No. 12612
ID: 5dce71a5
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Had a very detailed dream with Perrine H. Clostermann about a year ago. I ran into her at a music festival of sorts, after chatting we decided to go get food and come back. While trying to to get something to eat, we got into a street fight with people downtown that had knives, trying to jump us for our belongings. Needless to say, her abilities were far greater than mine but we did fair well. Woke up right after the fight ended in a state of panic. It was so detailed, when she used her magic and her ears and tails came out I even heard the little sound effect that occurs in anime. Odd to admit considering the dream I just had, I'm not much of a fan of Perrine at all. However, after that dream I certainly do have a bit of more respect for her. -MaikazeFD3S