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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 148142282512.png - ( 1.90 MB , 1920x1080 , 001240rducq.png [iqdb] )
12032 No. 12032 ID: 8736efd5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Now that the movie has finally been released, I thought we could talk about the dub. I'm sure i'm not the only one who here is a fan of the dub. If you liked the dub, what stands out to you?

Honestly, I was pretty disappointed in the film. Most of the characters didn't seem to fit back in their roles. In the original dub, Leigh Cherami played Yoshika as a lovable spaz, which made her pretty endearing. But in the film, she just sounded so generic. Erica, Perrine, and especially Minna really didn't fit. I still don't know if I should blame lazy acting or bad writing (yes, the film itself is also poorly written). On the other hand, the Trude and Shirley VO's were solidly on point as usual. And Lucchini, who was my least favorite during the series, somehow was one of my favorites in the movie. Go figure.
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>> No. 12050 ID: 53736e96

In reality she would be speaking English with an authentic German accent, and probably just German in the scenes with other Karlslanders. I'm not saying they should have made the dub that way, but it's the case none the less. Basically we can assume that we don't know most of the witches' 'true voice'.

Regarding the second point, American actors doing bad foreign accents would appeal to most people for the comedy aspect, which would set it apart from normal boring dubs at the very least.
>> No. 12051 ID: 2bf03971
>Whenever American VAs try to do foreign accents, they sound terrible.
Not what I said
>> No. 12057 ID: cc9c8e15
It kind of annoyed the hell out of me that Shizuka kept switching between calling superior officers "Sir" and their rank.

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12013 No. 12013 ID: 3056b2c0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Break Witches episode, now with new member Hikari.
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>> No. 12024 ID: 1e4cd07a
File 14813037073.jpg - ( 374.18 KB , 2778x475 , S1 neuroi.jpg [iqdb] )
Wow, that makes the cgi models and action look even worse than it already is. Like it comes out now really obvious how poor quality the models are. Also for opening, what they did is just why tier.

I'm sorry you feel that planes are ''boring old'' to you. Especially when the S1 neurois were the absolute best in design and historical references department and this is about real life aces as witches fighting them in aerial combat.
Episode 9 neuroi was the most why tier so far in this entire season. There's nothing good to its design or how it acted out as a foe.
>> No. 12028 ID: e2decf49
File 148133146537.jpg - ( 67.18 KB , 1024x576 , strike-witches-review-screenshot-01.jpg [iqdb] )
Yeah, I find the neuroi that are designed off of real military aircraft (especially modern aircraft) look much more sinister. Something about that familiar, yet unfamiliar look. I have to agree, the neuroi this season are pretty 'meh' because of that.
>> No. 12043 ID: c6e39e08
Looks like Projekt World Witches needs to collaborate with Project Aces so we'll able to see a Neuroified heavy command cruisers & the UAVs..

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11998 No. 11998 ID: 8d0ce167 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
One of 4chan /u/'s veteran fanfic writers decided to pick up strike witches and put out an early concept of what the story will be based on.
The characters scheduled to make up the 567th are pic related

I'm running around and spreading the word because I like this author's work a lot and actually want this one to get made and not be forgotten. Tell me what you think, I'll make sure to get any complaints and suggestions back to the writer!
I didn't see anything in the rules about fanfic not being allowed but if this is frowned upon here, I'll delete it.

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11973 No. 11973 ID: 9aef3f94 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
So, how bout it?

Delicious bed hair Krupi at least from Fumi.
>> No. 11974 ID: 147fc5ba
File 148055273527.jpg - ( 406.01 KB , 1920x1080 , ss+(2016-11-30+at+06_02_47.jpg [iqdb] )
All that mattered this episode.

Also Krupi is really growing on me for her drinking tendencies. Bro tier girl booze and cute witches.
>> No. 11977 ID: 5f0f222d
File 148058124548.png - ( 1.45 MB , 1920x1090 , vlcsnap-2016-12-01-03h32m19s676.png [iqdb] )
> tfw you'll never have a cute British Witch tending to your injuries
>> No. 11979 ID: 9aef3f94
File 148060696854.jpg - ( 952.79 KB , 2868x1080 , Krupi treated in bed by cute Brit.jpg [iqdb] )
All these years, Krupi managed to hide her breasts so well with the clothes, that or Fumi and the animation team decided to 'magic boost' her too.
They really rival Shirley's shirleys if not bigger actually.

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11953 No. 11953 ID: f947afab hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
An OK episode IMO, went by a little fast, loved the little cameo though.
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>> No. 11970 ID: 143b3e29
Finally got over the initial disappointment and watched latest 6 episodes.

I just can't enjoy this, no matter how much I want to. Overreliance on CG, poor animation, worse fight scene direction than ever before and the shoehorned MC will never stop feeling out place. Kill me.
>> No. 11971 ID: 7aeabf5f
File 148042619910.jpg - ( 66.50 KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Brave Witches - 07 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg [iqdb] )
One more day until the next episode.
I think I love Edytha's reactions to Krupi's antics as much as I love the antics themselves. Next ep should be great.
>> No. 11972 ID: 5012ee5a
File 14805001275.jpg - ( 1.33 MB , 1920x2094 , Krupi with a tree.jpg [iqdb] )
We just gotta do what we have and enjoy the little bits there's to it, while accepting the negatives.

That Edy face is really amusing at least.

File 147933683347.jpg - ( 787.14 KB , 1920x1080 , Sasha key visual - fumikane.jpg [iqdb] )
11928 No. 11928 ID: bc784dec hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Let's discuss the Sasha and Nipa episode.

What did you guys think of it?
So far the best episode with least Hikari around to meddle Sasha and Nipa moments.
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>> No. 11933 ID: 33b07b33
what the fuck is with these neuroi designs
>> No. 11942 ID: b275e9eb
I loved Sasha in this one, her loli appearance even more so.

When she was feeling down because of the other kid's reaction, it really made me feel sad for her. I hope she had the chance to make up with them.

Also, Nipa continues to grow on me more and more. She's hands down my favourite 502nd witch now, even though I was focused on the Karlsland girls in the beginning.

Apart from that, the Neuroi design this season is a bit weird to say the least, but I'm not complaining about that, as it brings a bit of variety.

The CGI on the other hand is a disgrace and makes those fights very unmemorable and bland.
>> No. 11944 ID: 066033f6
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It's not like she doesn't have a cool and serious personality still, but that doesn't mean she isn't swayed by emotions. She's a good girl.

Magic. The town neuroi was goofy, not really sure what to make of its design. The artillery neuroi was just lame weird big thing with a projectile cannon that shoots explosive spearheads. The whole artillery thing was cool though.

Nipa is and has been the best 502nd, now six years in a row.

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11918 No. 11918 ID: 7862ab06 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
4chan /tg/ here, trying to run a game, looking for any setting info I can get. It's a pain in the ass trying to piece it together with what little I can find on my own. Any help would be nice. Thanks.
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>> No. 11924 ID: 6fa9da3a
Well, I assume you already use the SW wiki for information about the countries which pretty much have the rough information written out.
As for Balkan region, I don't think that has been covered ever in the franchise.

The first big thing to know I guess is that Ostmark was the country that got hit hardest by the neuroi in the early stages of war and eventually fell into ruins and rubble with millions dying and the rest evacuating elsewhere. And other countries didn't really give a shit about them till the neuroi advanced to west and east.
Also China is a huge uninhabited wasteland for some very Japanese reason. There's also a huge fantasy island in the Pacific full of resources and shit for the Fuso empire to be the world police.
>> No. 11936 ID: 7862ab06
I don't suppose you lot have translated humikane's tweets?
>> No. 11941 ID: 58aa476b
There are translated tweets in the Fumikane twitter thread; >>406

File 147872161697.jpg - ( 344.15 KB , 2560x1440 , 2016-11-09_19-51-12.jpg [iqdb] )
11889 No. 11889 ID: 56235325 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Blunt head trauma
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>> No. 11901 ID: cf1703a4
Jack Churchill would smile at that solution to this weeks' Neuroi problem I'm sure.
>> No. 11903 ID: aa4fbe3f
File 147888298232.jpg - ( 69.24 KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Brave Witches - 05 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg [iqdb] )
>You will never share your body heat in a blizzard with a couple of witches
The pain.

Another enjoyable episode this week. Anon above is right, the CG use was much more tolerable this time around, but even aside from that is was a fun watch.
Pic related had me chuckle.
>> No. 11906 ID: 1058f8bb
I half expected her to pull a Mina and actually enjoy it.

File 147811374921.jpg - ( 461.90 KB , 2560x1440 , 2016-11-02_19-00-19.jpg [iqdb] )
11820 No. 11820 ID: 57ddbf8d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Same shit different week
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>> No. 11873 ID: 8559ada3
File 147846574563.jpg - ( 297.52 KB , 1920x1080 , Hikari feet 3.jpg [iqdb] )
They will be towel-less for the BD's, right? Right?

So many feet shots in this episode.
>> No. 11876 ID: 66dbeaf5
Well, Eilanya & Yoshika are still wearing their towels in the S1 E6..
>> No. 11877 ID: 8559ada3
Yeah, but they got the sauna thing right for S2 properly from the start, even without BD's.
S1 I'd understand having a lack of information regarding northern saunas.

File 133607048263.jpg - ( 56.04KB , 286x400 , andorra_png.jpg [iqdb] )
3395 No. 3395 ID: 1ffcc691 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Strike witches: The witches of Andorra has been release for free via Nico Nico Seiga. This is an English translation with only English text and can be found here:

Registration for the site is free (and your Niconico account works the same for this site and it's possible to register in English).

However, free English releases like this will only continue if the initial release sees enough support.

"Please visit the site and give them feedback. That is the only way more material like this can come about. - Dan Kanemitsu

So ripping the manga from the site will only hinder future releases of Strike witches, at least, with an English translation.
56 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 11857 ID: ff9b55a9
Nice dump. I did a quick job of removing the edges and splitting it into single pages and put it up in the goddess so it doesn't get lost again.

Also here but it won't last:
>> No. 11859 ID: 5e53d2ac
Thank you very very very much!!!!
*huuugs* :D
>> No. 11872 ID: c3c927ac
>Where did you get them from?

I have this whole folder of Nogami Takeshi works.

Was honestly surprised to see that I had the translated version there. Can't really remember where I got it from. I think it was from one of those dead SW archives? I dunno.

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