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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 148387742653.png - ( 2.31 MB , 960x1280 , IMG_3151.png [iqdb] )
12216 No. 12216 ID: cee9e7a7 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Georgette vs Ramen Neuroi

File 148372458683.png - ( 600.71 KB , 600x750 , file-3(1.png [iqdb] )
12210 No. 12210 ID: ed5bb494 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Does anyone have an archive of the game cards? Or something similar? Because there may be some I missed.
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12213 ID: ecce5b03
File 148375117068.png - ( 484.33 KB , 600x700 , 0006.png [iqdb] )
There is also
>> No. 12214 ID: 144423ce

That does seem like a much better solution.
>> No. 12215 ID: d632451c
When I'm out of bed, I will upload all the cards I have saved from an archive I found a while ago, it's by no means complete

File 148336434512.jpg - ( 1.49 MB , 2592x1944 , 1483318834174.jpg [iqdb] )
12198 No. 12198 ID: f58c1536 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>claims to have 80 dakis
>posts pic related
Okay, which one of you was this?

Are there even that many witch dakimakuras?
>> No. 12199 ID: dcf0aac5
There are quite a lot actually, but nowhere close to 80

I'd there's around 20 witch dakis.
>> No. 12205 ID: 7096e534
A man of taste
>> No. 12208 ID: 70ffa3a3
File 148349916579.jpg - ( 272.19 KB , 1920x1433 , 148096932735.jpg [iqdb] )
Only I have two

File 148313614498.jpg - ( 1.14 MB , 800x1131 , 33270247_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
12173 No. 12173 ID: cfaf1367 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Alright, since I'm starting to upload doujinshis I'm going to need some help translating them. Does anyone know a type of service I can use? Also there are old ones I need translated. If there's a service is it cheap or free? Would they translate lewd pictures?
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12187 ID: 5a3a794d
Heads up: you posted the same link.
>> No. 12189 ID: b71f7d8a

Crap. My bad. Here's the second one I was referring to:
>> No. 12191 ID: 4165e614
Anyone can translate this doujinshi?

File 148057922111.jpg - ( 98.11 KB , 800x1074 , 1.jpg [iqdb] )
11976 No. 11976 ID: c346354f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Like last year, there's a Christmas witch advent calendar for this December again!
Everyday around UTC midnight when the day changes, there will be a festive Christmas witchy picture to warm up into the holiday spirits.
So look forward to it!

With that said, let's begin.

- Door 1 -
37 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12164 ID: f9f777b5
File 148309761999.jpg - ( 1.93 MB , 3872x2592 , 3.jpg [iqdb] )
And from the inside, I was greeted by three big neatly wrapped boxes and a cute Santa Eila card.
Least to say I was really damn pumped up to see what was hidden inside.
>> No. 12165 ID: f9f777b5
File 148309784693.jpg - ( 2.24 MB , 3872x2592 , 7.jpg [iqdb] )
One by one unwrapping them, I couldn't believe my eyes for what was there.
Alter Eila, figma Eila and a nendo Miyafuji.. So happy I was punching the air for hour and giggling like a little girl, and still am.
Santa really splurged on me.. especially since I took part in $25-50 bracket. Geeze.

Did any of you participate in /ss/ this Christmas? If so, what did you guys get?
>> No. 12190 ID: a116a114
File 148328393813.jpg - ( 407.17 KB , 2400x1877 , Eilanya Christmas lights - somalisu39.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy New Year folks.

Can't wait for the Eilanya OVA this year.

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12111 No. 12111 ID: e4250de0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
RIP Dora
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>> No. 12126 ID: eb29fbbb
I wonder if I were in the group and they didnt know that I quickly sniff her ass and leave quickly before they see me flash second?
>> No. 12178 ID: 71f4d30e
File 148315604682.jpg - ( 350.88 KB , 1800x1018 , tfw run out of ink.jpg [iqdb] )
I made myself sit and watch this, mostly for reported Eilanya goodness. Omg, everything in the show went downhill, especially the animation. This is some Bubblegum Crisis 2040-tier decay in quality. I was cracking up at how bad the basic art is, plus the low frame rates. Did SL run out of time or money or both? Unless Sanya is nude sunbathing by herself on the roof of the Kremlin for the entire 20 minutes I am not bothering with the finale.

It's not that I ever wanted the season to suck. But since it does I don't see the point in avoiding saying it. I can't think of anything that I admire about it. Even the music was lousy, and the score for the two 501st seasons is something that shines imho for how sweet and warm and comfy it is. I hope somebody took Takamura out behind the shed and slapped his shit.
>> No. 12181 ID: 9939be38
>characters further away from "camera" placement are poorly drawn

Never seen an anime before kiddo?

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12144 No. 12144 ID: 2d6b9eb6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
It's the finale.

What are your thoughts and feelings on the final episode, ending and the season in general?
6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12161 ID: 35db5f08
I also wanna see more of sexy Finnish big sis
>> No. 12170 ID: 4da5d77a
The thing that really bugged me was they made this big deal out of how absolute eye can see the core, but weakens her shield so without support she's incredibly vulnerable.

But she was with an entire wing that could have acted as support. And instead she decides to fly off ahead of them and not mention she's about to do the thing that leaves her super vulnerable and needs their help.
>> No. 12177 ID: 499f4cc7
Guess they needed to show us how much of a dumbass Takami really is

Then again, the Witches were never recruited for their intelligence levels to begin with

File 148312397411.jpg - ( 246.54 KB , 2152x3016 , 01.jpg [iqdb] )
12166 No. 12166 ID: fb66591e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm having some problems, I uploaded this doujinshi to sad panda and I'm unable to tag the artist's name in it. Also when I search up the "strike witches" tag, it doesn't show for me even though I put in that tag.
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>> No. 12169 ID: 4bcb1a68
Thanks a lot for scanning!
>> No. 12171 ID: b587826d
File 148313113545.jpg - ( 755.34 KB , 2080x3048 , Nishiki and Amaki - kyougoku shin.jpg [iqdb] )
Well there you have it, it's up now. By the way you should add Ulrich's artist name to the title like doujins usually have.
Neat art by Ulrich, and of course Shin is the guest artist again. Thanks for the scan.
>> No. 12172 ID: ab20e391
No prob! Oh and someone already added Ulrich's name, I added Shins just now too.

File 147407791218.png - ( 539.78 KB , 800x650 , Helmarathon 2016.png [iqdb] )
11467 No. 11467 ID: 9ecf7ec0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Seeing how the Brave Witches are flying closer and soon conquering the TV again made me want to do something essential before it, and what better could it be than an entire marathon of the Strike Witches franchise so far!

Thus during the last weekend of September and October's start 30th - 2nd, I'm holding a marathon stream for the entire series.

Tell your weeb friends, witches and other folks (hopefully no reddit and tumblr) who might be interested and hop in if possible for some striker aviation, witches, neuroi shenanigans and butt times.
If there's even one person besides me over the weekend, I'm more than happy.
See picture for the info for now. I'll present at a later date the stream site and rest of the necessary stuff which I'm working on.
92 posts and 59 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12154 ID: 0fe0402a
File 14830452285.jpg - ( 733.77 KB , 1100x1400 , Santa Eilanya Merry Christmas - hydrocarbon.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 12155 ID: 0fe0402a
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Final stream starting!
>> No. 12158 ID: 0fe0402a
File 148305458193.jpg - ( 71.50 KB , 959x592 , Santa Eilanya nendo 1 - 0000 3901.jpg [iqdb] )
Thank you everyone who had the time to come join us weekly.
It was a ride, albeit bumpy, but a ride nonetheless.
Next stop's going to be most likely the OVA4 next year, but who knows. Might have something else before it.

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12080 No. 12080 ID: cc1bb25d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
At least the battle animation was slightly better this time around.
Still bad though.
9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12105 ID: 21ff7d46
File 148225797364.jpg - ( 193.65 KB , 2208x1242 , img_0403.jpg [iqdb] )
It's a mixed bag. Some people enjoy it. Most people don't. I for one enjoy it for what it is, but it definitely doesn't compare to the original series. There's all sorts of quality issues from the writing to the art to the abysmal CG. The first 2 episodes were great, though; probably the best of the season. So when everything goes downhill it's easy to see why people get upset.
>> No. 12108 ID: 7062a814
Yep, accurate
>> No. 12109 ID: d0c80634
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