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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 132094800936.jpg - ( 79.80KB , 450x720 , 12573961.jpg [iqdb] )
1304 No. 1304 ID: 99379fdf hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
It's her birthday already in Japan

Happy Birthday Krupi!
40 posts and 39 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1361 ID: 9c3004b1
File 132105951891.jpg - ( 24.72KB , 350x300 , waltrud has an armrest.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1362 ID: 5046668e
File 13210713925.jpg - ( 193.27KB , 600x617 , waltrud gives out huggles.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1363 ID: 5046668e
File 132107500710.jpg - ( 85.25KB , 500x400 , waltrud and BUNNYSUIT.jpg [iqdb] )

File 132069672779.jpg - ( 222.29KB , 768x1024 , 22920204_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
1283 No. 1283 ID: 1fdfde52 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Pictures tell the story well enough
7 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1291 ID: 1fdfde52
File 132069693964.jpg - ( 209.37KB , 768x1024 , 22920204_p8.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1293 ID: 29145915
File 132072641899.jpg - ( 43.51KB , 450x508 , 1317882784495.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1294 ID: 81da4d8d
That was heart-warming.

File 132008815414.jpg - ( 338.81KB , 1071x1600 , DSC07436kl.jpg [iqdb] )
1210 No. 1210 ID: 92cdbdb6 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Früh übt sich...
>> No. 1216 ID: a88a3c2d
That's fucking awesome
>> No. 1218 ID: fabd10f4
Starting em' off right.

File 131883266787.jpg - ( 267.99KB , 1024x768 , sw_wesnoth.jpg [iqdb] )
3051 No. 3051 ID: 16510799 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I was bored recently and decided to see how well Battle for Wesnoth would work as a game engine for a Strike Witches mod. Turns out, not too bad!

It is hardly complete, and not really playable. I am still getting the hang of editing units, and making sprites is time-consuming. I figured I would share what I have so far and get some feedback on what direction I should take this.

At the moment, I have very simple sprites for the 501st (pic related). No attack/idle/movement animations yet. I don't have Neuroi sprites for enemies, so they're fighting Griffons (that's canon right?). I personally feel the graphics are a low priority, and can be polished later. No unit portraits (graphic next to HP/XP on right side) either.

There is no story yet, although I guess I could try to emulate the first season. Thoughts? I would like to start off with something simple so I can release it sooner. Once something is made, it will be much easier to keep it going and not become vapourware.

Unit stats and accuracy is pretty basic. I don't have a power level type chart comparing the witches, so they're all fairly similar, but I kinda know their weapons/abilities.

It's all based on Wesnoth's engine, which if you are unfamiliar has some restrictions:
- no ranged attack, units must attack on adjacent tiles. Instead, have multiple attack types (blunt, pierce, etc).
- Scripting events is pretty 'easy'. Have to understand the Wesnoth DSL for config files though.
- Some other things I am forgetting that make some cool stuff impossible

I am also not sure about legality. This would be a free mod, and releasing it also makes it open source. If really necessary it could be a mod which is based in a Strike Witches like universe, but that wouldn't be as fun.

tl;dr - free unfinished fan-made turn-based strike witches game
>> No. 3052 ID: 16510799
Derp, mixed up the subject/name/email fields
>> No. 3053 ID: e9bf4e39
Looks awesome! Please keep up your work! I would love to give it a try!
>> No. 3054 ID: 16510799
I threw what I had up on bitbucket:

You can try it, but you won't get far, as there isn't much to do (yet). I'm going to try to make a few other missions (without story) to get a feel for using the engine, as this is the first mod I've made for it.

File 131890035699.jpg - ( 129.35KB , 850x499 , sample-939c24cf2de2f14c20854bc8442b6b37.jpg [iqdb] )
1104 No. 1104 ID: 1e32436f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I've been wondering (simply out of curiosity)why the jet-striker units almost always look like the artist just got lazy and split the aircraft. The ME-262 Striker in season 2 looked like just that, a striker unit, while anything in fanart or even made by more well-known artists looks like a shooped jet.
32 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1202 ID: b57eb3be
Relax, guys.
>> No. 1236 ID: 1e32436f
Dear god what have I done...
>> No. 1245 ID: b57bc43d

that striker set-up actually looks better than most derpyfox, though

File 132009628151.png - ( 23.42KB , 400x400 , that-feel1.png [iqdb] )
1222 No. 1222 ID: e6f402e5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
>that feel when this time last year season 2 was airing
>that feel when movie is taking forever and never has news
>that feel when there is shit loads of non anime media and you can't read it all
>that feel when nothing Strike Witches related that isn't the anime will EVER come to your country
>that feel when there are more Strike Witches characters than Touhou characters
that fucking feel when [Underwater] and .mkv
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1246 ID: 51003d9d

>I hope the dropbox is updated often

It's not, not much happens actually so there isn't much need for it. should have most of the stuff that's marked as translated on the wiki, if not mediafire most likely removed it and you should bitch about it somewhere on this board so it can be uploaded again.

As for the light novels - britfag seems to be working on them, at least he updates the wiki every few months, so he might still be alive. No actually new material though.

Also, as >>1134 mentioned, this isn't 4chan, let's try to express ourselves without
>> No. 1247 ID: e6f402e5
>It's not, not much happens actually so there isn't much need for it.
Didn't the new Zero chapter just come out? And isn't Isle of Wight still getting translated?
I'm not sure I'm just asking.

Has anyone else tried translating the light novels? Are the character CDs, Starlight Streams,OA radio show(what does OA even stand for?) video games, and spin off manga canon?
>> No. 1248 ID: 51003d9d

not much ≠ never
It gets updated when new stuff gets posted here (Zero, Wight, Radio), but it's mostly raw, so not much of interest for the average non-Japanese person.

As for the Wight manga, the translator is busy with other stuff, so only the first two chapters are done.

Don't know if there are other TLs working on stuff because I stopped following 4chan.

As for the canon questions, sort of maybe yes until specifically otherwise stated.

File 131994410429.jpg - ( 193.74KB , 819x1024 , 22701097.jpg [iqdb] )
1174 No. 1174 ID: 172b4713 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Do the witches and world celebrate it?
17 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1232 ID: 3e5bc15e
File 132010596618.jpg - ( 339.49KB , 2592x1944 , SW_Pumpkin1.jpg [iqdb] )
Made this a few years ago just after season one. Turned out pretty well, I think.
>> No. 1233 ID: 3e5bc15e
File 132010600364.jpg - ( 336.47KB , 2592x1944 , SW_Pumpkin2.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1235 ID: 636da6ed
31st is also Keiko's BD. Or should I create another thread for BDs?

File 131670424118.jpg - ( 476.49KB , 1782x1440 , 1316674913953.jpg [iqdb] )
866 No. 866 ID: 6347f3fd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So somebody felt the world needed a Junko figure.
18 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1206 ID: 16ef77a5
Strutting through a warzone while adjusting glasses.jpg

Even if it's a prize fig, that looks rather derpy.
>> No. 1207 ID: 3c365805
Now that you say it yeah, that looks derpy
>> No. 1209 ID: 10d6b325

i don't really get the tail.
as for strutting through a warzone adjusting her glasses, this fig is obviously after she got the kill

File 131831661517.jpg - ( 77.82KB , 400x631 , cover.jpg [iqdb] )
978 No. 978 ID: f0155cdd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
sexy calender thread
13 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1041 ID: b840478e
File 131845537015.jpg - ( 89.16KB , 400x633 , Calendar7.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1137 ID: b2195b44
File 131920382010.jpg - ( 59.17KB , 300x420 , cvcvcv.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1150 ID: 754cb02e
File 131952600898.jpg - ( 33.75KB , 720x480 , thousand yard stare.jpg [iqdb] )
She's stylin on them

File 131829586099.png - ( 507.28KB , 853x480 , PDVD_1014.png [iqdb] )
970 No. 970 ID: aaf9ad94 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
I was thinking about posting a bunch of screencaps from the DVDs. Sorry about the black marks on the sides, my screen is too wide for widescreen format...

If anyone can confirm why Sakamoto's eye is normal that would be nice, I think it's because her magic is too weak for it too activate, but that's just me...
80 posts and 76 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1095 ID: 0c20d061
File 131860821842.png - ( 1.74MB , 1920x1080 , Eyecatch11.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 1096 ID: 0c20d061
File 131860824882.png - ( 1.77MB , 1920x1080 , Eyecatch12.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 1097 ID: dd965d4e
File 131873344767.png - ( 544.67KB , 852x480 , grab21500.png [iqdb] )
Scene improvement: 100%

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