.

Eila would be too, if she 1) didn't turn retarded near Sanya and 2) wasn't constantly near Sanya. The cocky prankster Eila is so much better than the lovesick idiot Eila.
>> No. 2674 ID: 63bd1c2a

I agree on that. Eila is really glorious but the whole Eila x Sanya thing dumbs it down a lot.
>> No. 2677 ID: eb95dcdf
I also agree with these spot on statements.
>> No. 2792 ID: 39269ea4
File 133202686658.jpg - ( 227.34KB , 512x640 , 24545489.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2847 ID: a9f418a2
Romi Park(u) springs to mind, given her recent turn as Naoto Shirogane, as the other option of Rie Tanaka is 'taken' already.
>> No. 2849 ID: 39269ea4
File 133223737526.jpg - ( 250.86KB , 460x600 , 25584353.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3277 ID: 39269ea4
File 133470040331.png - ( 1.21MB , 1000x1350 , 26594478.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 3280 ID: 09991498
File 133471629971.jpg - ( 274.83KB , 600x600 , 26522731.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3310 ID: 5d38ec33
File 133516204775.jpg - ( 177.24KB , 480x660 , nipa kneeling.jpg [iqdb] )
Nipa showing off her qualities.
>> No. 3586 ID: 09991498
File 133850945217.jpg - ( 201.09KB , 800x600 , mofu mofu nippa - 6584891.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3587 ID: 09991498
File 133850952387.png - ( 344.03KB , 797x797 , 27615124.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 3588 ID: 09991498
File 13385096319.jpg - ( 144.62KB , 800x800 , AuJtnksCAAAPzcU_jpg large.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3589 ID: 09991498
File 133850965699.jpg - ( 74.83KB , 509x720 , 589562418.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3590 ID: 09991498
File 133850989492.jpg - ( 232.53KB , 500x648 , 27634065.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3591 ID: b38c71a0
File 133851623544.jpg - ( 266.83KB , 850x1235 , se30d8d88b167282d2702fda467f9429c.jpg [iqdb] )
Nipa made it into Nyantype
>> No. 3592 ID: 296ee529
A case of 'back to the old drawing board" for one unfortunate Miss there.
>> No. 3632 ID: b689a21a
File 133950635324.jpg - ( 126.96KB , 800x655 , nipalateforschool.jpg [iqdb] )
Oh my~
>> No. 3640 ID: 7c121d43
File 133964694460.png - ( 326.03KB , 459x417 , stoutsbeouttacontrol.png [iqdb] )
Look at the little guy go!
>> No. 3644 ID: e3e59d4b
File 133972775982.jpg - ( 204.12KB , 640x480 , Spoiler Picture.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3647 ID: 7c121d43
File 133979862992.jpg - ( 139.03KB , 1279x716 , 1334124245433.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3650 ID: 68bc1ead
File 133995179954.jpg - ( 107.81KB , 476x850 , 600447313.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3654 ID: 8c72ba6e
File 134004252076.jpg - ( 74.01KB , 341x341 , nipa_icon.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 3657 ID: f26e4d53

More big that Charlotte or Katherine O_O
>> No. 6048 ID: d36d5cd9
File 137122941176.png - ( 936.75KB , 500x500 , 17152951_full.png [iqdb] )
Does helma allow APNGs?

Anyways, Nipa is too popular.
>> No. 6049 ID: 35a6b007
>Does helma allow APNGs?

Apparently it does.
>> No. 6050 ID: d36d5cd9
Well, no reason not to.

Only some kind of special asshole *cough*moot*cough* would bother to specifically disable them, since they're 100% backwards compatible with normal PNGs.
>> No. 6051 ID: 81fc56e5
Yup, that's the beauty of the png file type. It has all its data laid out in chunks, and if the renderer doesn't know how to interpret a specific chunk (provided it's a non-critical one) it can just skip over it.
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