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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 132381239541.jpg - ( 101.46KB , 640x902 , 975335_142555_front.jpg [iqdb] )
1755 No. 1755 ID: 4fffeff8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This game for xbox 360 is exclusive....But why CyberFront dont consider made a port for PlayStation 3 if in Japan there is 7.6 millions vs 1.5 xbox 360?

I just hope that next year this game can be in the Sony console.
25 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2126 ID: c5d71115
I'll just leave this here:
>> No. 2151 ID: d7264732
File 132729940233.jpg - ( 783.73KB , 1280x960 , sc_sw_05.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2167 ID: ae4bdaf1

Hah, I remember finding that mod before they had a moddb page. I even did some modding to combine it with the FHSW mod.

File 132731064927.jpg - ( 256.52KB , 600x796 , 1327295544306.jpg [iqdb] )
2154 No. 2154 ID: 7c5c2c6e hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Sanya Figma inbound. Wondering who is up after her.
>> No. 2157 ID: faf5b264
If figma have the five stupid girls of k-on and MUCH versions of Suzumiya Haruri's characters, why not the 11 witches?

File 132684983269.jpg - ( 132.65KB , 679x1320 , 1325989321058.jpg [iqdb] )
2078 No. 2078 ID: bee0701b hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Yasheku become meguca and power my warlock!
>> No. 2140 ID: 82be783b
File 132718024559.jpg - ( 289.16KB , 848x1200 , 132168002671.jpg [iqdb] )
Crossover thread in /ot/

File 132651220240.jpg - ( 906.01KB , 2319x1536 , IMGP1706.jpg [iqdb] )
2061 No. 2061 ID: 7d6ac52f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2077 ID: 5384a89a
File 132684424423.jpg - ( 302.40KB , 1000x897 , CIMG7989.jpg [iqdb] )

What's wrong with your gun?
>> No. 2079 ID: 4ef47d6d
Looks like a reflection of the local light source.
>> No. 2080 ID: 8df20b2e
Then you should probably do something about it, that sum is clearly wrong.

File 13265219015.jpg - ( 217.79KB , 850x1151 , SW Keiko Char cover.jpg [iqdb] )
2066 No. 2066 ID: 890188a5 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Since I no longer give a damn about the silly anime.. and sticking to the Africa manga, are there new volumes/chapters about the 31st?
>> No. 2069 ID: 8a50e553
There's got Sphinx's witches vol.4 in C81.

Also, the comptiq has the original Witches in Africa Manga for commercial publish.(It's going out at 1/26.)

File 13263172871.jpg - ( 125.02KB , 512x800 , 493809990.jpg [iqdb] )
2052 No. 2052 ID: a5f9fd56 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Happy Birthday Edytha Rossmann
>> No. 2053 ID: 80f4e760
File 132631735680.jpg - ( 42.18KB , 600x848 , 493988091.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy Birthday.
>> No. 2058 ID: efcf97cd
File 132637491531.jpg - ( 150.24KB , 602x1052 , 494236380.jpg [iqdb] )

File 132617957526.jpg - ( 26.15KB , 234x375 , 234px-Luciana.jpg [iqdb] )
2047 No. 2047 ID: d9b5ad6d hide watch quickreply [Reply]
The first witch´s birthday of the year

I love The Pantaloni Rossi
>> No. 2048 ID: d9b5ad6d
File 132618006575.jpg - ( 125.81KB , 720x800 , 726d801d68bb276d8f620f7246eebfa4bb08345b.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 2049 ID: 2ca68da5
File 132626744019.jpg - ( 19.33KB , 400x262 , In my pants red pants Luciana.jpg [iqdb] )
rawr, luciana.

No. 2034 ID: cb5ae0c0 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
  You know, on TV recently I just watched an old movie from 1960... a GOOD movie, a damn good movie.


Frank Sinatra
Dean Martin
Sammy Davis, Jr.
Peter Lawford
Joey Bishop


Angie Dickinson

It was a very nice thing to see, very classy. And afterward, do you know what the very first thing I wanted to see and hear was? Either Shirley or Minna singing "Eee O Eleven..."

...and a movie or a manga called "Yeager's Eleven."
>> No. 2039 ID: c6559e95
This seems pretty ridiculous for a thread, especially since we have two shitty threads that already achieve the same thing.
>> No. 2043 ID: cb5ae0c0
No no no! I want a Strike Witches equivalent of Ocean's Eleven! If not with the 501st JFW then another group! It was about eleven members of the 82nd Airborne raiding the top casinos of Las Vegas back in 1960. Can you imagine the girls doing that? And the girls would sing this song beautifully.

We'd see more of Minna in that gorgeous red dress! Just think of the possibilities under all that red!

And Shirley... she'd fit right into the shoes of Danny Ocean just amazingly! It'd make a good read, and good art.
>> No. 2044 ID: 92af0e78
File 132609145722.jpg - ( 647.57KB , 2591x3624 , 23892389 - (梅吉@C81三日目東L16b♪ - オxe3.jpg [iqdb] )
Looks like Japan's already on it

File 131053651656.jpg - ( 177.82KB , 1750x619 , argh2.jpg [iqdb] )
60 No. 60 ID: 93fd67ae hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Don't forget about them
39 posts and 36 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2024 ID: 93fd67ae
Not sure how to feel about this
>> No. 2027 ID: 8440c8b0
Man, I just glanced through these earlier and gave a chuckle. Thanks for pointing out >>2009
>> No. 2029 ID: a54171bd
>guy nipa

File 13253457357.jpg - ( 338.14KB , 705x1052 , 24038923.jpg [iqdb] )
1956 No. 1956 ID: 7f40d87f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
It's the year of the dragon so fanart about that is expected
15 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1988 ID: 7f40d87f
File 132551926318.jpg - ( 556.32KB , 1052x711 , 24104693.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1995 ID: 7f40d87f
File 132560337675.jpg - ( 107.07KB , 800x551 , 488168158.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1996 ID: 44394ec6
>Sweater-patterned bikini

I am equal parts yotsuba_glorious.jpg and whut.jpg

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